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  • Title of document: Myanmar: Analysis of Farm Production Economics


    Authors: World Bank

    Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: World Bank

    Year of publication: 2016

    Geographic focus: Myanmar

    Url original document: https://www.google.la/?gws_rd=cr&ei=wzpZV9G3Cp6UvQTSr6CwAQ#q=Myanmar:+Analysis+of+Farm+Production+Economics


    Both World Bank and Livelihoods and Food Security Multi-Donor Trust Fund (LIFT) are actively involved in supporting Myanmar’s agriculture sector given its significance in poverty reduction and food security, and they both consider the lack of reliable farm data to be a significant constraint to designing effective programs and policies. This report fills some of the data gaps. The presentated results are based on a 2013/14 Myanmar agricultural survey of 1,728 farm households in four regions of Myanmar that covered major crops grown in the surveyed regions during the monsoon and dry seasons. These crops include beans and pulses, oil seeds, and maize.