ValueLinks Introductory Training Seminar in Khmer language, November 21-25 2016, Cambodia

ValueLinks Introductory Training Seminar in Khmer language, November 21-25 2016, Cambodia

ValueLinks Introductory Training Seminar in Khmer language, Siem Reap, Cambodia

There is widespread agreement that economic growth is a precondition for reducing poverty. Development policy aims at generating “pro-poor growth”, creating jobs for the poor and providing small-scale enterpreneurs with new opportunities. It is in this context that “value chain promotion” has emerged as a key concept of economic development. The value chain approach helps development programmes to address issues of economic change that are critical for the poor. In the era of globalisation, these are mainly related to the competitiveness of food production, rural industries, tourism and handicrafts that provide livelihoods for a large number of people. In most weak economies, business communities need to get much better organised and become more market-oriented. The investment of government and private enterprises has to be coordinated. Building on these ideas, GIZ has developed an action-oriented methodology called ValueLinks that compiles the most important tools for value chain promotion. It provides the framework for a systematic approach to strengthening national and regional competitiveness and includes know-how for organisations and public agencies active in the field of economic development.

Objectives of the seminar
The objective is to enhance the skills of participants in designing, implementing and monitoring value chain upgrading projects. The know-how covers both technical subjects and facilitation skills to work with groups of entrepreneurs, business associations and public institutions.

The seminar is organised by IDC Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Germany, which conducts ValueLinks training seminars regularly in different countries.
IDC has a strong regional focus on Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and works in the region in a number of projects for GIZ, ITC and others since 2006. This will be IDC’s sixth ValueLinks workshop in Cambodia after four successful events in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, and April 2016. For further information and impressions of last seminars, see


The training seminar is intended to serve consultants, planners and practitioners working in government agencies, consulting firms, business associations or development cooperation active in economic development in Southeast Asia.

Main contents of the training seminar

The seminar gives participants a profound introduction into the concept and methodology of ValueLinks, which is one of the most recognised VC development approaches and currently implemented by a large number of programmes worldwide. The training follows an interactive method, in which the presentation of concepts, facts and methodology alternates with exercises to apply hands-on tools and know-how to concrete cases. Participants apply the concepts in working group sessions and get insight into real-world practice during a field trip.

In particular, the training covers the following subjects:

    • Designing value chain promotion projects at the interface of sustainable economic development and pro-poor growth, 

    • Selecting high potential value chains,

    • Mapping and analysing value chains,

    • Developing a vision and strategy for chain upgrading, 

    • Process design and facilitation skills for working with chain actors,
    • Introducing innovative business models,

    • Facilitating horizontal and vertical market linkages,
    • Strengthening improved business services supply and demand

    • Improving access to financial services, 

    • Introducing standards on product quality and safety,
    • Improving the business climate of value chains,

  • Conducting impact monitoring in value chain projects.

Training Material
Participants will receive a complete set of ValueLinks presentations and additional information on value chain promotion in form of a seminar binder and USB stick.
The seminar will start early on Monday morning, November 21, and will last until Friday afternoon, November 25. Participants are recommended to arrive on Sunday evening, November 20.

The seminar language will be Khmer.


The seminar will take place at the Steung Siem Reap Hotel, see The charming Cambodian boutique hotel with French colonial architecture and 76 rooms located in the French quarter in the city centre of Siem Reap, just a few km from the international airport, provides a perfect setting for a relaxed and concentrated workshop atmosphere.


The seminar will be facilitated by a local Cambodian ValueLinks trainer and Mr. Alfons Eiligmann, General Manager of the IDC Unternehmensberatung GmbH and board member of the International ValueLinks Association e.V. ( He has 25 years experience in SME development and has facilitated more than 70 VC promotion training courses in Africa, Asia, Europe and America. He is regularly on short-term assignments in Cambodia/Vietnam/Laos/Thailand on behalf of ITC, GIZ and other organizations.

Registration and Fees
The training fee is EUR 900 per participant (with registration until July 31) and EUR 1,100 per participant with registration after July 31, 2016.
The training fees cover the cost of the training, training materials as well as lunch and coffee breaks. Please note that transportation, accommodation, breakfast/dinner and other expenses are to be covered by the participants.

More detailed information on course content and an on-line registration form can be found on our website or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

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