The 36th International Vegetable Training Course (IVTC) organized by World Vegetable Centre East and Southeast Asia/Oceania will be divided into two modules.
The objectives of the training course are to prepare participants to alleviate hunger and poverty through sustainable development of the vegetable sector. All of the participants will be engaged in the entire spectrum of activities in the vegetable value chain from breeding, seed production, production, marketing, post harvest and nutrition. These activities will focus on research and development and include gender, climate change adaptation, communication, monitoring and evaluation.
Module I: 9 October – 3 November 2017
- Biodiversity, Breeding, Seed systems, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Grafting, Protected Cultivation, Integrated Disease Management (IDM)
- Seed Health, Seedling Management, IDM
- Sustainable Production, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
Module II: 6 November – 1 December 2017
- Post harvest Care
- Food Safety, Nutrition, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
- Nutrition, Value Chain and Market Analysis
- Extension, Scaling, Monitoring and Evaluation
Most course lectures will be conducted at the WorldVeg East and Southeast Asia Research and Training Station, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Field trips and hands-on practical sessions will be held throughout Thailand.