Title of document: Adoption of Agroforestry in Mai District, Phongsaly Province - Lao PDR
Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: NUPD, Northern Uplands Development Programme; World Renew; AGROASIE
Year of publication: October 2014
Geographic focus: Laos
Main issues / topics addressed: A Research Project commissioned by World Renew with funding support from NUDP
School of agroecology: Agro-forestry
Factors that influence the adoption of agroforestry were investigated by conducting semi-structured interviews with men, women, and leader groups in eight target villages, Mai District. A total of 194 persons (33% female) were met by the survey team, representing 18 percent of the adult population. Early findings were then presented at a stakeholder’s workshop in the District centre to examine these findings and consider how agroforestry could assist with rural development.