Title of document: Agriculture at a crossroads - Global Report
Authors (only lead authors): Audia Barnett (Jamaica), Ann Herbert (USA), Anita Idel (Germany), Moses Kairo (Kenya), Dely Pascual-Gapasin (Philippines), Juerg Schneider (Switzerland), Keith Wiebe (USA), Hasan Akca (Turkey), Salwa Dogheim (Egypt), Marcia Ishii-Eiteman (USA), Janice Jiggins (UK), Toby Kiers (USA), Rose Kingamkono (Tanzania)… (Extract of the complete list of lead authors)
Organism: International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)
Objectives of the document: This document is the synthesis of IAASTD studies on international agriculture, it is a global assessment. It presents the conclusions of several experts on different issues.