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  • Title of document: Catalysing dialogue and cooperation to scale up agroecology: outcomes of the FAO regional seminars on agroecology

    Authors: FAO

    Journal’s name if any:

    Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: FAO

    Year of publication: 2018

    Geographic focus: Global level

    Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Agroecology: transitions to sustainable food systems; Agroecology for food security and nutrition:  key issues from the seminars; Common recommendations from the seminars on agroecological transitions ……)

    School of agroecology (if any):

    Web address to original document (if any): http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/I8992EN/


    The document is prepared in the perspective of the 2nd international Symposium in April 2018. It will give a feedback of the global FAO process on agroecology and discuss the main challenges regarding agroecology Region by Region, identifying key drivers to scale up agroecology and highlighting key initiatives undertaken in the region