Title of document: Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI) Authors: ARMI Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ARMI Year of publication: 2017 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: About ARMI, Main Activities and Planning……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: ARMI was founded by 15 former CIDSE staff in October 2006; registration application to LUSEA and approved in October 10th, 2006. In 2009, the Decree on association was established, and ARMI has received its official registration 511/MoHAinAugust 9th, 2012. Presentation for a brief overview “Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI)” Read More

Title of document: 4-Challenges For Agroecology In Vietnam Authors: Dr. Pham Quang Ha Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: Institute for Agricultural Envoronment Year of publication: Geographic focus: Vietnam Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Challenge in philosophy/ definition, Challenge in indicators, Challenge in technique for scaling up, Challenge in competition……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Presentation for 4-Challenges For Agroecology In Vietnam by Dr. Pham Quang Ha Read More

Title of document: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Agroecology Transition 5th and 6th May 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam Authors: Dr Htet Kyu & Pierre Ferrand Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: AFC, GRET/ALiSEA, CIRAD, ACTAE Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Vietnam Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Day1: Setting the stage, Day 2: Working groups and brainstorming about agriculture challenges and a future governance for ALiSEA ……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: It was the 3rd national multi-stakeholder workshop addressing AE Transition in the Mekong Region, after the same in Myanmar and in Cambodia. It was held on the 5th and 6th of May 2016 in Hanoi. It was organized by CIRAD, GRET and PHANO as part of the inception phase of ACTAE project, funded by the French Agency for Development (AFD). It brought together over 49 specialists and practitioners from government agencies, research and universities national and international NGOs, private sector, and donors actively working on sustainable agriculture sector in Vietnam It aimed at sharing knowledge, information and experiences between agricultural development stakeholders Read More

Title of document: Conservation Agriculture as an agroecology approach Authors: Pham Thi Sen Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: Northern Mountainous Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (NOMAFSI) Year of publication: Geographic focus: Vietnam Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Increasing challenges, Current situation, Soil erosion, Conservation Agriculture in Vietnam……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Pesentation for Conservation Agriculture as an agroecology approach in Vietnam Read More
Title of document: Agroecological zoning for extension of climate friendly agriculture in some provinces of Northwest Vietnam Authors: Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: PanNature Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Vietnam Main issues / topics addressed (for example: About project “Climate change and ethnic minorities in Northern Vietnam”, Studies for agroecological zoning in Northwest region, Zoning in Son La province……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Ethnic farming communities in remote mountainous areas of Son La, Dien Bien, and Lai Chau provinces in Northern Vietnam have improved access to information on climate change policies and gained influence on local policies and planning for natural resources, addressing climate change adaptation, food security, and poverty reduction Pesentation for Agroecological zoning for extension of climate friendly agriculture in some provinces of Northwest Vietnam. At National Multi Stakeholder Workshop “Towards An Agroecology Transition” Hanoi, 4-5 May 2016, Vietnam Read More
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Title of document: Agroforestry for Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers in Northwest Vietnam Authors: Nguyen La, Delia Catacutan Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: World Agroforestry Centre Year of publication: Geographic focus: Vietnam Main issues / topics addressed (for example: AFLI project in Northwest What is it trying to address?, Research in Agroforestry Development, Profitability in Son La and Dien Bien ……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Pesentation for Agroforestry for Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers in Northwest Vietnam Read More
Title of document: Sustainable Agricultural Practices of Farmers through Farmer Field School Approach Authors: Heather Morris, Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: “Doh Taung Thu” (LNGO) Year of publication: Geographic focus: Cambodia Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Objectives, Farm Field School……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Presentation for Sustainable Agricultural Practices of Farmers through Farmer Field School Approach Read More
Title of document: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Agroecology Transition 7th and 8th March 2016, Yangon, Myanmar Authors: Pierre Ferrand, Dr Htet Kyu and Lucie Reynaud Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: AFC, GRET, ALiSEA, ACTAE, CIRARD Year of publication: Geographic focus: Myanmar Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Day 1: Setting the stage, Day 2: Working groups and brainstorming about agriculture challenges and a future governance for ALiSEA ……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The 1st national multi-stakeholder workshop addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region, and more especially in Myanmar, was held on the 7th and 8th of March 2016 in Yangon. It was organized by CIRAD and GRET as part of the inception phase of ACTAE project, funded by the French Agency for Development (AFD). It brought together 48 specialists and practitioners from national and international NGOs, research and universities, farmers’ and consumers’ associations, government agencies, development partners and private sector actively working on sustainable agriculture sector in Myanmar It aimed at sharing knowledge, information and experiences between agricultural development stakeholders Read More
Title of document: SWISSAID Ecological Farming Pilot Project Authors: Sai Lone Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: SWISSAID Year of publication: Geographic focus: Myanmar Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Introduction: Ecological Farming in Myanmar, Main Problems, Partnership, Achievement, Future Intervention & Approach……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Pesentation for SWISSAID Ecological Farming Pilot Project in Myanmar Read More
Title of document: Eco Village Farm School – NEED- Myanmar Authors: Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: NEED-Myanmar Year of publication: Geographic focus: Myanmar Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Goal And Vision, Objectives, Main Activity, Plan in the future…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Presentation for a breif overview NEED- Myanmar “Eco Village Farm School” Read More