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Title of document: WCS Compliance based conservation enterprise Authors: WCS Cambodia Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: WCS Combodia Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Cambodia Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The presentation for Regional experience sharing workshop “Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) to promote agroecology in the Mekong Region” 1st to 3rd October 2018, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. Read More
Case study's fact sheet: Biogas in the district of Can Tho, Vietnam Civil society organizations: Farmer organization In practice since: Geographic focus: Vietnam School of agroecology: Conservation agriculture Read More

Title of document: Regional Vegetable Forum Handbook 2018 Authors: ACIAR Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: GRET/ALiSEA, LWD, WVI-C, DCA, Banteay Srei, Cambodian Horticulture Quality (CHQ of Plant and Food Research PFR) New Zealand, Oxfam, Caritas Cambodia, World Renew, and Anakot Kumar (AK) Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Cambodia and Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This handbook has been compiled to capture information about the kinds of projects being undertaken, and the information that is both being produced and sought by people working in the vegetable sector. Read More

Title of document: Posters from the Regional Vegetable Forum 2018: Sharing knowledge to promote development of the vegetable sector Authors: Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: GRET/ALiSEA, LWD, WVI-C, DCA, Banteay Srei, Cambodian Horticulture Quality (CHQ of Plant and Food Research PFR) New Zealand, Oxfam, Caritas Cambodia, World Renew, and Anakot Kumar (AK) Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Cambodia and Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The regional vegetable forum 2018, as a part of this series of events, has been again initiated by the ACIAR project ASEM/2012/081 – Improving market engagement, postharvest management and productivity of the Cambodian and Lao PDR vegetable industries. The theme of this forum is ‘Innovations of production and supply chain system for improved off-season vegetable’. This forum is proudly sponsored by Agroecology Learning Alliance in South East Asia (GRET/ALiSEA), Life With Dignity (LWD), World Vision International Cambodia (WVI-C), DanChurchAid (DCA), Banteay Srei, Cambodian Horticulture Quality (CHQ of Plant and Food Research PFR) New Zealand, Oxfam, Caritas Cambodia, World Renew, and Anakot Kumar (AK). The ACIAR project ASEM/2012/081 is the collaboration between the University of Adelaide, Charles Sturt University, Department of Primary Industry NSW, General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), iDE global, SNV, National University of Laos (NUOL), National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Lao PDR (NAFRI) and Clean Agricultural Development Centre (CADC). This forum has been held on the 7th September 2018 at Cambodiana Hotel. The event will look to share knowledge of innovative production systems for off-season vegetable and include an overview of trialled low cost, high performing protective cropping systems and other production innovations, planting methods, irrigation and nutrition, and disease and pest management. The latest studies, lesson learned, and/or research of innovative technologies for off-season vegetable in the region including postharvest handling and management and market access will be shared as the part of the supply chain system. The program will consist of the interactive panels discussion about how the innovative technologies both production and supply chain systems could transfer or share within the vegetable industry in the region. A casual networking forum dinner/cocktails drinks will be hosted at the end of the forum giving participants opportunities to develop connections with agribusiness, agricultural development agents, government actors and research institutes regionally Read More

Title of document: Presentations from the Regional Vegetable Forum 2018: Sharing knowledge to promote development of the vegetable sector Authors: Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: GRET/ALiSEA, LWD, WVI-C, DCA, Banteay Srei, Cambodian Horticulture Quality (CHQ of Plant and Food Research PFR) New Zealand, Oxfam, Caritas Cambodia, World Renew, and Anakot Kumar (AK) Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Cambodia and Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The regional vegetable forum 2018, as a part of this series of events, has been again initiated by the ACIAR project ASEM/2012/081 – Improving market engagement, postharvest management and productivity of the Cambodian and Lao PDR vegetable industries. The theme of this forum is ‘Innovations of production and supply chain system for improved off-season vegetable’. This forum is proudly sponsored by Agroecology Learning Alliance in South East Asia (GRET/ALiSEA), Life With Dignity (LWD), World Vision International Cambodia (WVI-C), DanChurchAid (DCA), Banteay Srei, Cambodian Horticulture Quality (CHQ of Plant and Food Research PFR) New Zealand, Oxfam, Caritas Cambodia, World Renew, and Anakot Kumar (AK). The ACIAR project ASEM/2012/081 is the collaboration between the University of Adelaide, Charles Sturt University, Department of Primary Industry NSW, General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA), Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), iDE global, SNV, National University of Laos (NUOL), National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Lao PDR (NAFRI) and Clean Agricultural Development Centre (CADC). This forum held on the 7th September 2018 at Cambodiana Hotel. The event will look to share knowledge of innovative production systems for off-season vegetable and include an overview of trialled low cost, high performing protective cropping systems and other production innovations, planting methods, irrigation and nutrition, and disease and pest management. The latest studies, lesson learned, and/or research of innovative technologies for off-season vegetable in the region including postharvest handling and management and market access will be shared as the part of the supply chain system. The program will consist of the interactive panels discussion about how the innovative technologies both production and supply chain systems could transfer or share within the vegetable industry in the region. A casual networking forum dinner/cocktails drinks will be hosted at the end of the forum giving participants opportunities to develop connections with agribusiness, agricultural development agents, government actors and research institutes regionally Read More

Title of document: The regional assessment report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific Authors: IPBES Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: IPBES Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Asia and the Pacific Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Importance of nature’s contributions to human well-being and good quality of life; Varying trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services and the role of underlying drivers; Implications of biodiversity decline and opportunities for sustaining nature’s contributions to people…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): https://www.ipbes.net/system/tdf/spm_asia-pacific_2018_digital.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=28394 summary: Summary for policymakers of the IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Asia and the pacific. Read More
Title of document: Posters “CORAD Chin State Myanmar” Authors: CORAD Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: CORAD Year of publication: Geographic focus: Myanmar Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: 8 Posters of CORAD Chin State Myanmar Read More

Title of document: On-Soil Home Garden Manual: Ecosystem approach for drought resistant home gardening in Central Dy Zone, Myanmar _ Version English and Myanmar Authors: Lorenzo Fellin, Moe Thae Oo, Lin Kyaw Thu Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: TDH, GRET/ALiSEA, AFD Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Myanmar Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Home garden design and construction; Conservative Practices; Crop Plan; Garden Management…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Climate and soil type in the Dry Zone makes vegetable cultivation and availability extremely difficult, during the dry season and not only. From December to April most farmers of the area can only wait until the rainy season to begin cultivation of main crops, such as Pigeon Pea, Mung Bean, Sesame and Groundnut. However, the nutritional input given by fresh and green vegetable is often insufficient. The situation is worsened by climate change and the tendency of farmers to rely on extensive agriculture based on chemical input. While this approach might give initial benefits on productivity, it is highly unsustainable and deepens the environmental problems of the area (soil erosion, loss and desertification). However, thanks to the right techniques and conservative practices is possible to: cultivate all year round without relying on excessive chemical inputs; improve nutritional intake and decrease expenses on food. This has been the aim of ALiSEA project Ecosystem approach for drought resistant home gardening in Central Dry Zone implemented by TDH Italy: improving the livelihood of the beneficiaries through sustainable home garden vegetable production. The purpose of the following handbook is to provide the necessary information for the construction and management of a home garden using agroecological practices Read More

Title of document: Learning together in the Ayeyarwady Delta: Lessons and Good Practices Authors: U Htet Kyu; Libera Antelmi-Dazio and Shagun Gupta Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: LIFT Year of publication: Geographic focus: Myanmar Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Agricultural Production and Post-Harvest Management; Integrating farmers in the rice value chain; Turning Income Generating Activities into Profitable Business…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This document compiles lessons and good practices that arose from implementation of the Delta 2 Programme, funded by the Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT). The lessons were presented by implementing partners during Learning Alliance workshops held in Bogale and Yangon on 1st and 3rd October 2014 respectively. The purpose of this report is to share the experiences of LIFT’s partners in the implementation of their projects during Delta 2. The report presents lessons shared at a series of workshops organised by LIFT in October 2014, focusing on agricultural production and post-harvest loss reduction, integrating farmers in the rice value chain, making income generation activities profitable, organising collective services. Participants also shared their experience of hire-purchase models, market price information and agricultural finance. Read More

Title of document: What limits agricultural intensification in Cambodia? The Role of Emigration, Agricultural Extension Services and Credit Constraints Authors: TONG Kimsun, HEM Socheth and Paulo SANTOS Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: CDRI Year of publication: 2011 Geographic focus: Cambodia Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Introduction; Literature review; Data; Empirical approach and estimates; Conclusion …) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This paper attempts to define the factors which determine emigration and rice doublecropping, i.e. rice cultivation on the same plot twice per year, by rural households in Cambodia, and investigates whether these decisions influence each other using data from a two-period panel survey of 231 households in three provinces in rural Cambodia. In the analysis, we take into account possible correlation between these decisions (through estimating a seemingly unrelated bivariate probit model) and unobserved heterogeneity among farmers (through estimating a random-effects probit model). It is found that rice double-cropping and emigration decisions are not closely inter-related. We can also conclude that the availability of water and agricultural land are the key determinants of rice double-cropping. Households which rely on animal draught power for agricultural production are unlikely to engage in rice double-cropping. Policies aimed at increasing irrigation and providing socioeconomic land concessions in rural areas may play a critical role in improving agricultural production. Read More