Title of document: Green Extension Authors: Souvanthong NAMVONG Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: MELA, RURAS Year of publication: 2017 Geographic focus: Laos Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Background; New Extensionist in Laos; Overview of Strategy……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This presentation for Mekong Extension Learning Alliance 3rd MELA meeting , at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap on 30 October – 1st November 2017, Cambodia Read More
Title of document: ALiSEA National Board of Members introduction in Lao PDR Authors/editor: ALiSEA, CLICK, HJA, RDA, MHP Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organization: ALiSEA BoM Year of publication: 2021 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues/ topics addressed (for example: …) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: A significant milestone in the history of ALiSEA Network was reached towards an autonomous member-managed network with the creation of the National ALiSEA Board of Members in three countries: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam! The National ALiSEA Board of Members (BoM) will play a key role in supporting the network structuration, shaping its governance, building a shared vision among members and developing national strategy and action plan… This presentation is for the online meeting “ALiSEA National Board of Members in Laos - Introduction Session” 26 April 2021. You can read the full article here. Read More
Title of document: The handbook - The regional vegetable forum 2018 Authors/editor: ACIAR Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: GRET/ALiSEA, LWD, WVI-C, DCA, Banteay Srei, CHQ of Plant and Food Research PFR New Zealand, Oxfam, Caritas Cambodia, World Renew, AK. Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Cambodia and Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The vegetable sector is becoming more of a focus for research, development and the private sector in Southeast Asia due to the high nutritional and economical value that can be generated. However, the sector faces key challenges including (1) low average yields of vegetable production in many places; (2) poor competitiveness within the region as well as outside the region; (3) postharvest losses as high as 40%; (4) produce that does not conform to quality and safety demands of consumers and (5) problems meeting market demand during the wet season. This handbook can be used as a reference guide to find people working in similar locations, with similar products or as a way to find information and synergies. We think that by working together and creating strong networks, we can be more effective and improve the sustainability of the vegetable sector in our region. Read More
Title of document: Promoting agroecology farming for selfreliant livelihood of local upland farmers - Case: Native ecovegetables of Hmong community in Long Lan village, Luang Prabang province, Laos Authors: SPERI Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: SPERI, GRET/ALiSEA, AFD Year of publication: 2017 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Introduction of Long Lan village; Ecological vegetable cultivation in long Lan; Community livestock in long Lan; Conclusion ……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This document contains the local and ethnic knowledge of the Hmong people of Long Lan village, Luang Prabang district, Luang Prabang province, Lao PDR. It relates to community institutions in the management of natural resources, agricultural practices, and animal husbandry, as well as the behavior of the people towards natural ecosystems Read More
Title of document: Case study “Transition from traditional rotational shifting cultivation to growing ecological vegetables in Long Lan village, Luang Prabang province, Laos” Authors: SPERI Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: SPERI, GRET/ALiSEA, AFD Year of publication: Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Introduction; Principles of the agroecology practice in Long Lan; Conclusion……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Case study “Transition from traditional rotational shifting cultivation to growing ecological vegetables in Long Lan village, Luang Prabang province, Laos” Read More
Title of document: Landscape approaches to agroecology: The experience of the EFICAS project in Lao Uplands Authors: Jean‐Christophe Castella, Pascal Lienhard, SisavathPhimmasone, Soulikone Chaivanhna, ChanthasoneKhamxaykhay, ChanthavonePhonekhampheng Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: EFICAS, CIRAD, UR AIDA, DALaM, AFD Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Background; Implementation and monitoring; Transformative landscape approaches towards agroecology…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The presentation for Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, November 6-8, 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia Read More
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Title of document: Green Earth Centre Authors: Hongthong Sirivath Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: Village Focus International (VFI) Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example): Green Earth Centre, Approaches, Lessons learnt, Future of GEC……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Green Earth Centre aims to become a leading training and research centre on community- based production, processing and marketing in order to directly support and improve smallholder farming households through providing appropriate technical support and linking them to the markets. This presentation talking about Green Earth Centre objectives and approaches Read More
Title of document: Online survey to shape the future of ALiSEA Laos Authors/editor: Sythanonxai CHUNMANYVONG Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The presentation of “Task force meeting of ALiSEA in Laos”, 27th November 2018, Lao PDR Read More
Title of document: ALiSEA experience sharing workshop: Review of existing pedagogical materials and initiatives for mainstreaming agroecology practices in Laos Authors: Pierre Ferrand, Claire Georges, Hongnapha Phommabouth Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA/GRET Year of publication: 2017 Geographic focus: Laos Summary: This experience sharing workshop is part of the activities implemented by the Agroecology Learning alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) to foster multi stakeholder collaborations in regards to promoting an agroecological transition. It is more especially embodied in the support provided to the Faculty of Agriculture from the National University of Laos through the ALiSEA Small Grant Facility to develop new AE pedagogical material. Their project aims at both producing an updated learning and teaching manual for Agroecology with the collaboration of the Departments of Agriculture from three other universities (Souphanouvong, Savannakhet and Champhasak) as well as revising the syllabus for agroecology courses in order to harmonize them at national level. It was expected in particular to provide an opportunity for synergizing one another’s activities. This was a great opportunity for the different participants to present and confront the outcomes of their respective projects with other initiatives in Laos and learn from their previous experiences. In addition, it was expected to establish a framework for future Agroecology trainings and pedagogical material production. Read More
Title of document: CIRAD-MAF experience in developing AE-CA pedagogical materials in Laos Authors: Pascal Lienhard Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: Cirad, MAF Year of publication: 2017 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Project for Integration of Agroecology in Programmes of Agricultural Education for Faculties & Colleges of Agriculture in Laos; Manual on Conservation Agriculture in Laos……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This presentation for Experience Sharing Workshop: Review of existing pedagogical materials and initiatives for mainstreaming Agroecology practices in Laos, Lanith, Vientiane, 13 June 2017 Read More