Title of document: Development of an Agroecology practices guidebook in Lao language Authors: Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: AGRISUD International Year of publication: 2017 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: The DAFO initial skill assessment; The Agroecology practices guidebook; The PCA Tool (Prepare, Conduct, Assess); The training tools……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This presentation for ALiSEA National Thematic workshop “Review of Existing Pedagogical Materials and Initiatives for Mainstreaming AE Practices in Laos” the 13th of June 2017 Read More
Title of document: Soil: Testing the impact of OrganiC amendments for the benefit of marKet gardening farmers (STOCK) Authors: Ms. Phimmasone Sisouvanh Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ACTAE, NUoL Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Introduction; Executive summary; Activity report; General discussion …) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Final narrative report ACTAE Small Grant Facility STOCK Project Read More
Case study's fact sheet: Bounleua farm Civil society organizations: farmer In practice since: 2018 Geographic focus: Lao PDR School of agroecology: Organic Agriculture >>> See on map Read More
Title of document: Managing Pesticides for Greener Growth in Lao PDR (Ver. English & Laotian) Authors/editor: World Bank Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organization: World bank Year of publication: 2021 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues/ topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Pesticides management is important for sustainable agriculture and green growth. Sound pesticides management and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in particular are widely acknowledged as important mechanisms to mitigate pre- and post-harvest losses and to achieve sustainable agricultural intensification. Read More
Title of document: Engaging village communities in designing their future landscape Authors/editor: Jean-Christophe Castella Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: IRD-CIRAD Year of publication: 2019 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: …) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The presentation for Research for development (R4D) support to the agroecology transition in Southeast Asia: R4D – ACTAE2 Meeting, 28 January 2019, Bangkok, Thailand Read More
Title of document: Are there opportunities for a successful mung bean value-chain in the Lao PDR ? Authors: Chitpasong Kousonsavath, Isabelle Vagneron, Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ACTAE, CANSEA, CIRAD, FAG Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Objectives of the Action; Context of the Action; Location and description of the Action…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This document presents the main findings of a Small R&D Grant awarded by CANSEA in the framework of the ACTAE project Read More
Title of document: Brief Report of “Task force meeting of ALiSEA in Laos” Authors/editor: ALiSEA Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: Brief Report of “Task force meeting of ALiSEA in Laos”, 27th November 2018, Lao PDR Read More
Title of document: Towards an agroecological transition in South East Asia Authors/editor: CANSEA, ALiSEA Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: AFD, DALaM, CIRAD, GRET, ALiSEA, CANSEA Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: SEA Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The leaflet in ACTAE project Brief overview of main achievements Read More
Title of document: Making the case for sustainable agriculture: Changing the negative narrative towards agriculture through innovative approach to attract the youth in Lao PDR and Cambodia Authors: Pierre Fernand Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA Year of publication: 2018 Geographic focus: Cambodia and Laos Main issues / topics addressed (for example:…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The presentation for UNICAM conference “Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia Current knowledge applications and future needs” 27-29 August 2018, Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap province, Cambodia Read More
Title of document: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Agroecology Transition 2nd and 3rd June 2016, Vientiane, Lao PDR Authors: Pierre Ferrand and Dr. Saythong Vilayvong Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: AFC, GRET/ALiSEA, CIRAD, ACTAE Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Day1: Setting the stage, Day 2: Working groups and brainstorming about agriculture challenges and a future governance for ALiSEA……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: The 1st national multi-stakeholder workshop addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region, and more especially in Laos, was held on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2016 in Vientiane capital, Lao PDR. It was organized by CIRAD and GRET as part of the inception phase of ACTAE project, funded by the French Agency for Development (AFD). It brought together 62 specialists and practitioners from national and international NGOs, research and universities, farmers’ and government agencies, development partners and private sector actively working on sustainable agriculture sector in Laos It aimed at sharing knowledge, information and experiences between agricultural development stakeholder Read More