Case study's fact sheet: SANGTHONG ORGANIC RICE PRODUCER GROUP (2) Civil society organizations: Farmer organization In practice since: 2006 Geographic focus: Laos School of agroecology: Organic Agriculture >>> See on map Read More
Title of document: Organic Agriculture in Lao PDR Lessons - Learnt from Organic Production and Marketing Groups Authors: Thiphavong Boupha Year of publication: 2014 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed: Organic Production and Marketing Groups School of agroecology: Organic Agriculture 1.Provision of training on organic production technologies, formation, management, ICS and basic business planning of producing groups and processors; 2.Provision of training materials, tools and equipments for organic production; 3.Setting up and provision of group fund and facilitation of access to credit; 4.Support on cost of organic certification; 5.Provision of facilities for market place, and in kind support to producer groups participating in public showcase events and market linkages 6. Provision of linkages among producers, processors, retailers in domestic and export markets; 7.Support on daily working allowance for government staff. Read More
Case study's fact sheet: EFICAS, PAFO, Luang Prabang province. Supported by: CIRAD In practice since: 2014 Geographic focus: Laos School of agroecology: Conservation Agriculture >>> See on map Read More
Title of document: NBSAP Assessment An Assessment of Lao PDR’s National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and Action Plan to 2010 Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: IUCN; MAF; TABI; SDC Year of publication: 2011 Geographic focus: Laos In 1996, the Government of Lao PDR acceded to United Nation International Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In meeting the requirements of the convention, in 2004, the government of Lao PDR formulated and approved its first National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). This NBSAP laid out an action plan to 2010 and strategy to 2020. Given that the Lao PDR is in the process of drafting a 2nd NBSAP that is updated for the current context and seeks to respond to lessons learned from drafting and implementation of the 1st NBSAP, an assessment of the 1st NBSAP document and implementation progress was needed. Beginning in June 2011, IUCN and the Department of Forest Resource Conservation undertook this assessment through soliciting information on CBD relevant progress from a wide range of government and non-government stakeholders. This report is a compilation of the responses received. Read More
Case study's fact sheet: SANGTHONG ORGANIC RICE PRODUCER GROUP (1) Civil society organizations: Farmer organization In practice since: 2006 Geographic focus: Laos School of agroecology: Organic Agriculture >>> See on map Read More
Title of document: Rapid Assessment of Food Security and Agriculture in Lao PDR Authors/editor: WFP, FAO, MAF Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: WFP, FAO, MAF Year of publication: 2020 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues/ topics addressed (for example: markets, trade, investment, food security, nutrition…) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: While there have been just 19 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) to date in Lao PDR, the country – as with other countries around the world – has been affected by secondary social and economic impacts as a result of measures instituted to stop the spread of the virus. This survey seeks to measure the impact of the crisis on food security and agriculture in order to identify bottlenecks and affected populations/provinces, and ultimately guide any required response… Read More
Title of document: Organic Agriculture in Lao PDR Authors: Dr. Phoutthasone, Mrs. Somsanouk, Ms. Chitpasong, Mr. Khampasong, Mr. Sanhti, Mr. Sulisack Journal’s name if any: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: FOA, AFH Year of publication: Geographic focus: Lao PDR Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Overview of Agricultural System in Laos; Current situation of organic agriculture in Laos; What have we learned from Japanese food industry tour……) School of agroecology (if any): Web address to original document (if any): Summary: This presentation a brief overview Organic Agriculture in Lao PDR by Lao team (NOUL) in Japanese Food Industry Tour for development food value chain in ASEAN Read More
Title of document: Consolidated account of the 4 national multi stakeholder workshops on agroecological transition in the Mekong Region Authors: Pierre Ferrand Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar & Vietnam Summary: This report presents a short consolidated account of 4 national multi-stakeholder workshops addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region and bringing together 225 participants that have been organized between March and June 2016 (Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam Lao PDR). Such workshops aimed at sharing knowledge, information and actions between agricultural development stakeholders. Read More
Title of document: SRI in Laos Author: Kazuyuki SHIMAZAKI (Translation from Japanese book Rice Farming Revolution by SRI published by J-SRI in Sept. 2011) Year of publication: 2011 Geographic focus: Laos School of agroecology: System of Rice Intensification The first organization to introduce SRI into Laos was Oxfam Australia, a non-governmental organization (NGO), which conducted the first SRI trials during the rainy season of 2001. The Lao National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), however, conducted its own trials during the dry season of 2001/02 and the rainy season 2002 and concluded that “the likelihood of disseminating SRI throughout Laos is extremely slim.” As a result of this verdict, the spread of SRI within Laos was, thereafter, limited to a very small amount of progress attributable to the support of several international NGOs. Read More
Title of document: Presentations from the Laos Vegetable Forum 2017: Fostering a safe and sustainable vegetable sector Authors: Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: CRS, KEI, NAFRI, ACIAR Year of publication: 2017 Geographic focus: Lao PDR Summary: In the Lao PDR, vegetable production provides around 80% of domestic demand, mostly produced by smallholder farmers. Throughout the country, there are large differences in consumption between provinces. Challenges to vegetable production include suboptimal yields, poor competitiveness, high postharvest losses, product that does not conform to quality and safety demands of consumers, limited technical capacity and difficulties in meeting market demand during some periods of the year. Additionally, the recent establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community has implications for cross-border trade regulations. Thus there are many opportunities for both producers and the private sector to benefit from improved connections and sustainability. The vegetable sector offers smallholder farmers an option to diversify their production systems and market opportunities, improve household nutrition and increase incomes for farmers and traders. Importantly, it also offers women a source of income, and can help improve household food security. As the sector develops, opportunities for market engagement, input supply and agro-processing will increase. These challenges and opportunities can be addressed in many different ways, and with a range of stakeholders. In Laos, there are public, private and development partners working to improve the productivity and profitability of the vegetable sector. Bringing these stakeholders together at a forum is a way to understand the current situation in Laos and create potential networks to foster sustainability in the sector. The Lao Vegetable Forum has been organized on 26th October, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Vientiane. The forum had several objectives, including to: - Highlight the latest research and development activities; - Forge networks between public, NGO and private sector professionals throughout the region working in this area for communication and collaboration; - Provide an opportunity to learn about developments in the region; and - Facilitate the exchange of ideas on sector development. In the first forum, the theme was ‘Fostering a safe and sustainable vegetable sector’. It started with an overview of the current status of the Lao Vegetable Sector. The main sessions focused on introducing different kinds of standards, and then options and examples of smallholder organisation and market arrangements. A final panel discussion was held to highlight the experiences of different kinds of stakeholders within the vegetable sector. Key themes that arised from the presentations and discussions will be synthesised and addressed in subsequent forums. Read More