Title of document: Intensification level of rice farming in Myanmar: implication for its sustainable development
Authors: Masahiko Matsuda
Journal’s name if any:
Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: Springer
Year of publication: 2010
Geographic focus: Myanmar
Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Introduction; Materials and methods; Results and discussion……)
School of agroecology (if any):
Web address to original document (if any):
This study aims to estimate the intensification of rice farming in Myanmar particularly due to chemical fertilizer application, using farm-level data obtained from field surveys conducted in the 2000s. Relatively high-input rice farming was found in dry season crop in the delta zone and the double crop in well-irrigated lowlands of the central dry zone. A gap was observed between these calculated values and the official statistics. A comparison of fertilizer use efficiency for rice production in Myanmar with that in China and Vietnam has shown that the efficiency in Myanmar has not declined to an inappropriate level even in its intensive ones. Rice production in Myanmar has room for increasing the yield by capital intensification. Nevertheless, considering its sustainability as well as productivity, further intensification in rice farming technology in irrigated lowlands of Myanmar may neither be the best nor the only way.