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Proceedings of the National Workshop on Agroecology Transition 2nd and 3rd June 2016, Vientiane, Lao PD

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January 18, 2018

Title of document: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Agroecology Transition 2nd and 3rd June 2016, Vientiane, Lao PDR

Authors: Pierre Ferrand and Dr. Saythong Vilayvong

Journal’s name if any:

Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: AFC, GRET/ALiSEA, CIRAD, ACTAE

Year of publication: 2016

Geographic focus: Lao PDR

Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Day1: Setting the stage, Day 2: Working groups and brainstorming about agriculture challenges and a future governance for ALiSEA……)

School of agroecology (if any):

Web address to original document (if any):


The 1st national multi-stakeholder workshop addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region, and more especially in Laos, was held on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2016 in Vientiane capital, Lao PDR. It was organized by CIRAD and GRET as part of the inception phase of ACTAE project, funded by the French Agency for Development (AFD). It brought together 62 specialists and practitioners from national and international NGOs, research and universities, farmers’ and government agencies, development partners and private sector actively working on sustainable agriculture sector in Laos

It aimed at sharing knowledge, information and experiences between agricultural development stakeholder