The potato is considered as a major diet in many countries and stands globally fourth just after rice, corn and wheat. As an important staple food, it contains vitamin B6, potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber and pantothenic acid. The potato is commonly found in Cambodian’s dish as food garniture, soups and in many fast food restaurants. Every day about 5-10 tons of potatoes are imported from neighboring countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, China or even Japan, Australia or the USA to Cambodia and its keeps increasing every year while a local production is not existing with exemption of a handful of pioneering projects.
Since 2016, GIZ has been collaborating with the Potatoes Research Center, in Royal University of Agriculture to initiate potato trial fields in the potential areas where the weather conditions are favorable for potato cultivation by taking 10 varieties from Vietnam, Thailand, Scotland and Germany. As the result, it appeared that several potato varieties introduced from Europe are better performing in both quality and yield at the time of harvest. The yields variated between 17 and 20 tons. However, one season is not enough to determine the best performed and economical cultivars and/or recommend to the local farmers. For instant, the yield and starch content of each cultivar could be higher than the profound if the crops were allowed to reach its fully mature stage (some variety require 100-110 days to mature). The fact that harvest was carried out just 89 days, due to increasing heat stress, some varieties were in middle of tube development. Thus, interested farmers may need to choose the right season and improve pest control application.
The 2017/2018 trial has been extended up 15 varieties. The trial took place in seven separated locations such as Phnom Penh at the Royal University of Agriculture, Mondulkiri, Pursat, Battambang, Kompong Chhnang and Tbong Khmom province. The selected area represents different climates of Cambodia. The objective trial is to understand the growth and yield performance of different potato varieties under Cambodia condition, to determine the suitable varieties as recommended to local farmers for production and develop production manual for agricultural extension workers.
Dissemination Workshop on the Potato Varieties Testing for the Production in Cambodia, 29th of March 2018 at The Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Cambodia
- Potato Research Center of the Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia
- GIZ Cambodia
- The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Cambodia
Therefore, the half day workshop is going to be held in order to:
- Present the results and lessons learned from the potato trial
- Provide ideas to develop the potato sector in Cambodia
- Provide an opportunity to build networking and sharing the interest, demand and supply the potato
- Representatives from the Royal Government of Cambodia
- Development agencies
- Buyer/ Retailer
- Agricultural Input Supplier
All presentations are available for download hereafter:
- Potato Research Center and Pilot testing (testing methodology, lesson learn and achievement)
- Potentials for a potato sector in Cambodia
- Potato Market in South East Asia and suitable varieties for Cambodia
- Potato Water management