National: Cambodia

Title: Fostering Agroecological System to Table (FAST)

Link: [email protected]


This project aims to enhance the market access of agroecological vegetable products produced by members, including women and youth, of the Svay Chuk Meanchey Satrey Akphivaorth Agricultural Cooperative in Svay Chuk commune, Kampong Chhnang province. By focusing on improving product quality and fostering market linkages, the project seeks to increase the value added of these products and expand their reach in local and potentially premium markets. Through the project interventions, AC members will be empowered to produce high-quality agroecological vegetables and effectively connect with buyers, ultimately contributing to their economic well-being and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Although vegetables are the main product, the project will also promote other agroecological products to be linked to the market. The project will also promote public awareness on the value of agroecological products on health benefits and build trust between farmers and consumers.

Total target beneficiaries: 2,798 households with the total population of 10,532 (5,603 females) including 96 people with disabilities (33 females with disabilities).

Location: Kampong Chhnang Province

Duration: 18 months


  1. Conduct awareness raising on agroecological product for producer group members and other farmers.
  2. Facilitate to form producer group whose are from members of Agricultural Cooperative.
  3. Conduct inspection on agricultural products of producer group members.
  4. Conduct agroecological technical trainings (soil improvement, water management, and crop protection)
  5. Produce videos and case studies for learning and sharing on agroecological technical production process, the changes in income and knowledge, and leadership changes in women and youths.
  6. Disseminate learnings on agroecological best practices to producer group members and other farmers.
  7. Conduct training on agroecological products packaging, branding, QR coding for Agricultural Cooperative’s committees and producer group members.
  8. Support packaging and branding materials to the Agricultural Cooperative.
  9. Conduct Business to Business (B2B) meeting among producers and potential buyers.
  10. Support Agricultural Cooperative to organize agroecological products fair and weekend market.
  11. Coordinate contract farming between producers and buyers.
  12. Support Agricultural Cooperative to establish social media as a mean for promoting its Agro-ecological products and services.
  13. Support Agricultural Cooperative committees and/or potential agroecological product producers to join various learning platforms at national and sub-national levels, such as national annual farmer forums, Agricultural Cooperative forums etc…

Document: The documents will be shared when they are ready or during the implementation of activities, as appropriate.

Budget granted by ALiSEA: 18,000 EUR

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