National: Cambodia

Title: Integrated Agroecology: Study, Implementation and Practice (IASIP)



Decline in labor inputs in combination with the lack of interest of youthful population in agricultural activities poses a major problem to sustainably spurring economic growth in Cambodia. In 2019, one in six Cambodians was between 15 and 24 years old and more than a quarter of the population was at the age of between 15 and 29. Seventy per cent of young people aged 15-29 and options for them to build their social and financial capital are far and few. Many youths perceive agriculture activities as less profitable and laborious and since other options are less for them, they take up high-risk jobs in urban areas or across the border in Thailand (factory work, construction, or others).

Identifying strategies to increase the engagement of youth in agriculture, provide them with alternative options in life and make them feel proud of Khmer culture and tradition in farming is of high value. The proposed project aims to build technical capacity of youth in secondary schools enhance their activities in school gardens related to agroecological practices and home gardening with a strong focus on sustainable food systems, biodiversity and preservation of forest habitats (which are biodiversity hotspots of Cambodia).

This will be achieved through a needs-based training series that will be provided to the youth enrolled in targeted secondary schools in Oddar Meanchey and Siem Reap provinces of Cambodia to increase their understanding in agroecology-based school garden operations for increased productivities and income generation.

Location: Oddar Meanchey, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Duration: 16 months


1: Curriculum development and pilot

2: Training and garden set-up

3: Exchange Visits

4: Identify and submit personal projects

5: Weekly coaching for personal projects

6: Cross-learning and field visit

7:  Extension service to guide on personal projects

8:  Presentation of personal projects and award-shortlist

9: Monitoring & Evaluation


Budget granted by ALiSEA: 18,000 EUR

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