National: Cambodia
Title: Strengthening organic sesame supply chain in Preah Vihear province by integrating AE practices and linking the products to markets (funded by Uni4Coop)
Organic rice is a main agricultural product that has been linked to a guaranteed market via contract farming (CF) in the province of Preah Vihear, however, the market for other cash crops like black sesame and white sesame has fluctuated from year to year. At the same time, both quantity and quality of sesame have not met market demand due to capacity limitations of the producer group. To address the issues, the project is designed to support producer groups via capacity building on AE practices, to ensure the quality of sesame in compliance with EU and NOP standards, and to link the certified products to local and international markets. The project is the duplication of the successful model applied to organic rice and peanut in incorporation with agroecological practices that the consortium gained from previous experience and from ASSET project. This proposed project will be piloted with 25 sesame producers and 1 AC in first year; and it covers 2 villages, 1 commune in Chey Saen district of Preah Vihear.
Location: Chey Saen district of Preah Vihear Province, Cambodia
Duration: 15 months
1: Mobilization of volunteer farmers
2: Capacity building to participating farmers and AC committees
3: Exchange visit to ASSET flagship site
4: Product quality control (ICS, standard, traceability…)
5: Search for sesame markets
6: Identify potential buyers and build partnership agreement
7: Implementation of partnership agreement
8: Organize a district workshop on experience sharing among sesame producers
9: Project documentation/capitalization and dissemination
10: Host provincial workshop on good practices of agroecological sesame product
Budget granted by ALiSEA: 18,00 EUR