National: Laos

Title: Youth and Women Empowerment for Agroecology (YWEA)



The Lao PDR is facing for risks for food safe and security, because youth and women lack of knowledge and skills on appropriate agriculture where promote their income generation and supporting livelihood and families.  To address the issue above, ADSA and Phan-Thin cooperate to work on the project call: Youth and Women Empowerment on Integrated and Green Agriculture. The overall objective is to increase the capacity of young people particularly women on agricultural products through green and appropriate techniques on agroecology. Its specific objectives are: 1). Awareness and build the capacity for youth and women on green and appropriate techniques on agroecology; 2). Establish the young farmer groups and links to local market for green agricultural product. 3). Produce the medias for young and women farmer development and share through the social media and networks.

Location: Naxaythong district, Vientiane Capital

Duration: 14 months


1.1: Project initial meeting and project evaluation meeting with all stakeholders include Vientiane capital and Lao Woman Union (LWU) both provincial and district level, District Agriculture and forest office of Naxaythong, District Lao Youth union; district governor office.

1.2: Gender Awareness raising and Youth and Women recruitment. Activity will organize in 5 village of Naxaythong district, VTE.

1.3: Organize the training for youth and women on Soft-skills (leadership; team work; community facilitation; goal setting) and technical skills (organic farming; group formative and entrepreneur and marketing).

1.4: Support youth and women for seed funding to initial the farming.

1.5: Youth and Women follow up.

2.1: Establish youth farmer group.

2.2: Supporting for young farmer groups planning and document preparation of group formative approval.

3.1: Video shooting and filming screening.  This will be shooting and VDO recording during the activities and film editing by external team as the consultant.

3.2: Case study publication.


Budget granted by ALiSEA: 17,999 EUR

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