“Agrisud International and SNV, within the framework of the ENUFF project (Enhancing Nutrition for Upland Farming Families) financed by the SDC, have published a series of manuals intended for Master-Farmers, farmers selected and trained to disseminate agro-ecological techniques to their peers.
After distributing the series of manuals dedicated to the production of fodder plants and the development of improved pastures, a new series on vegetable gardening techniques is proposed in this article. This series is made up of 4 manuals:
- Implementing a vegetable garden
- Making a solid compost
- Preparing biopesticides
- Vegetable crop association and bowl cultivation
These manuals have been written and illustrated for Master-Farmers. They are not intended to be exhaustive or to be used by agricultural engineers or students of agricultural sciences.
These manuals are the result of collections of farmers’ experiences concerning the techniques adopted or modified to adapt to their pedoclimatic and socio-economic context. They are written in a register of simple and non-formal language, so that they can be understood by all.
For more information, please contact Ms. Claire Kieffer ([email protected]) or Mr. Khamphao Thongchanh ([email protected]).”