Successful ALiSEA National General Assemblies Across Southeast Asia

Successful ALiSEA National General Assemblies Across Southeast Asia

The Agroecology Learning alliance in Southeast Asia (ALiSEA) successfully organized in November 2024, its National General Assemblies held in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. These events, each attended by a large group of agroecology stakeholders, are crucial moments for advancing collaborations, sharing achievements, collecting members’ views and shaping the future of action plan of ALiSEA for 2025. The ALiSEA network was pleased to welcome the host institutions from each country to deliver insight and gave opening remarks:

  • Mr. Khamphoui Saythalat, director of the Participatory Development Knowledge Agency (PAKA) in Laos;
  • Mr. Đào Thế Anh, deputy Director of the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS) and Vice President of the Vietnam Rural Development Science Association (PHANO) in Vietnam;
  • Mr. Kuy Sophal, Partnership Program Coordinator of Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) in Cambodia.

In addition, the ALiSEA Team was delighted to inform all members that the latest discussions with the SDC were positive as they decided to support the strategy, mission and actions of the ALiSEA network through a 4-year financial support (2024-2028). This new funding will enable ALiSEA to strengthen its capacities and continue to implement agroecology promotion activities in the Mekong sub-region (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam). This is a great opportunity for the network to become stronger, more efficient and sustainable. It’s part of a larger program called “Agroecology Promotion Program” implemented at global level, in Africa and in southeast Asia.

Under the theme “Work Together Towards an Agroecology Transition,” the assemblies showcased the dedication and progress of the ALiSEA network. Each gathering was guided by a unified agenda aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in agroecology.

  • Laos: Held on November 7th in Vientiane Capital, the event welcomed 40 participants.
  • Vietnam: Held on November 13th in Hanoi, with 52 participants
  • Cambodia: Held on November 22nd in Phnom Penh with 64 participants
ALiSEA 2024 General Assemblies

A memorable group photo captured during the ALiSEA General Assembly in Laos.

The objectives of the national general were to:

  1. Welcome New Members for 2023/2024:
    o Five new members were introduced and warmly welcomed in Laos
    o Twelve new members were introduced and warmly welcomed in Vietnam
    o Ten new members were introduced and warmly welcomed in Cambodia
  2. Reflect on Progress: National achievements were highlighted, including lessons learned and challenges faced in 2023/2024.
  3. Shape the Future: Participants jointly developed national action plan for 2025, focusing on capacity building, policy dialogue, youth support, and communication strategies.
  4. Enhance Governance: Discussions on the ALiSEA governance structure to consult members and implement agreed action Celebrate Success: Updates from the Small Grant Facility and initial results from the field were presented.

Using the World Café methodology, members engaged in dynamic discussions, rotating around four thematic groups (i-capacity building, ii-youth support, iii-communication and iv-policy dialogue engagement) to share their own actions that could be organized jointly with the ALiSEA network, provide inputs and suggestions on the national action plan.

  • At the General Assemblies, members consultations and groups discussions led to the following main results and priorities action for 2025: Governance: hold the first elections for the national board, set up the ALiSEA national executive team and conduct a study on the governance of other existing networks.
  • Communication: finalize and launch the new ALiSEA website.
  • Capacity Building: map members’ main areas of expertise and existing training materials, to build upon members’ resources and jointly develop an agroecology training program.
  • Policy Dialogue: develop partnership with other network to promote agroecology transition at national and regional levels, and reinforce policy engagement strategy and evidence creation.
ALiSEA 2024 General Assemblies

A dynamic presentation draws the attention of participants during the ALiSEA General Assembly in Vietnam.

All presentations are available here:

Moreover, each national general assembly included display of knowledge products, agricultural exhibitions, communication tools and videos screenings to promote members initiative and further enrich experience sharing.

Booths from our members showcased during the ALiSEA General Assembly in 3 counties:

These assemblies not only reinforced the commitment to agroecology but also energized members with a shared vision and an action plan for 2025 highlighting joint activities and finally, providing a privileged time for exchanges with all members on strengths, needs and area of improvement.

As ALiSEA members return to their respective roles, the network’s collective efforts promise to bring impactful solutions to the challenges facing agriculture in Southeast Asia.