On behalf of the Secretariat of the Sub Sector Working Group for Farmers and Agribusiness (SSWG-FAB) I am pleased to invite you to our next meeting which will be held at DTEAP, Houay Nyang, on Monday afternoon, 25th March 2019. Look at map
Here is a copy of the official invitation and the agenda in both Lao and English languages. Everybody is welcome!
As you will see, the coffee sector is a focus of two presentations, and there will be plenty of coffee from Northern Laos to drink! We will also be hearing about recent and planned activities of the Lao Farmer Network. As always, the agenda includes a lot of time for discussion and networking.
Registration opens at 12:00 when lunch will also be available for those who can come early. The meeting starts at 13:00 pm and is expend to wrap up around 16:00 pm
If you have any question about the meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact at this email address. Secretariat Farmers and Agribusiness: sswg.fab@gmail.