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NAFRI research Brief – New Directions for Participatory Land Use Planning: Can Bottom-up Approaches Achieve a Win-Win for Sustainable Development and Forest Conservation?

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July 4, 2023

Title of document: NAFRI research Brief - New Directions for Participatory Land Use Planning: Can Bottom-up Approaches Achieve a Win-Win for Sustainable Development and Forest Conservation?

Authors/editor: TABI

Journal’s name if any:

Ministry/Government Agency/Organization: NAFRI, DALaM, TABI

Year of publication: 2019

Geographic focus: Lao PDR

Main issues/ topics addressed (for example:…)

School of agroecology (if any):

Web address to original document (if any):


Research Brief No. 002/2019:

  • Land-intensive development pathways such as TLIC and the expansion of commercial agriculture are placing increased demand on rural landscapes and heightening tensions around resource-tenure security, requiring innovative approaches to planning.
  • National development and conservation goals are sometimes, but not always, compatible with one another and with the needs and interest of local communities, requiring mechanisms for negotiation.
  • Top-down planning tools provide a general framework for enhancing synergies and negotiating trade-offs between development and conservation goals at the macro-level, but bottom-up processes are necessary to ensure local needs and enable village-level planning and management.
  • An innovative, bottom-up participatory land use planning approach co-developed and implemented by a consortium of GoL agencies, development practitioners and researchers through the Agro-biodiversity Initiative (TABI) demonstrates strong potential for supporting national development and conservation goals in a manner that is locally-acceptable and reflects actual land uses and resource needs.
  • Through the participatory Forest and Land Use Planning and Management (pFALUPAM) approach, areas allocated for forests increased by 8.4 percent, though varied significantly by area depending on local contextual factors. Collaborative planning supported enhanced landscape-scale connectivity between forest areas, promoting ecosystem service values.
  • Agrobiodiversity and the integrity of multifunctional landscapes were enhanced through zonation for local species and cultivars, protection of agricultural areas, and the promotion of long-fallowing in rotational upland systems through colocation.
  • The pFALUPAM approach facilitated local management by clarifying inter-village boundaries to reduce conflict, enhancing local tenure security, and providing a mechanism for community consensus-building around management objectives.
  • Further work is needed to support local institutions and capacities for adaptive management and the clarification of jap jong ti din1 and its effects on communally-managed resources.