Transitioning Towards Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture: A Contribution to Food Systems Transformations (TARASA23)
Link to event: https://www.casiccambodia.net/tarasa Date: 24-27 OCTOBER 2023 Time: 08:30 AM – 17:00 PM (GMT +7) Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia Transitioning Towards Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture: A Contribution to Food Systems Transformation (TARASA23) is an international workshop that focuses on the contemporary and unprecedented challenges on a global scale and more specifically the Asia-Pacific region regarding the transition towards agroecology and regenerative agriculture. The workshop will gather regional and international experts, policymakers, scientists, and representatives from civil society and other constituencies to share their experience and knowledge in the fields of Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture, which would support the transition towards sustainable farming and food systems. Objectives of the Workshop: To share and learn from different experiences in Asia and the Pacific related to agroecology and regenerative agriculture to support farming and food systems transitioning. To discuss how to scale the successes and learn from the failures; a major output of the workshop will be to identify the key research and intervention areas to be addressed in each sub-system (technologies/ education/ implementation/ policy/ finance) to support the transitioning towards regenerative agriculture through agroecology in Asia and Pacific. To draft a roadmap for an ASEAN Agroecology coalition chapter. Who should attend? […]

Online Webinar: Strengthening Actor Networks to Support Changes, 09 May 2023
Date: Tuesday 9th May 2023 Time: 1:30 to 4:30pm (Hanoi, Vientiane, Phnom Penh, Bangkok Time) Zoom link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMsf-yorTMvHdeoyQsfG84HsYkXaI6BSA6e Organized by ALiSEA Network and GRET Networking of Actors to Support Changes About Partnership, Governance & Sustainability of networking: “What needs do we address?” Introduction ALiSEA Network is an open coalition of stakeholders united around the promotion of agroecology in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. Initiated in 2015, it was established in response to the need to bridge and synergize the many ongoing initiatives, convinced that cooperation is a crucial factor in scaling up agroecology. Making a link between practitioners and supporters sharing and supporting common goals on agroecology, it aims at providing meaningful benefit for all participants. ALiSEA works at local and regional levels, and currently counts five countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand. It gathers to date over 150 members from different backgrounds and approaches: CSOs and NGOs, Farmer organizations, Research & Academia, Private Sector, Government. The network has 3 folded objectives: Strengthen knowledge and experience sharing among agroecological initiatives and actors. Increase visibility and credibility of agroecological movement towards policy makers and consumers. Scaling up the development and adoption of agroecological practice among farmers. This webinar on “Strengthening Actor […]

IFOAM-Asia Call for Papers: The 6th Organic Asia Congress “Building World Peace through Organic Agriculture – Food Security Vital to Peace Building” June 6-9, 2023, Philippines
Background Agriculture plays a crucial role in economic development while alleviating poverty and malnutrition as well as preventing environmental destruction and reducing violence. Deprived conditions for agriculture hold grave implications for socio-economic development and sustainable peace in many countries. The escalation or continuation of conflicts worldwide remains the biggest cause of food insecurity. These mainly affect the rural populations, heavily impacting food and agricultural production and smallholder livelihoods. The rehabilitation of agriculture, therefore, has a central role in building and consolidating peace while contributing to food security and rural development. Food security is a necessary requirement to achieving peace, particularly in countries where agriculture and food production are key to economic and social development. A stable, peaceful environment is the foundation of lasting food security and sustainable livelihoods. Poor agricultural development and poverty can increase the motivation to join the armed forces to improve one’s standard of living. Sustainable agricultural development and food systems are essential in preventing conflicts and reducing the likelihood of a recurrence of violence. This must rely on the combined efforts of all stakeholders in the value chain, from farmers, input suppliers, processors, traders, distributors, consumers, scientists, and civil society. For peace-building, the revitalization of the […]

Cambodia ALiSEA Network “Online Thematic Session to Share Experience on Community Market Resilience”
Objectives: To share knowledge and experience on strategies to support Agroecology products and market linkage To promote knowledge and experiences exchange and foster learning among ALiSEA members. Date: 15th August 2022 Time: 14h00-17h00 (Cambodian time) Venue: Online workshop and please see the link here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMuce6tqDwiGtLEZc4KQnDpYO-26I6HsTiM Participant: All ALiSEA members, people who are interested in topics Speakers: No Name Organizations/Institutions Topic 1 Mr. Prum Samat CFAP Cambodia Market facilitation and promote mushrooms to consumers 2 Mr. Toch Chamroeun Program manager of Sustainable Soil for Life Association (SSLA) Marketing agroecological vegetables with PGS 3 Mr. Lin Hem / Ms. Celia del Campo Dan Church Aid Learnings from the ‘Farmer to Farmer workshop on agroecological markets’ in Battambang 4 Mr. Guillaume Jumel Sustainable Soil for Life Association (SSLA) Marketing techniques and community market resilience 5 Mr. Soth Visal GRET, international NGO Strategies and experiences of supporting farmers on Agroecology products and market linkages Brief background of Speakers Prum Samat: CFAP Chairman, and Chairman of Torng Thlork Agricultural Cooperative, Email: [email protected] HP: 081 546 354 Toch Chamroeun, Prgram manager of SSLA, HP: 093 468 701 Hem Lina, Assistant Technical Advisor, Agroecology, climate Change and Innovation, DCA Cambodia, HP: 011 253 241 Celia del Campo, […]

International Seminar on Sustainable Food System in Southeast Asia under and beyond COVID-19: Policy Evidence and Call for Action, 19-20 May 2022
Date: 19-20 May 2022 Time zone: Bangkok (GMT+7) Platform: Online virtual event (or hybrid) Objectives Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Kasetsart University plans to organize an international seminar focusing on Southeast Asia sustainable food system issues to share knowledge and information from evidenced-based research to provide policy recommendations to promote high-quality research, education, and effective capacity development in Southeast Asia. Key objectives of the seminar are as follows: To promote research-based and evidence-based knowledge sharing among academic and research institutions and policymakers in Southeast Asia To provide strategic and effective ways to advocate policy recommendations to support the transition towards a post-COVID-19 sustainable food system To identify possible areas for collaborative research projects and partnership opportunities and discussion on ways to establish a regional knowledge network on post-COVID-19 sustainable food system Participants Selected regional representatives including academic institutions, research institutions, national and international outreach institutions, non-governmental organizations, civil society, as well as policymakers from Southeast Asia. For more Information Download: Concept Note : Program Schedule

Cambodia ALiSEA Network: Online Thematic Session to Share Experience on Challenges of Flood plains ‘irrigated perimeter, 17 March 2022
Objectives To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on identified challenges of irrigated perimeter: water management and governance and agro ecological transition To promote knowledge exchange and foster learning among ALiSEA members. Date: 17th March 2022 Time: 14h30-16h30 (Cambodian time) Venue: Online workshop and please register and join us HERE Participant: All ALiSEA members, people who are interested in topics Speakers No. Name Organizations/Institutions Topic 1 Mr. Phoeurk Raksmey Faculty of Agricultural Economic and Rural Development, Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh Collective action and rice farming: an analysis of irrigation management in the Cambodian floodplains 2 Mrs Prémila Masse GRET, international NGO Challenges of agroecologiy transition in irrigated perimeter 3 Mr. MIN Sophoan : AVSF Cambodia Steung Chinit irrigation Scheme in Kampong Thom province Brief background of Speakers Phoeurk Raksmey, Project Manager of Center of Excellence on Agricultural Economic and Rural Development, Email: [email protected], HP: 098 700 601 Mrs Prémila Masse, Program manager Sustainable Food and agriculture system, Her contact: email: [email protected] MIN Sophoan, Country Coordinator, AVSF Cambodia, Email: [email protected], HP: 012 987 613 For more Info Mr. Kuy Sophal, DPA, ALiSEA National Secretariat for Cambodia, Tel: 012 632 362, Email: [email protected]

ALiSEA Network in Laos – Thematic Green Talk EP.02: Organic Farming and Certification, 11 February, 2022
Objective To share experiences and disseminate information for participants have better understand on organic farming management and the step of organic registration process. Date: Friday, 11 February 2022. Time: 9:00 – 11:00 AM (Vientiane time) Language: Lao Online meeting via Zoom, please register to get the link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvdu6rqDIjH9FVq0Ca0mEPa0yN7LAZie3W Livestream on Facebook page: @ALiSEALaos Participant: ALiSEA’s members and Non-member, who are interested on organic farming and certification. Presenters: No Name Organization Topic 1 Ms. Khammone LUANGLATH Thongmang organic agricultural cooperative Exchange: organic vegetable garden management to qualify for organic certification 2 Ms. Sodsouda OUDOMSOUK SAEDA Sharing: Extension work on organic farming with farmers in northern Laos 3 Ms. Monthida SISOMPHOU DOA, MAF Presentation: The steps involved in the organic certification process, standard and expenses. For more Info Contact Ms. Chintanaphone, Laos ALiSEA network secretariat, email: [email protected] | WhatsApp: (+856-20) 7771 4900

Agro-ecological and safe food transitions for green, resilient and inclusive recovery in the ASEAN region, 08 – 09 November 2021
BACKGROUND The ASEAN Vision and Strategic Plan for Food Agriculture and Forestry 2016 – 2025 is a “competitive, inclusive, resilient and sustainable food agriculture and forestry sector, integrated with the global economy, based on a single market and production base contributing to food and nutrition security and prosperity in the ASEAN Community.” Collaboration between ASEAN Member States (AMS), research institutes, and development partners and the private sector are envisaged to play important roles in achieving this vision. The call for safe, healthy and sustainably-produced food presents an important opportunity for a green, resilient and inclusive pandemic recovery path that builds on the extensive traditional knowledge and wealth presented by the region’s agrobiodiversity. As Governments focus attention on COVID-19 recovery and stimulus, it is urgent to develop reliable guidance and support for government and other stakeholders, increase networking, and strengthen collaboration to accelerate agroecological transition. OBJECTIVES A one and a half -day multi-stakeholder regional workshop is proposed to share perspectives on the requirements for transition to agroecology and safe food systems, with a view to support the current initiative to produce ASEAN guidelines on sustainable agriculture, as provided under the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework and Implementation Plan and in support of […]

International Webinar Series on Agroecology and Community Series X/2021, 22 October 2021
The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM) are pleased to invite you to the International Webinar Series on Agroecology and Community Series X/2021. Check out the upcoming Topic in the Series below: Topic Ecological Management of Invasive Rice Pests: Selected Examples from the Philippines Speaker Dr. Ravindra Chandra Joshi Philippine Rice Research Institute, Philippines Moderator Dr. Febri Doni Department of Biology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia Date 22nd October 2021(Friday) Time 9.00 PM – 10:30 PM ( +8 UTC Malaysia time) REGISTER here: https://qrgo.page.link/pe8Qj (Link for the webinar will be given after registration) The Webinar Series aims to promote agroecological approaches for sustainable agriculture, with related topics presented by local and international speakers. This is a monthly event to raise awareness on agroecology and explore community practices globally. NO FEES E-CERT for participants! Join the webinar to know what Agroecology is about! Save the date and see you soon. Fore more Info please visit: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SRIMASsociety Website: http://www.sri-mas.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzy8ze0rHzOmtE9zp3lil5A

2nd CASIC Annual Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification, 28-29 September 2021
In recent years, commercial practices have been promoted in the area of conservation agriculture. The Cambodia Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC) aims to further augment the current Conservation Agriculture/Sustainable Intensification (CA/SI) and agroecology by bringing various regional stakeholders together to better understand how to make CA/SI more accessible to farmers through various (market) actors offering the services on a commercial/sustainable basis. This workshop will offer you an insight on country status, policies and progress toward CA/SI and agroecology. This workshop will also address technical challenges related to CA/SI broad-scale adoption, examine the management of CA/SI system complexities, and finally understand dissemination processes of CA/SI and agroecology technologies and practices. Participants will also get a glimpse of CA/SI and agroecology prospects from the regional stakeholders and development partners. If you are interested in this event, please register through: https://forms.gle/47vPWGEYBCPsyk7R7 Flyer is available to download here

Cambodia ALiSEA Network: Online Thematic Session to Share Experience on Participatory Guarantee System, 26 August 2021
Date: 26 August 2021 Time: 10h00 – 12h00 (Cambodian time) Venue: Online workshop Participant: All ALiSEA members, partners, researchers, educational institutions, and those people who are interested in agroecology. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lcuqorzotE90m69U7ybc3trzmhlorZTiO Language: Khmer Objectives To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) which is certified on agroecological products. To promote knowledge exchange and foster learning among ALiSEA members. To create a diversified space for knowledge sharing with all ALiSEA members in terms of standard of certification for agricultural products. Agenda of the workshop No. Contents Time Responsibility 1 Program introduction Objective of the workshop 10h00-10h10 Mr. Khoeurn Sokkheng (Eclosio, ALiSEA National Secretariat for Cambodia) Ms. Lucie Reynaud (GRET, ALiSEA Regional Coordinator) Session 1: NGO Sector Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) process and creation 10h10-10h35 Mr. Chan Sokha (CIRD) Q&A for session 1 10h35-10h45 All participants 2 Session 2: Farmer Safe Agricultural Production and Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) Certification 10h45-11h00 Miss Duch Ses Mis Som Chanchhorvy Q&A for session 2 11h00-11h10 All participants 3 Session 3: Private Sector Market Access for Safe Agricultural Products 11h10-11h25 Mis Bun Sieng (NAVS) Q&A for session 3 11h25-11h35 All participants 4 Recap of the workshop 11h35-11h40 Mr. Khoeurn Sokkheng Speakers Chan Sokha: […]

ALiSEA Network – Thematic Green Talk EP 1: Market access of Laos’s agricultural products, 6 August 2021
Date: Friday, 6 August 2021 Time: 9.00 – 10.45 AM (GMT+7, Vientiane time) Language: Lao Participants: ALiSEA members and people interested about agro-ecology Register Zoom Link HERE Objective To discuss and sharing among ALiSEA’s members and people interested about agro-ecology to understand on market access situation and how to access to market of Laos’s agricultural products in within Laos and Export. Agenda No Content Time Responsibility 1 Program introduction, objective of the meeting program. 1. Introduce yourself by typing in chat 2. Expectation of interest to discuss 9.00-9.15 Ms. Chintanaphone (CLICK), GRET (ALiSEA) All Participants 2 Overview Agricultural Market of Laos 9.15-9.30 Ms. Chintanaphone 3 First talk: Lesson learnt of LFN to facilitate on market access for network’s members. 9.30-9.45 Ms. Keo Vanga. Marketing and product developer, LFN. 4 Q & A 9.45-10.00 All Participants 5 Second talk: Update the current situation of market demanding from Agricultural producers: • Market Access in Laos. • Advantages and disadvantages of Lao agriculture products. • How producer can prepare theselves to be able in delivering their products to meet standards • Current Market demanding 10.00-10.15 Ms. Toumkham. Founder of Khoong Dee Meuang Lao 6 Q&A 10.15-10.30 All Participants 7 Summary 10.30-10.45 Ms. […]

ALiSEA Network Vietnam: Online Thematic Session to Share Experience on Agroecological Farming and Markets Access, 21 July 2021
Objectives: To strengthen knowledge and experience sharing on agroecology according to topics of interest raised by ALiSEA members To encourage informal exchanges and foster learning among ALiSEA members To increase the visibility of agroecological initiatives Time: 9h30 -11h00 (Hanoi Time) Date: Wednesday 21st July 2021 Zoom link will be shared to participants 2 days before the meeting Agenda can be download HERE Participants: ALiSEA members and people interested about agroecology. Speakers: No. Name Organization Topic 1 Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa Abavina JSC Business model for developing agricultural communities bases on indigenous resources (Can Tho & Hau Giang Province) 2 Mr. Vo Quoc Lap Vuon Thuoc Nam Farm Introduction of agroecology farming system at Vuon Thuoc Nam Farm, opportunities and challenges for agroecology practices, and markets for agroecology products 3 Mr. Truong Thanh Dat Ech Op farm Introduction of agroecology farming system at Ech Op Farm, opportunities and challenges for agroecology practices, and markets for agroecology products Speakers – Who are they? ➢ Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Thoa – MSc in Rural Development, CEO Abavina JSC, Legendary for 15th National Assembly (https://baucuquochoi.vn/nhan-su/nguyen-thi-kim-thoa-). Building, developing and replicating the agricultural community development business model base on indigenous resources. ➢ Mr. Vo Quoc […]

Webinar: Overview of Agricultural machinery service provision business in Kanghot, Battambang, July 14, 2021
Water Resources Management and Agro-ecological Transition for Cambodia (WAT4CAM) Program Hosted by the TA-AGRI team Date: July 14th, 2021; 02:00 PM (GMT+7, time in Phnom Penh, Cambodia) Presented in Khmer with slides in English Rice farming in Kanghot is mainly based on two rice cycle and a relatively high level of intensification (i.e., fertilizers and chemical inputs). services to farms by agricultural cooperatives and local service providers (SP) are widely spread mainly for land preparation (i.e., land leveling, ploughing, rotary tiller), harvest and to a less extend rice seed broadcasting and phytosanitary treatments. Objective Share research findings and approach to engage agricultural cooperatives and service providers on new services that match with the principles of Agro-ecology and Conservation Agriculture. Join us HERE Implemented by:

Webinar on Agroecology: policy pathways to a pesticide-free future, 21 July 2021
On behalf of Pesticide Action Network (PAN) International, we are pleased to invite you to a webinar: Agroecology: policy pathways to a pesticide-free future Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 13:00 GMT (9:00 AM New York/EDT; 15:00 Central Europe/CEST) In this webinar, you will hear policymakers from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe share their experiences in developing and implementing public policies and initiatives that support transitions from pesticide dependence to agroecology. This proven approach to farming — grounded in principles of equity, collectivity, and food sovereignty — has enabled farmers around the world to replace dependence on highly hazardous pesticides with healthy, resilient food and farming systems. Join our conversation with policymakers to learn about the wide diversity of policy approaches supporting agroecological transitions that are underway today, from local to national to region-wide programs in Argentina, Mexico, Spain, India, Benin and West Africa. REGISTER HERE Speakers: Lidia García-García, Member of Coordination Team of the Right to Food Observatory, Valencia Food Policy Council & Center for Social Innovation (Spain) Marta Isabel Ferreira, Minister of Family Agriculture, Province of Misiones (Argentina) Vijay Kumar Thallam, Advisor to Government of Andhra Pradesh for Agriculture & Cooperation (India) Cecilia Elizondo, Academic Staff of Agroecology Group, […]

Young Organic Farmers 2021: Organic Agriculture Management Training
Organic Agriculture Management Training: Practical Work Experience from Maetha Community 21-27 August 2021 (Bangkok Time 13.30 – 16.00) Online Training Introduction: Towards Organic Asia (TOA) envisions to achieve community spirit, economy sustainability, and care for nature through the organic agriculture and agroecology by focusing on 4 working areas are 1) Training and Education 2) Technology and Innovation 3) Awareness and Advocacy, and 4) Next Generation and Youth. TOA provides a collaborative platform of individual and organization to work together at national and regional level to strengthen organic agriculture / agroecology in Asia. Focusing on organic agriculture/ agroecology as the heart of global transformation. The current situation of farming is creating a lot of impacts on social, ecology, and economy system, even though the climate change issue is creating a difficult and unpredictable situation for agriculture. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic courses us a huge health and economic impacts, and affirming the importance of the food security and sustainable food systems. Goal and Objective: One of TOA goals is supporting next generation and youth, a new generation of young pioneering leaders are equipped with technical skill, knowledge, and value to sustain organic agriculture and agroecology, and serve as active guardians of the earth, therefore, TOA will […]

The International Webinar Series on Agroecology and Community Series VII/2021
The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM) are pleased to invite you to the International Webinar Series on Agroecology and Community Series VII/2021. Check out the upcoming Topic in the Series below: Topic Agroecology: A Life in Common with Nature Speaker Tammi Jonas Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance Moderator Dr. Muhamad Shakirin Mispan Universiti Malaya, Malaysia Date 9th July 2021 (Friday) Time 3 PM- 4:30 PM (Malaysia UTC + 8) REGISTER here: https://forms.gle/DxgEWEykJsTxQjtF7 (Link for the webinar will be given after registration) The Webinar Series aims to promote agroecological approaches for sustainable agriculture, with related topics presented by local and international speakers. This is a monthly event to raise awareness on agroecology and explore community practices globally. NO FEES E-CERT for participants! Join the webinar to know what Agroecology is about! Save the date and see you soon. Follow and visit us 👍🏻 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SRIMASsociety Website: http://www.sri-mas.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzy8ze0rHzOmtE9zp3lil5A

International Webinar Series on Agroecology and Community Series VI/2021, 25 June 2021
The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM) are pleased to invite you to the International Webinar Series on Agroecology and Community Series VI/2021. Check out the upcoming Topic in the Series below: Topic Agroecological Opportunities with System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and System of Crop Intensification (SCI) Speaker Prof. Emeritus Dr. Norman T. Uphoff Cornell University Moderator Dr. Elisa Azura Azman Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia Date 25th June 2021 (Friday) Time 9 PM – 10:30 PM (Malaysia UTC + 8) REGISTER here: https://forms.gle/kuomb3jTcR7Bpf5bA (Link for the webinar will be given after registration) The Webinar Series aims to promote agroecological approaches for sustainable agriculture, with related topics presented by local and international speakers. This is a monthly event to raise awareness on agroecology and explore community practices globally. NO FEES E-CERT for participants! Join the webinar to know what Agroecology is about! Save the date and see you soon. Follow and visit us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SRIMASsociety Website: http://www.sri-mas.com/

Building evidence for transforming agricultural innovation systems under climate change – A webinar series to set the path for a transformation in agricultural innovation systems in the lead up to COP26
A major transformation of food systems is needed to achieve food and nutrition security globally in the context of a changing climate. In this context, the UK—as part of its COP26 Presidency—has launched the ‘Transforming Agricultural Innovation for People, Nature and Climate’ campaign to catalyze a step change in agricultural innovation. The campaign is co-chaired by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The campaign aims to transform agricultural innovation systems through various mechanisms: Mobilizing new international commitments in agriculture R&D; Gearing public investments towards end-to-end solutions; Showcasing business models to ensure deployment of technology at scale; and Building consensus on evidence-based approaches and inclusive dialogues among key institutions. Join our webinar series – which is also part of the All4Climate initiative, where we will present the findings of five evidence reviews commissioned under the Research, Development and Deployment (RD&D) strand of the Sustainable Agriculture component of the COP26 Nature Campaign.

Learn to write your own Agroecology Stories of Change: A Free Online Writing Class on 21, 22, 23 and 28 June 2021
Do you have a good story about achieving zero hunger through agroecology? We can help you to write it. Join us for a free Story Writing Class on Zoom Presented by the FAO Family Farming & Agroecology Community of Practice (CoP) and the Barefoot Guide Connection. The free online Writing class ‘’ Learn to write your own Agroecology Stories of Change: Achieving zero hunger through agroecology’’ that will be held in the 4 sessions on 21, 22, 23 and 28 June 2021 in English. SESSION ONE – 21 JUNE – A series of creative exercises to help you write the first draft of your story. SESSION TWO – 22 JUNE – In peer groups you will get valuable feedback on your first draft, using a powerful listening approach (head, heart and feet), adding new angles and depth to incorporate into your second draft. SESSION THREE – 23 JUNE – Peer feedback on your second draft will be focused on the Action Learning Cycle to draw out interesting reflections and learning to incorporate into the third draft. Elements from the Writing Guide are emphasized to support your next draft. SESSION FOUR – 28 JUNE – You will bring your third draft for a last round of feedback […]

The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM) are pleased to invite you to the International Webinar Series on Agroecology & Community. Check out the upcoming Topic in the Series below: Topic Impact of Agrochemicals and Pesticides on Agroecology Speaker Assoc. Prof. Dr Norida Mazlan Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Moderator To be announced Date 21st May 2021 (Friday) Time 9 PM – 10:30 PM (Malaysia UTC + 8) REGISTER here: https://forms.gle/31vkHXLBG4owvDnq9 (Link for the webinar will be given after registration) The Webinar Series aims to promote agroecological approaches for sustainable agriculture, with related topics presented by local and international speakers. This is a monthly event to raise awareness on agroecology and explore community practices globally. NO FEES E-CERT for participants! Join the webinar to know what Agroecology is about! Save the date and see you soon. Follow and visit us 👍🏻 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SRIMASsociety Website: http://www.sri-mas.com/

The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM) are pleased to invite you to the International Webinar Series on Agroecology & Community. Topic: Building Back Greener & More Resilient: Contributions of Agroecology to a “New Normal” in Asia Speaker: Mr. Pierre Ferrand (FAO Regional Office for Asia & Asia Pacific) Moderator: Dr. Nurul Shamsinah Mohd Suhaimi (University of Malaya, Malaysia) Date: 26th March 2021 (Friday); 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (Malaysia) REGISTER here The Webinar Series aims to promote agroecological approaches for sustainable agriculture, with related topics presented by local & international speakers. This is a monthly event to raise awareness on agroecology and explore community practices globally. For more information SRI-Mas Bureau Agroecology & Natural Farming (BAPA) Contact: +6 012 573 8779; Email: [email protected]

Lao PDR PROSAFE Agri-Food Forum “Know Your Food Law”, March 9, 2021
Background The PROSAFE project being implemented by Mekong Institute with the generous funding support from the New Zealand Aid Programme (NZAP) aims to strengthen agri-food safety capabilities of agri-food supply chain stakeholders in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam – CLMV. The project’s main goal is to promote food safety through a coordinated approach to knowledge and skills development. Apart from addressing the country-identified training needs, the project promotes strong partnerships and collaboration between the public and the private sector and provides support in the application of knowledge and skills through a planned outreach. This event is the first in a series of multi-stakeholder events and activities planned for Lao PDR in 2021 under the PROSAFE project. The PROSAFE project organized by Mekong Institute with the generous funding support from the New Zealand Aid Programme (NZAP) aims to strengthen agrifood safety capabilities of agri-food supply chain stakeholders in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam – CLMV. The project’s key features are: Promoting food safety along the horticultural value chain Involvement of the public and private sectors Addressing country-identified training needs Planned outreach to support the application of knowledge and skills Use of New Zealand and regional food safety expertise The […]

The Malaysian Agroecology Society for Sustainable Resource Intensification (SRI-Mas), the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and the Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM) are pleased to invite you to the International Webinar Series on Agroecology & Community on 26th Feb 2021 (Friday), 09:00 – 10:30 pm (Malaysia) REGISTER HERE Webinar Platform: Zoom Meeting ID: 738 262 5681 Passcode: yg19AD Link: https://zoom.us/j/7382625681… For more information contact to the Secretariat SRI-Mas Bureau Agroecology & Natural Farming (BAPA) Tel: +6 012 573 8779; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SRIMASsociety; Website: http://www.sri-mas.com/

ECO MARKET in Lao Ngam District, Salavan Province, Lao PDR
The Eco-Market is supported by IUCN, implemented by VFI, and aims to support the ecologically-friendly production and sale of local products. Products will include clean agriculture (vegetables, fruits and animal products), forest products, handicrafts, and textiles. No plastic packaging will be allowed during the Eco-Market and farmers have already participated in trainings to create natural packaging. On Friday, February 5, 2021, there will be official opening and launching ceremony for Eco-Market at VFI’s Green Earth Centre (GEC) in Lao Ngam District, Salavan Province The ceremony will be held at 13:30 to 16:00 at the GEC on Friday, February 5, 2021, followed by the 1st Eco Market on Saturday, February 6, 2021, from 09:00 to 18:00. The Eco Market will be held each Saturday from the launch day through June of 2021. Your attendance is welcome and we ask you to confirm your participation in the following way, by Wednesday, February 3: [email protected] +856 20 56616356 (phone and WhatsApp) Other information: About Green Earth Centre (GEC) Invitation letter

Online Webinar: INTRODUCTION TO RAFTER BEEKEEPING, Jan 21, 2021, 03:00 PM in Bangkok
Eric Guerin, is a French biologist specialized in Southeast Asian native bee conservation and sustainable beekeeping. Based in Cambodia since 2008, Eric has been working closely with honey hunters and small-scale beekeepers throughout Southeast Asia. In his exploration of sustainable beekeeping and wild honey collection approaches, he paid special attention to a technic empirically developed by several communities in Southeast Asia. This technic called “rafter beekeeping” enables beekeepers to safely and sustainably harvest honey from Apis dorsata colonies. Aiming at sharing the technic with other communities, Eric Guerin wrote a training manual with support from the WWF. Eric will be sharing this technic prior to the upcoming publication of the manual by the International Bee Research Association. This webinar** is free of cost but requires advance registration and capacity is limited. RSVP For further information: [email protected] * Check your local time here ** Note: This webinar will be conducted in English Register HERE The online webinar will take place via Zoom and will be hosted by the World Wide Fund Thailand (WWF) supported by GO Organics Peace International as part of the efforts of the Asian Pollinator Initiatives Alliance (APIA)

National workshop on “Innovative Pathways to Climate Resilient Livelihoods”, Myanmar, 22 January 2021
The 3rd National Workshop of National Climate Smart Agriculture Center (NCSA Center) with a special focus on “Innovative Pathways to Climate Resilient Livelihoods”, will convene at 22nd January, 2021. The workshop is virtually organized by NCSA Center, Yezin Agricultural University and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The 3rd National Workshop on “Innovative Pathways to Climate Resilient Livelihoods” aims to bring researchers, scholars, scientists, policymakers, environmental science community, academicians and weather scientists on one platform to showcase their research efforts and contributions. Four sub-themes of the 3rd National Workshop on Innovative Pathways to Climate Resilient Livelihoods are Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery, and Microenterprise Business Development. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss various issue related to those subthemes toward climate resilient livelihoods of Myanmar including future scenarios, transition management and international cooperation. For more information, tentative agenda of workshop is here. In this regard, we cordially invite you to attend the virtual event on Innovative Pathways to Climate Resilient Livelihoods for a wonderful experience, knowledge sharing, networking opportunities, publishing and many more. Click the link below to register and you have until January, 19, 2021 to register. https://forms.gle/rFjGBkkPTZ4pSiFW9 After registration, we will provide the zoom link […]

Lao Farmer Network Annual Meeting is organizing a knowledge fair on 11 November 2020. Last year, on 31 January 2019 there were 19 lessons shared at the LFN Annual Meeting. More than 150 participated in the knowledge fair. watch the atmosphere from the last event here LFN would like to invite interested organizations to submit a case/s for presentation during the KM Fair on the following topics: Sustainable Agriculture Technologies Marketing, Processing, and Financing Partnership and Networking Policy Advocacy Women & Youth Credit and Savings Inclusive Smallholder Agricultural Value Chains Climate Change Proofed Investment in Agriculture and Rural Development Food Safety, Quality Standards, and Certification Farmer organization development Please fill in the template in the attached file (English and Lao version), if you already have your own template of good practices in your projects please feel free to send it so. Limit your submission to two (2) pages per case. If you have any questions, ready to submit the completed template to Chintanaphone Keovichith at [email protected] not later than 02 November 2020.

Online workshop on “Expanding Access to Canadas Organic Agri-Foods Market for ASEAN SMEs”
We’re pleased to announce about up-coming online workshop “Expanding Access to Canadas Organic Agri-Foods Market for ASEAN SMEs” support by TFO Canada cooperate with COrAA. This event will greatly help your company prepare in exporting to Canada, by providing you with: Insights on the Canada market for your product(s) the profile of buyers and how to engage with them Useful business strategies. This 5 days workshop will run as an online training by zoom. It will take place from 23-27 Nov 2020 from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM Most importantly, the course is free of charge for COrAA members. Non-Member of COrAA is also welcome to join if you being COrAA’s member. As the next step, we kindly ask you to confirm your participation in this training course by email before 12 OCT 2020 to [email protected] or [email protected] by including your personal and company name. For more information please contact: [email protected], Tel:096 976 7031 or 099 822 136

TOT training of Permaculture, 26-31 October 2020, Luangprabang, Lao PDR
Pha Tad KeBotanical Garden has started a new permaculture project. This project will involve the development and installation of a permaculture demonstration/research farm in Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Laos with a training program for local farmers, government staff, NPAs and NGO’s. As part of this program, we will teach and showcase sustainable practices and how to improve livelihoods for poor upland farming communities on permaculture principles. On 26-31 October 2020 Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden will organize a TOT training (Training of Trainer) at Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Luang Prabang, Laos. This 6-day trainings program will take place at the Permaculture Demonstration and Research Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Luang Prabang, Laos. The training will involve an introduction to permaculture, how to design, implement, and maintain a sustainable permaculture farm. This training will be delivered in English and Lao language and is meant for teachers from University and College as well for NGO staff working on rural development projects. In the TOT training program, we will provide the course and the permaculture manual for free, including transportation, food and accommodation. We like to invite you to be part of our training program. If you are interested or have any further […]

Training in Cambodia on Conservation Agriculture, 28-29 September 2020
A training session on “Conservation Agriculture: A Sustainable Cropping Solution” will be organized by the Conservation Agriculture Service Center of the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management, CIRAD, SmartAgro and SwissContact. Objective of the training Raising the awareness on the agroecological cropping management through the conservation agriculture techniques. Improving technical skills of the farmers/resource persons on the implementation the cropping sequences, efficient resource utilization and mechanization for CA. Extension of the CA farmer’s networks. Training Schedule & Course Program Date: Monday 28th to Tuesday 29th September 2020 Venue: The Conservation Agriculture Service Center, Phumi Thlok Kravan, Bosknor commune, Chamkar Leu district, Kompong Cham province. The course Program is available here Target Attendees This course is designed to be attended by 35 participants who are farmers who have problems with increasing pest infestation, soil degradation, decreasing yields and are looking for safe solutions and maintaining organic values of production. Farmers in the organic rice production network and sustainable rice platform will be invited through partner organizations. For general farmers, agricultural extension officer, students and researchers can also register, which can be done through the Facebook page of the Conservation Agriculture Service Center and SmartAgro or via link (https://forms.gle/t29BzVS7px6nP3pcA). All participants are […]

Announcement of e-learning course on agro-ecology
To support agro-ecology transition in Cambodia as well as in the region, E-learning course on agro-ecology is developed under the project Innovative Pedagogical Resources in Conservation Agriculture in South-East Asia (IPERCA) funded by Agropolis Foundation and the complementary funding from the French Development Agency (AFD) through ACTAE/CANSEA project. This initiative brings together the E-learning Center of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) and the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (CE SAIN), the University of Battambang (UBB), the Department of Agricultural Land Resources Management (GDA/DALRM), the Conservation Agriculture Service Center (CASC/DALRM), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and the TICE team from SupAgro, Montpellier, France. The e-learning course on agro-ecology cover 4 main dimensions that contain in total 10 courses for an agro-ecological transition: Co-design agro-ecological practices 1.1. Cover crop 1.2. Building a healthy soil 1.3. Conservation Agriculture (CA) and Direct seeding Mulch based Cropping systems (DMC) Support the transition to agro-ecological practices 2.1. Agrarian system analysis and diagnosis 2.2. Land Use and Land Cover Changes, Northwestern Uplands of Cambodia 2.3. Agrarian transition and opportunity windows for agro-ecological transition Adapt appropriate-scale mechanization 3.1. A versatile machinery for […]

Young Organic Farmers 2020: Organic Seeds Production Training
Organic Seeds Production Training Training period is between 1-14 August 2020 Online Training Introduction: We have lost seeds varieties and food security from the mainstream agriculture system. Seeds production become limitation and professionalization, good quality seeds become commercialization, and adapt to chemical production method. The Open Pollination (OP) seeds are essential for resilience and sustainability of food system. Therefore, supporting and building capacity of Young Organic Farmers: Organic Seed Production Training focusing on knowledge sharing and technology transfer will strengthen the ecological diversity, tackle farming and climate change issues, and bring back the local economy towards organic agriculture and food security. Objectives/ Goals: The Mekong region and Bhutan are predominantly agrarian with deep-rooted culture and local wisdom. Violent economic and political systems, cause fare reaching social and environmental degradation. Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam are in strong current of transitioning but not “transcending” transformation towards sustainable development stagnates. Young people migrate to the big city, the land grabbing issue is increasing, lack of forest and water resources, chemical use and unsafe food, health issue, social fabric, and communities are broken, climate change catastrophe, and other more. Towards Organic Asia (TOA) provides a collaborative platform of individuals and […]

Webinar on COVID-19: Deglobalisation and the opportunity for food sovereignty, 9 July 2020
COVID-19 has exposed multiple weaknesses and failures of the corporate and finance capital dominated, globalized world we live in. As lockdowns around the world kicked in, global and national supply chains of essential goods and services were disrupted. Decades of neoliberal and austerity policies manifested in the overload and collapse of public health systems in many countries. Measures to contain the spread of the SARS CoV-2 virus underlined the extreme vulnerability of the global food supply chain, which started to break down as millions of agricultural workers—many of who are seasonal migrants—were shut out by closed national borders and bans on domestic travel. Many countries in the south failed in ensuring that millions of citizens, especially itinerant workers, who had lost jobs overnight did not go hungry. Farmers struggled as farmgate prices collapsed and market linkages were broken. Undoubtedly, making sure that the global food chain is free of disruptions is a short-term priority to address unemployment, and prevent starvation and increased poverty. At the same time, it must be recognized that the global food supply chain is magnifying the Covid 19 fiasco, that its having displaced local and regional food production systems and making countries less self-sufficient in food has made many of them more vulnerable to […]

WEBINAR: June 4th, 2020 “Exploring the ‘new normal’ in Global Food Systems; the role of the private sector and Public-Private Partnerships”
The Value chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N), is organizing a series of Webinars around the theme “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains – What we can do to mitigate the impact” The objective of the series is to provide an opportunity to assess the impact of the current crises on the ground in several countries while allowing a moment of reflection and discussion. In this 4th Webinar, we explore “The role of the private sector and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in mitigating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and related economic downfall and in shaping path-ways for a more resilient agro-business sector in the future.” We highlight the impact of the crises on major agro-commodities and the role of companies and PPPs in the sector to mitigate impact and recovery efforts and lead the way towards an agricultural sector that is more resilient towards external shocks like pandemics. The private sector as linking pin in value chain interactions is crucial in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and in reaching for a more resilient agricultural sector. The private sector in low/medium income countries is typically dominated by a large number of (partly informal) microenterprises and a handful of large firms, […]

FAO/OIE/WFP/WHO food safety webinar – Food safety in the “new normal”, Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Have you noticed that you are now washing your hands more properly than the last year? It is an important yet unique opportunity on the second observance of World Food Safety Day that we all have a chance to reflect how our continuous and new food safety actions could fit into the “new normal” era. Over the last few decades, a substantial amount of efforts have been made to improve our food safety systems in Asia and the Pacific. Consumers are more aware of food safety and quality, demanding better and safer food. Many governments have been introducing modernized food control systems and improving the practical implementation and enforcement measures. Industries are recognizing new trends in people’s food habits, and the importance of self-checking on food safety practices has become very important. Innovative technologies and techniques are researched and invented to make our food safer. Fake news is everywhere and provision of accurate information has become extremely important. Many stakeholders have spent many years and lots of money to improve food safety in countries in the region, but why do we still have many shortcomings? And what priority food safety issues should we tackle in the coming years? On the occasion of World Food Safety Day, the Food and Agriculture Organization […]

Build Capacity of Knowledge Platforms AGORA and Research4Life
A new FAO partnership established with The United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries (UNTB) supports the delivery of new online training activities to enhance the access and understanding of the knowledge platforms, AGORA and Research4Life. What is AGORA/Research4Life: Since 2003 FAO has led AGORA, a knowledge platform that provides free or low-cost access to major scientific journals and books on food and agriculture to public institutions in the lower-income countries. AGORA, through the five Research4Life programmes, provides access to almost 100,000 leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, the environment, and applied sciences. More than 9,000 institutions in over 120 low- and middle-income countries are benefiting from free or low-cost online access from AGORA. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): With the joint objective to enhance the access to recent scientific knowledge, UNTB and FAO will run two editions of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled: “Research4Life Online Training Tools to develop capacities in information use, scholarly communication and information management in least developed countries”. The MOOC follows a modular structure, which allows participants to study their area of interest throughout a five-week period. The course covers topics relevant across all Research4Life programmes, such as the scholarly communication landscape, […]

The Research and Extension Unit (AGDR) presents a webinar on: EXTENSION AND ADVISORY SERVICES: at frontline of COVID-19 response ensuring food security in Asia Tuesday, 19th May 2020
The Research and Extension Unit (AGDR) presents a webinar on: EXTENSION AND ADVISORY SERVICES: at frontline of COVID-19 response ensuring food security in Asia Tuesday, 19th May 2020 At 8:30 in Rome 14:30 in Beijing, 12:00 in New Delhi time, 13:30 in Vientiane, 16:30 in Sydney For registration, please click here The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is expanding daily. Governments around the globe are confronted with multiple challenges related to minimizing the devastating health impact and protecting human lives, livelihoods and ensuring sufficient food supplies and the functioning of services to those most in need. Between present disruptions and future threats to the food supply chain, the COVID-19 outbreak has generated extreme vulnerability in the agriculture sector. Extension and Advisory Service (EAS) systems, through their network of actors (public, NGOs, private sector, Producer Organizations, farmer groups, etc.) can play an indispensable role in raising awareness of COVID-19 to reduce spread of the pandemic and assist in emergency operations, while ensuring that rural producers have relevant and accurate information, inputs and services to support their agricultural production, both during and in the post-emergency period. Recognising that the impact of COVID-19 and response measures are not uniform across the globe, FAO’s Research […]

VCB-N Webinar 3: “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains – What we can do to mitigate the impact on service delivery to different actors in the value chain”
VCB-N Webinar 3: “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains – What we can do to mitigate the impact on service delivery to different actors in the value chain” The Value Chain Capacity Building Network (VCB-N), is organizing a series of Webinars around the theme of “The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural value chains – What we can do to mitigate the impact!” The objective of the series of Webinars is to provide an opportunity to assess the impact of the current crises on the ground in several countries, while allowing a moment of reflection and discussion. The third Webinar in this series is organized together with GFRAS and IFAD. In the 3rd Webinar of the series we highlight the impact of the crises on service delivery to farmers and other value chain actors and on potential mechanisms to cope with restrictions and challenges posed to supplying service in times of the crisis. The Webinar will explore the perspective of several service delivery channels (private, public, farmer organisations) and highlight coping mechanisms that are evolving in Asia and beyond in efforts to maintain certain levels of necessary service delivery to the sector. DATE: 15th of May 2020 14.00 DHAKA time […]

The future of food systems in Southeast Asia post COVID-19 Virtual Seminar, 5 May 2020 at 1500 hrs Bangkok (GMT + 7hrs)
The future of food systems in Southeast Asia post COVID-19 Virtual Seminar, 5 May 2020 at 1500 hrs Bangkok (GMT + 7hrs) Co-hosted by IRRI and FAO Background Since it was declared a pandemic by WHO on 11 March 2020, COVID-19 has affected millions of people in over 200 countries and territories around the globe. It has forced many countries to impose lockdown or other measures to limit people to people contact and movement. Schools, offices and airports are closed down. The full impact of the pandemic is yet to be known but for sure it will cause major repercussions to the food systems. Safeguarding food security is critical during the pandemic. Farmers need to continue to produce foods, distribute them and ensure that access to markets are not compromised. However, the situations are different from country to country and challenges to maintain well-functioning food systems are huge. Governments across Southeast Asia, one of the most fast-growing regions in the world, are called to take appropriate policy measures to ensure the continuity of food systems to serve the people, including the poor, the most vulnerable segment of our society. The key questions of the seminar are: What are the […]

Training in System of Rice Intensification (SRI), July 31, 2020, Thailand
Training in System of Rice Intensification (SRI) July 31, 2020 09:00 – July 31, 2020 17:00 ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center & Seed Bank, Thailand Presented By: ECHO Asia Impact Center Event Details This event will include: The interactive demonstration of SRI innovations Discussions on SRI principles including how to increase yields and decrease water usage Introduction ECO ASIA and Farm Tour Training will be conducted in Thai & English The cost of this training is 200thb and include coffee break & lunch Location ECHO Asia Small Farm Resource Center & Seed Bank San Pa Pao, San Sai District Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai 50210 Thailand Registration & Event Contact: For more information or to register, contact Daniela (DJ) Riley ([email protected]): Phone: +66 (0)53304028 Or go to https://www.echocommunity.org/events

Call for application: A training program on storytelling about natural resources and agriculture in Laos
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS “Feature green growth” A training program on a storytelling about natural resources and agriculture in Laos May to December 2020 Locations: Laos (Vientiane and potential field trips to provinces) Languages: Lao and English Mekong Sustainable News Project – Background Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar are all predominantly rural countries; indeed, in the last three, more people work in the agricultural sector than any other. These four countries are among those that are most affected by climate change, especially in rural areas. They also have to cope with major challenges in terms of air and water pollution, food safety and new pandemics. Faced with these threats, the work carried out by journalists is absolutely critical, as it makes it possible to raise people’s awareness and inform them about the issues linked to sustainable development so that they will be inspired to play their part in making the environmental changes needed in their respective countries. Launched in 2019, the Mekong: Sustainable News project is helping to improve how scientific news topics are being processed in the Mekong region, especially by digital media organisations. It is encouraging journalists to cover environmental subjects in a positive and humane way, by highlighting […]

Lao Farmer Network Event 2020, LAO PDR
When: 18-20 March 2020, Where: The Lao-Korea Rural Development Training Centre (LKRDTC), DETAP, Vientiane capital Background Lao Farmer Network is a national organization of farmers organizations established in 2014 by farmers for the benefit of smallholder farmers across the country. Currently, the network has 53 farmer organizations from 13 provinces with over 4,000 farmers who produce vegetables, rice, coffee, tea, sugarcane, sesame, chicken, duck, fish, cattle, mulberry and silk, and bitter bamboo. The network support members in strengthening their organizations improve production techniques, increase income through commercial agriculture and influencing related policies. As the network becomes bigger and stronger in the last 6 years, the network would like to revisit their strategy and to better engage with the Government, Private Sector and Civil Society Organization. Thus, LFN is organizing a 3 days public event with the following. Objectives: Organize a dialogue on the Producer-Private sector- Public Partnership (4Ps) where all LFN members can dialogue with private sectors on opportunities for partnership. Organize a knowledge fair where LFN members share their farming good practices, experiences in processing, marketing, and other issues. In addition, other interested organizations to share information on their projects, research results, farming technologies, etc. Organize a consultation meeting on […]

As the Right Livelihood Award is approaching its 40th Anniversary and the Right Livelihood College is celebrating 10 years, our common global challenges are becoming increasingly acute and tangible when it comes to for example the climate crisis, authoritarian governance, the continuous threat of violent conflict including the use of nuclear weapons and growing inequality between rich and poor. At this crucial time in human history, Right Livelihood Award Laureates hold in their hands a whole mosaic of proven solutions for a peaceful, just, and sustainable world and the Right Livelihood College is emerging as a creative platform for Laureates to share their knowledge and discuss with students. The collaboration of Laureates is essential to making the College an even more effective network for Inspiring Change, not least in the coming decisive decade. In our regular contact with the Laureates, we experience that most are under pressure in one way or another because of their work. And in many cases, we see that support/solidarity/knowledge transfer from other Laureates can be of great assistance. During our 40th Anniversary year, the Right Livelihood Award Foundation has decided to make sure that Laureates meet in different constellations all over the world – to make […]

Mekong Institute will be organizing a series of safe food courses in 2020 as part of the New Zealand Aid Programme-funded Project on Promoting Food Safety for Everyone (PROSAFE). These regional training programs comprise a major component of the five-year food safety project being implemented in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV). The Project primarily seeks to engage key actors from both the public and private sectors to put in place an integrated mechanism leading toward significant changes in food safety perception and practices in the region, especially in fresh fruit and vegetable value chains. In this line, MI is now accepting applications for interested CLMV nationals to participate in the following courses to be delivered in 2020. These courses will be organized at the MI Residential Training Center in Khon Kaen, Thailand. MI will cover the costs of participation for selected candidates. Courses will be delivered in English and will be facilitated by New Zealand and regional experts. Selected participants are expected to develop and implement action plans to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they gained from their respective courses. These action plans must be relevant to their organization’s priorities or the participant’s current work. Download the application form here. […]

ANDE ESEA Sustainable Agriculture Learning Lab #5, 22 November 2019, Cambodia
The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and Swisscontact Cambodia invite you to join the fifth regional Learning Lab on Sustainable Agriculture to discuss challenges and best practices in Agriculture Small and Growing Business (SGB) in East and Southeast Asia. This lab aims to bring together stakeholders – ANDE members and key players in the agriculture ecosystem – to discuss key global and regional challenges ranging from Agri-Business Model, Sustainable Finance Innovation, Role of women as sustainable consumer and investor, AgTech and roles of technology in tackling climate change, energy access, and food security in the region. These sessions with a focus on Identifying Business Opportunities in Conservation Agriculture (CA), which is a key to sustainable crop production intensification in feeding a growing world population while conserving ecological and natural resources. However, smallholder farmers often face challenges in investing in CA and agroecology machineries and practices. A solution to tackling this challenge is ensuring a sustainable input supply chain by supporting local manufacturers and CA service providers to provide the necessary services to the farmers. Key Takeaways: The important of Conservation Agriculture The initiatives taken in Cambodia to promote conservation agriculture Business opportunities that exist in conservation agriculture Agenda: 8:30 […]

Biodynamic Workshop, 25-29 November 2019, Thailand
Thai Organic Trade Association (TOTA) in collaboration with Demeter International (DI) cordially invite you to join Biodynamic Workshop 25-29 November 2019, at Merit Food products & Chotiwan farm, Chonburi, Thailand. Curriculum Basic concept of organic farming, Introduction to Steiner and Anthroposophy, Introduction to Biodynamics, BD 500 & 501 Theory, BD 502-507 Theory, BD 500 making, BD compost Theory, BD compost making, CPP theory, CPP making, CPP Application, Liquid Manures Theory, Liquid Manures making, Liquid Manures Application, Cosmic Rhythms, BD marketing, Demeter Certification, Project Presentation Application Form: https://bit.ly/2BZGsFD Workshop venue: https://bit.ly/2MRa4et For more information contact: [email protected]; [email protected]

EARTH Talks: Why We Love Sustainable Farming in Laos, September 27, 2019
Ben Patrick, founder of ECO ASIA and Luang Prabang-based permaculture consultant, will lead an interactive talk on promoting sustainable farming in Laos (Earth care – People care – Fair share), outline his project, and discuss ways you can get involved. A Q&A session will follow. Bring Yourself Down to EARTH – Vientiane for this special EARTH TALK: WHY WE LOVE SUSTAINABLE FARMING IN LAOS on Friday, September 27 at 7:00 PM. FREE ENTRY if you are interested to join the event click here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2110648185904036/

Call for Applications for the online course on Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) together with the Pan African Farmers’ Organisation (PAFO) are pleased to call for applications for a new online course: “Farm Data Management, Sharing and Services for Agriculture Development”. There is an exponential growth in data accompanying the digitalization of agriculture through the proliferation of mobile technology, remote sensing technologies and distributed computing capabilities among others. The effective management of this data will open up new opportunities to better the lives and livelihoods of smallholder farmers by lowering cost and reducing information asymmetries. This course builds on the content and experience of the GODAN Action online courses – “Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition”, which has been offered since November 2017 and has trained over 4400 participants. The Farm Data Management, Sharing, and Services for Agriculture Development online course will focus on strengthening the skills of professionals who use, manage data for the benefit of farmers and farmers organizations. The course explores the importance of data in the agriculture value chain and how new and existing technologies, products and services can leverage farm level and global data to improve yield, reduce loss, add value and increase profitability and […]

Madhu Duniya 2019 – Conservation and Characterization: Asian Bees Unique but Threatened, Oct 21-24, 2019 PHILIPPINES
MANILA, Philippines – Asia’s largest forest honey and bee conference makes it way to the Philippines! Madhu Duniya is the largest gathering of Asian forest honey producers, scientists, supporters and private sector players in the world, coming together to discuss growing trends, challenges and opportunities in the forest honey and native bee sector. It is held once every four years in Asia, and the Philippines will host the 2019 edition of the event in October. The event takes its name from the Sanskrit word “Madhu” (Honey) and the Arabic word “Duniya” (World). As a regional platform, Madhu Duniya aims to promote forest honey as a crucial product for rural incomes, a key towards forest conservation, and as a vital component to human health around the world and especially in Asia. Previous iterations of Madhu Duniya held in India (2007), Indonesia (2011), and Cambodia (2015) have been quite successful. It has resulted in the successful formation of forest honey networks in at least five countries, the forging of government partnerships, inspired on-going research on honey for its health and medicinal benefits, and provided links for private sector partners and producers. The Philippine archipelago is home to various endemic and indigenous species […]

“Sustainable Agriculture Production for Food, Nutritional and Livelihood Security: A Challenge for Asian Farmers”, September 25-27, 2019, Pattaya, Thailand
Organizers Pragati International Scientific Research Foundation (PISRF), Meerut, India Co- Organizers The Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology, and Sciences (SHUATS), Prayagraj, India North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management (NERIWALM), Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), Government of India, Tezpur, Assam, India Farming Systems Research and Development Association (FSRDA), Meerut, India The Institution of Engineers (India), Uttrakhand State Centre, Deharadun, India About the conference The conference aim is to focus on sustainable diversified agriculture production systems for food, nutritional and livelihood security of the majority of the population in this region who are dependent for their sustenance on agriculture. They are resource-poor small landholders belonging to Developing and Least Developed Asian Countries. This conference will bring together the national and international scientific community, policymakers, administrators, agro-industry representatives, and other stakeholders. The themes and sub-themes of the conference are designed to cover all major areas such as diversification in agriculture, sustainable rice cultivation horticulture /plantation tree/ forest, Livestock improvement & fish farming, agricultural engineering innovations, etc. Theme and sub-theme area Sustainable agriculture production for enhancing the livelihoods of farmers through integrated farming systems Sustainable rice production in the Asia-pacific region: issues and perspectives Natural resource management for climate-smart agriculture […]

TOT training of Permaculture, 14 – 19 October, 2019, Lao PDR
Pha Tad KeBotanical Garden has started a new permaculture project. This project will involve the development and installation of a permaculture demonstration/research farm in Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Laos with a training program for local farmers, government staff, NPAs and NGO’s. As part of this program, we will teach and showcase sustainable practices and how to improve livelihoods for poor upland farming communities on permaculture principles. On 14th-19thof October we will organize a Training of Trainers (TOT). Where we will introduce the project and our demonstration and research farm to teachers from University and College as well as NGO’s who work on rural development projects. Please find attached a short brief of the project. In the TOT training program, we will provide the course and the Permaculture Manual for free, inclusive of transport from our office in town to garden and free lunch. The TOT will be delivered in English and Lao. We are interested to talk with you if you can send one or a two of your staff to this TOT and to discuss if your organization would be interested in the future to send farmers to our 5-days introduction training. The farmer training will start in January 2020 and […]

Regional Vegetable Forum 2019 Sharing knowledge and experience to promote development of vegetable and improve income of smallholders
Regional Vegetable Forum 2019 Supporting the adoption of interventions (improved practices and new technologies) by smallholders for sustainable year-round production of safe fresh vegetables The vegetable sector is becoming a higher focus for research, development and the private sector in Southeast Asia due to the greater nutritional and economic values that can be derived. However, the sector faces key challenges including (1) low average yields of vegetable production in many places; (2) limited knowledge of good horticultural practices; (3) postharvest losses as high as 40%; (4) produce that does not conform to quality and safety demands of consumers; (5) and difficulties supplying market demand during the wet season. Currently, vegetable production is predominantly in the dry season, when producers take advantage of more suitable climatic conditions, and conventional and often relatively simple techniques can be used to grow vegetables successfully. Yet, sustainable smallholder business growth and vegetable sector development ultimately depend on year-round reliable production. Improving off-season (wet season) production enables farmers to benefit from relatively higher prices in the short term as well as satisfying domestic production gaps that foster broader development and opportunity within the vegetable sectors. Various technical applications and practice changes can help to manage production, […]

IRI Digital Story Telling Camp, September 23-27, 2019, Luangprabang, Lao PDR
IRI is hosting a Digital Story Telling Camp for Lao Youth at Souphanouvong University from September 23-27, 2019. Camp participants will learn how to use digital storytelling as an advocacy tool. Campers’ stories will focus on illuminating the experience of different communities in Laos, highlighting the ways individuals have overcome barriers to inclusion. We are currently seeking applicants (ages 18 to 30) who are active in community development and have the potential to advance greater inclusion of LGBTIQ, ethnic minorities, women and disabled communities in civic engagement activities. Participants are not required to speak English. No background in computers or art is required and the cost of the camp is covered in full by IRI. Application Interested applicants please submit the application in below and send to [email protected]. Deadline for application: 30th August 2019, at 17:00 PM. Application in the Lao language Application in the English language Additional information Any questions or need any additional information, please contact: Emily Hussey Program Associate | Asia | International Republican Institute (IRI) Tel: (202) 408-9450 | Skype: emhussey4; email: [email protected]

ECHO Asia Agriculture & Community Development Conference 2019
October 01, 2019 08:00 – October 04, 2019 17:00 Holiday Garden Hotel & Resort, Thailand Presented By: ECHO Asia “Small Scale: Up Scale” How can we help small scale farming initiatives thrive in Asia? We can provide low-cost, innovative options that allow people to grow both their crops and their knowledge, expand their operations, and scale up! Join us October 1-4 for 3-days of networking and opportunities to share ideas, technologies appropriate for small scale farmers, and lots of practical demonstrations at the new ECHO Asia Seed Bank & Small Farm Resource Center! In addition to morning plenary speakers, we will conduct afternoon workshops at the ECHO Farm, an evening poster session, a seed exchange, followed by a 1-day site visit to one of many area best practice sites! Click below for more information on: Plenary Speakers Poster Session Additional Information

Organic Seminar – COrAA, 9 June 2019, Cambodia
DATE: JUNE 9, 2019 9:00AM ‐ 12:00PM LECTURER: Dr. Varanashi Krishna Moorthy (India) Dr. Varanashi is an organic farmer, researcher, extension specialist and entrepreneur, and has considerable experience on composng, organic farming, water harvesng and management, low cost temporary sand and plasc dams, manufacturing bio‐ferlizers and bio‐pescide, bio‐gas, toilet waste recycling, organic cerficaon. Currently Dr. Varanashi manages several organizaons in Karnataka, India: Varanashi Development & Research Foundaon, Varanashi Farms, Varanashi Agro‐Sustainable Technology Centre (varanashi.com). EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Ph.D., Department of Bio‐Science, Mangalore University, Mangalore, 1995 M.Sc., Department of Agricultural Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 1981 B.Sc., Agricultural College, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 1979 TOPICS Sustainable Organic Farming Varanashi Farms Towards Sustainable and Organic Agriculture (The lecture will be held in English only) REGISTRATION FEE $25 for non‐members $15 for COrAA members $8 for students (Reserve your seat by 1st, June) VENUE SKY Lounge @The Frangipani Living Arts Hotel and Spa #15, St. 123, Toul Tompong, Phnom Penh CONTACT info@coraa‐cambodia.org 097 906 0091 www.coraa‐cambodia.org

Regional Training on Appropriate Scale Mechanisation for Conservation Agriculture, 6-9 May 2019, Cambodia
The General Directorate of Agriculture with the support from UNESCAP/CSAM, Swisscontact and CIRAD are pleased to inform that a Regional Training on Appropriate Scale Mechanisation for Conservation Agriculture was organized from May 6-9, 2019 at the Regional Training Center of Bos Khnor, Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. A number of partners and trainers will contribute to the training with ACTAE/AFD, The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification USAID, the Royal University of Agriculture and the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition, Kansas State University, Illinois Urbana-Champaign, CIMMYT and the Conservation Tillage Research Center (China). The training brought together 18 countries from Asia and Pacific including governmental agencies, academia and agricultural schools, development projects and private sector. Six main areas was covered with (i) policy issues on sustainable agricultural mechanisation, (ii) understanding the mechanisation for conservation agriculture, (iii) understanding systemic constraints and business models, (iv) introduction to CA and linkages to climate resilience, (v) appropriate-scale mechanisation and Conservation Agriculture, Case studies on service providers (Cambodia/Bangladesh), and (vi) role of gender in appropriate-scale mechanisation. A portfolio of training, to be implemented in 2020, was proposed. The flyer and agenda are available for download Here All […]

Program description In July 2019, the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development and the Mekong Land Research Forum will run its third week-long intensive summer school on land research in the Mekong Region. The purpose of the summer school is to equip participants with a research orientation relevant to the challenges of land governance in the Mekong Region. The summer school will cover key concepts, provide access to existing research outputs and bring together knowledge of current land issues. It seeks to strengthen individual and networked research that is geared towards secure access to land amongst the rural and urban poor. The summer school will involve a mix of early-career academics, mid-level government staff and those working with civil society organizations in the six Mekong countries: Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The summer school program will be organised and run by regional specialists in land issues and will include a number of guest lecturers. Included in the summer school are: Pre-workshop assignments for participants to submit a one-page summary of their areas of interest in land issues, plus reading of relevant articles and review of other participants’ summaries; Elevator talks: participants present their research topics and […]

Regional Policy Forum on “Opportunities for a climate-smart food system in the Vietnam”, 10 April 2019, Vietnam
International Potato Center (CIP) and Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences (VAAS) in collaboration with Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) are going to organize the Regional Policy Forum on “Opportunities for a Climate-Smart Food System in Vietnam”. Time: 8:00 am – 12:30 pm on April 10, 2019 (Wednesday) Venue: Pullman Hotel, No. 40 Cat Linh, Hanoi Chairman: Leader of Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Sciences (VAAS) and International Potato Center (CIP). Tentative Program of Regional Policy Forum on “Opportunities for a climate-smart food system in the Vietnam” the 10th of April, 2019 at Pullman Hanoi Hotel, 40 Cat Linh, Hanoi, Vietnam

The meeting of SSWG Farmers and Agribusiness, 25th March 2019, Lao PDR
On behalf of the Secretariat of the Sub Sector Working Group for Farmers and Agribusiness (SSWG-FAB) I am pleased to invite you to our next meeting which will be held at DTEAP, Houay Nyang, on Monday afternoon, 25th March 2019. Look at map Here is a copy of the official invitation and the agenda in both Lao and English languages. Everybody is welcome! As you will see, the coffee sector is a focus of two presentations, and there will be plenty of coffee from Northern Laos to drink! We will also be hearing about recent and planned activities of the Lao Farmer Network. As always, the agenda includes a lot of time for discussion and networking. Registration opens at 12:00 when lunch will also be available for those who can come early. The meeting starts at 13:00 pm and is expend to wrap up around 16:00 pm If you have any question about the meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact at this email address. Secretariat Farmers and Agribusiness: [email protected]

Please join the Farmer Forum on Agroecology Practices and Food Sovereignty organized by Kalyana Mitta Development Foundation (KMF). This forum aims at fostering knowledge and experience sharing on agroecology among stakeholders with a specific focus on seed production and Land tenure system. In addition, special lecture and panel discussion on agroecology practices will be conducted. The forum intend to develop future cooperation of farmer alliance on agroecological practices in Myanmar. Date: 22nd and 23rd March 2019 Time: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Venue: Central Agriculture Research and Training Center (CARTC), Hlegu Township, Yangon. Contact Person: Ar Kar Hein (09 450 224 219), [email protected], Moe Myint Thandar (09 258 970 084).

Time: 9.00 – 13.00 on March 25, 2019 Workshop Location: Hotel Flower Garden, 46 Nguyen Truong To, Ba Dinh, Hanoi Objectives: i) Share and present results of survey ii) foster experience sharing and discussion with farmers and stakeholders, and other relevant stakeholders, Participants: Farmers, cooperative members in 3 districts of Hanoi: Gia Lam, Thanh Tri and Chuong My District; Director of Cooperatives, Extension officers, Agriculture Academy, Hanoi Agriculture Department, experts, researchers. Agenda: Please contact Nguyen Tran Lam for registration and further information by [email protected] or Visit the Rikolto website: https://vietnam.rikolto.org/vi

Control Union VN (Certification) in partnership with Peterson Services VN (Consultant) organized a thematic workshop on Organic agricultural development in Vietnam exclusively for producers or processors of organic products. Main contents of the workshop are: What is Organic agriculture? Demand and trend in the world market – Speaker: Julie Ly – Sales and Marketing Manager – CU How are the current organic standards, similar, different, and challenging when organic farming follows these standards? – Speaker: Le Qui Hoa Binh – CU Senior Auditor Practical experience in organic production, benefits of organic farming – Speaker: CEO Organica, CEO Thu Thuy Green Farm To register please fill out the form below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemwYMYWtDNhK6OZhGp380GfxXpw7ZjIMhl_E8fM8oaSeCSsg/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1lDuL0B80C_aw M0dkSzlUnArKZmZ9Qw2gVU7lB9we1hph6gFBIfEBq4g. For further information, you can send an email to the organizer: [email protected]

Food and Fertilizer Technology Center and Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Science are organizing an international workshop on enabling capacity in production and application of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers for soil-borne disease control and organic farming, which will be held from May 7-8 at the VAAS Center, Hanoi, Vietnam. For the past 50 years, the “intensive and chemical-farming” cultural methods have been detrimental to soil health and water quality, leading to an increase in plant disease and other pest problems. Soil-borne diseases are one of the important factors which lead to low yields of agro-products. Most of the soil-borne pathogens are difficult to control by conventional strategies such as the use of resistant cultivars and synthetic pesticides. Soil application of fungicides is expensive and can be harmful to non-target microflora. Biological control has become a critical component of plant disease management and provides a unique opportunity for crop protection. For further workshop information and registration please contact to Dr. Ngo Duc Minh (VAAS) via [email protected]

Farmer Permaculture training in Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Louangprabang Province, Lao PDR
Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden is starting a new permaculture project. This project will involve the development and installation of a permaculture demonstration/research farm in Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Laos with a training program for local farmers, government staff and NGO’s. As part of this program we will teach and showcase sustainable practices and how to improve livelihoods for poor upland farming communities on permaculture principles. From April to June we will organize the 5-days training of Permaculture farm for local farmers in group of 15 pax (50% men / 50% women). The training will include and introduction to permaculture, technical and practice on how to build up a permaculture farm for local farmers. In the farmer training program we will provide the course and the permaculture manual for free, include 3 meal and lodging in our garden, per diem 50 000 kip/day during 5 days training and pay for your transportation both ways max 300 000 kip/person. The training will be delivered in Lao language only. We are interested to talk with you if you can send 3-10 of your junior staff or farmers to participate in the permaculture farmer trainings, Schedule: 1st Farmer Permaculture Training on 1st […]

Permaculture TOT training, February 18 – 23, 2019, Laungprabang Province, Lao PDR
Friend Pha Tad Ke Association is going to join Pha Tad Ke Botanic garden conduct Permaculture TOT training on February 18-23 February, 2019 at Pha Tad Ke Botanic Garden. They are looking for interested participant from INGOs, NPAs who have an experience on agriculture, able to learn, share and contribute to develop TOT training manual on permaculture. The participants should able to cover the travel cost from your location to Luangprabang, cover per dium, and accommodation according to your organizational policy. Friend Pha Tad Ke Association and Pha Tad Ke Botanic Garden response to cover trainer fees, venue, launch and coffee break on the training day. If you or your organization interested, please kindly contact: Mr. Khampart – [email protected] or call (+856)20 5861 4203 Permaculture TOT Training Agenda is available download here

Highlands Myanmar Seed Banking Workshop, 25-27 February 2019, Myanmar
ECHO Asia, in conjunction with the Lisu Baptist Assn., welcomes anyone working in agriculture and community development to attend a seed saving workshop from 25-27 February 2019 in Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Region, Myanmar. This three-day event will include the following topics: hands-on training on seed saving best practices (at NGO and community levels) soil-analysis utilization of neglected and underutilized species (NUS) food forestry a seed exchange, and many more topics! Training will be conducted in English and Burmese. Register now! If you are interested, go to our registration page on ECHOcommunity.org or email us at [email protected] For more information contact: [email protected] Link for Myanmar Highlands Seed Banking Workshop Agenda click Here Also Please save the date for Conference 2019!

MOOC Agroecology
The next session of the Agroecology MOOC will begin on February 8, 2019 for a duration of 6 weeks. This is an massive open online course, free, which brings together several thousand participants from all around the world in each session. It is based on the scientific skills and pedagogical know-how of Montpellier SupAgro and its Agreenium partners. If you want to discover, rediscover, deepen or revise the basics of agroecology, dare the adventure by registering Here You can also find us on social networks: Facebook (@MOOCAgroecologie) and Twitter (#MoocAE)

The organic trade meets at the organic exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, 13 – 16 February 2019
Venue Exhibition Centre Nuremberg together with VIVANESS Date Wednesday, 13 – Saturday, 16 February 2019 Save the date to my calendar Cycle every year Opening times 13 – 15 February 2019: 09:00 – 18:00 16 February 2019: 09:00 – 17:00 BIOFACH quality As always, all the organic food exhibited is certified to the EU Organic Regulation or the accreditation directives of IFOAM, the patron of BIOFACH. Organic is more than a label or certification: organic stands for quality and conviction – for the responsible use of nature’s resources. BIOFACH in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg is the place where people share their passionate interest in organic food, get to know each other and exchange views, and this since 1990. The perfect opportunity for visiting professionals to meet organic producers from the organic market and be inspired by the sector’s latest trends. Enter the world of organic products and taste, too – into organic. Meeting place of the organic sector The World´s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food, combined with VIVANESS, International Trade Fair for Natural and Organic Personal Care, is an important business event, an emotional event for the sector, and both a get-together and an opportunity for positioning. Not for […]

Calling all Next Generation Leaders in Crop Protection
Are you between 18 and 40 years old, are a student or recent graduate from an agricultural educational institution, have thought a lot about how to protect food security and the environment, and think you have a great innovation or idea or about sustainable crop protection? If so then you should apply to become a delegate at the IUPAC 2019 Next Generation Programme in Ghent, Belgium. The 14th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection is being held in Ghent, Belgium from 19-24 May, 2019. The theme of the Congress is “Crop Protection: Education of the Future Generation”. Ghent University, who are the academic institution and host of the conference, really want to showcase the next generation’s crucial role in the future of agriculture and are inviting the next generation of crop protection leaders to come to Belgium and be part of the IUPAC 2019 Next Generation Programme. What’s on Offer? IUPAC 2019 is offering 50 sponsored places to the next generation of leaders in crop protection to participate in the four-day Agri Summit in Ghent, Belgium (19-23 May 2019) and link with the IUPAC International Congress. From among the Next Generation Agri-Summit applications we want to select up to five N-GAGE champions […]

The 1st Mekong Delta Forum on Developing Partnerships Between Australia & Vietnam for Organic Agriculture Movement, 14-15th January 2019, An Giang University
Background and Aims The aim of the project is to develop a new link between Australian and Vietnam for promoting organic agriculture movement through training and workshop. The project has four work packages (WP). The WP1 is to build capacity building for three Australian Awards Scholarship (AAS) Alumni from An Giang University (AGU) about experience and practices of organic agriculture development in Australia, provided by Organic Agriculture Association (OAA), National Association of Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA), Canberra Organic Grower Society (COGS), Fenner School of Environment & Society, the Australian National University. In WP2, the AAS alumni team from AGU (Dr Nguyen Van Kien, Mr Nguyen Van Thai, Mr Le Ngoc Hiep) will develop an organic agriculture research Hub/Center/Institute entitles “Mekong Organics Hub” to promote linked agriculture – nutrition – public health in the Mekong Delta Region. For WP3, the Hub will partner with An Giang Department of Agriculture & Rural Development and An Giang People’s Committee to organize the first Mekong Delta Forum on Developing Partnerships Between Australia & Vietnam for Organic Agriculture Movement. The aims of the forum are to share the experience of organic agriculture research and development to organic growers, organic agriculture associations, farm extension staffs, local […]

Regional Workshop: Promoting the floating rice-based agroecological farming systems for a healthy society and adaptation to climate changes in the Lower Mekong Region and Myanmar, 18-19 January 2019
Aim of the workshop Aim of the workshop is to share research findings of the research project entitled “Promoting the floating rice-based agroecological farming systems for a healthy society and adaptation to climate changes in the Lower Mekong Region and Myanmar”, funded by The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund from 2017 to 2019, led by A/Prof Jamie Pittock and Dr. Van Kien Nguyen (the Australian National University), partnered with Yangon University (Prof Nilar Nilar Aung), Ecoland Research Center – Royal Agriculture University (Dr Malyne Naeng), Research Center for Rural Development – An Giang University (Mr Le Thanh Phong) The workshop will take place in Yangon, Myanmar on 18-19 January 2019. Initial research findings of the research activities will be presented Undertaking socio-economic and value chains studies for floating rice: The research consortium from ANU and research partners in An Giang University of Vietnam, Royal Agricultural University of Cambodia, and Yangon University & Research Association for Development of Myanmar will undertake an in-depth socio-economic study and value chains of floating rice in Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. The market research results will help research team and local partners to design strategies for promoting the floating rice products. Floating rice-based farming systems will […]

Call for contributions… Agroecology Futures regional forum, Siem Reap, 6-8 November 2018
The Agroecology Futures Regional Forum is fast approaching. It is time to gear up and decide how you want to participate… In addition to the several plenary sessions and parallel discussions, we have organized other modalities for all participants to actively contribute and share their experience: A call for posters with a dedicated poster session on the 7th of November afternoon A photo contest about Agroecology with a public display during the whole forum and an awarding ceremony on the 8th of November A seed swap to embrace the biodiversity of the Mekong Region and beyond organized on the 8th November afternoon A knowledge and innovation fair to share or demonstrate any materials or approaches related to agroecology on 7th and 8th of November Call for posters You are actively involved in promoting and disseminating agroecology and you would like to share your experience, research findings, or methodological approaches? We are warmly encouraging you to send us an abstract for poster under the following 5 different themes: 1/ Agroecology in practices From organic production to landscape approach, integrated farming, conservation agriculture, agroforestry, crop – livestock integration, to integrated pest management… Agroecology covers many practices, all relying on plant diversity, ecological […]

Agroecology Futures Regional Forum, 6-8 November, Siem Reap Cambodia
Organized by: Gret, Cirad and the General Directorate of Agriculture in Cambodia in partnership with ALiSEA and CANSEA Funded by AFD Context ASEAN countries are following a path of intensification due to rising demands for agricultural products that increase pressure to simplify crop production and agricultural landscapes, increasing the vulnerability to climate change and promotion of monoculture crops. Such vulnerabilities are even exacerbated under some agroecological zones where most agriculture is rain-fed and climate change has a potentially large influence on productivity and profitability. Depending on their respective history, demographic changes, economic development patterns and agroecological potential of their landscapes, agriculture intensification has evolved at different pace and had variable ecological and social impacts throughout the region (i.e., land degradation and biodiversity depletion associated with the generalization of input-intensive cropping practices). In lowlands and floodplains, rice production can be increasingly constrained by water scarcity and climatic events (i.e., floods, drought, and sea level rise in the deltas). High dependency on energy, technologies, engineered landscapes, and infrastructures may also increase the fragility of the rice farming systems. In addition, climate change has become an important issue for countries and regions exposed to extreme flooding and/or drought. Rice farming is facing a […]

Innovations of production and supply chain systems for improved off-season vegetable The vegetable sector is becoming more of a focus for research, development and the private sector in Southeast Asia due to the high nutritional and economical value that can be generated. However, the sector faces key challenges including (1) low average yields of vegetable production in many places; (2) poor competitiveness within the region as well as outside the region; (3) postharvest losses as high 40%; (4) produce that does not conform to quality and safety demands of consumers; (5) and problems meeting market demand during the wet season. Vegetable production is concentrated mostly in the dry season, when producers take advantage of more suitable climatic conditions, and often conventional and relatively simple techniques can be used to grow vegetables. Improving off-season (wet season) production potentially helps farmers take benefits of higher prices and fill production gaps, but it does require different technical applications to manage production, postharvest handling and market access. Many research, development and private sector partners have been working on techniques to develop innovative production and supply chain systems that enable the vegetable industry to meet consumer demand year-round. A forum was held in 2017 with […]

Summer School: Agrobiodiversity in a changing climate
The Mountain Partnership Secretariat, in collaboration with the Sapienza University of Rome, Bioversity International and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is launching a Summer School titled “Agrobiodiversity in a Changing Climate – Sustainable production, fragile ecosystems, resilience to global changes”, which will be held at the Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. The course is residential and full-time, from 24 September to 05 October 2018 for a total of 84 hours, of which at least 70 hours are dedicated to lectures and classroom-style learning. Students who will attend at least 75% of the scheduled activities will obtain a Higher Education Course (HEC) Certificate of Attendance and 4 University Credits recognized in the European University system within a Master’s degree course whose contents should be consistent with HEC. Tuition fees will be 600 euro, which does not include: travel, visa, accommodation, meals and insurance costs. Scholarships. Thanks to the financial support of the Italian Development Cooperation, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat will offer full scholarships to six candidates from developing countries that will be selected among all applicants. The scholarships will cover tuition fees, travel costs, accommodation and meals for the entire duration of the […]

Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia: Current knowledge applications and future needs, UNICAM conference
Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia: Current knowledge applications and future needs UNICAM conference, 27-29 August 2018, Siem Reap (or Phnom Penh), Cambodia The upcoming UNICAM conference will be held in Siem Reap (or Phnom Penh) Cambodia from 27-29 August 2018. UNICAM is an Erasmus+ project focused on the development of master programmes in sustainable agriculture (MSA) made up of eight universities from Cambodia, Belgium, France, Italy and Spain. The main objective of this event is to share the knowledge and agree on the steps needed to encourage more and more sustainable agriculture production. As we know there is undeniable evidence that agriculture plays and important role on global change. To that is added the large carbon footprint that food production and distribution leaves behind. Likewise, global change and more specifically the uncertainty deriving from climate change poses a threat to agriculture as it is understood today. This is truly a pressing matter which demands more and more a move to sustainable agriculture worldwide. It is worth mentioning that if we move to agricultural practices that minimize the use of pesticides the benefits will not be only for human and environmental health but it will also increase the commercial value of the […]
Vegetable Industry Forum Series 2018: Sharing knowledge to promote development of the vegetable sector
Vegetable Industry Forum Series 2018: Sharing knowledge to promote development of the vegetable sector ‘Innovations of production and supply chain systems for improved off-season vegetable’ The vegetable sector is becoming more of a focus for research, development and the private sector in Southeast Asia due to the high nutritional and economical value that can be generated. However, the sector faces key challenges including (1) low average yields of vegetable production in many places; (2) poor competitiveness within the region as well as outside the region; (3) post harvest losses as high 40%; (4) produce that does not conform to quality and safety demands of consumers; (5) and problems meeting market demand during the wet season. Vegetable production is concentrated mostly in the dry season, when producers take advantage of more suitable climatic conditions, and often conventional and relatively simple techniques can be used to grow vegetables. Improving off-season (wet season) production potentially helps farmers take benefits of higher prices and fill production gaps, but it does require different technical applications to manage production, post harvest handling and market access well. Many research, development and private sector partners have been working on techniques to develop innovative production and supply chain systems […]
IOBC – Asia-Pacific Regional Section: an International Training Workshop in Conservation Biological Control of Insect Pests
IOBC – Asia-Pacific Regional Section is seeking registrations of interest in a proposed international workshop on Conservation Biological Control (CBC) of Insect Pests, to be held at Lincoln University, New Zealand, from 12-15 November 2018, inclusive. This workshop is a follow-up to that held simultaneously in Beijing and Hanoi in September 2017, which covered all aspects of insect biological control. The proposed workshop will concentrate on CBC only. It will target researchers, teachers and postgraduates, especially graduate students and early-career scientists researching or working in biological control in any geographic region. There is likely to be some financial support from IOBC for this meeting, the details of which will follow later. People of any age or career stage can participate; however, the eligibility criteria for IOBC sponsorship is current IOBC membership and aged 35 years or under (this last criterion applies to research students also). Of the three main types of biological control of insect pests, CBC is the newest and the fastest growing. There has been a global exponential increase in citation rates for publications in the area of CBC since 1990 (Prof. G.M. Gurr, pers. comm.) and the rate of increase is continuing. This indicates the importance of this […]

Myanmar seed saving workshop, January 17 – 18, 2018, Pathein, Ayeyarwady Region
ECHO Asia, in conjunction with the PMA CSSDD (Pathein Myaungmya Sgaw Karen Baptist Association- Christian Social Services Development Division), with funding from the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP-USA) and the Agroecology Learning Alliance in SE Asia (ALiSEA), welcomes anyone working in agriculture and community development to attend a sponsored seed saving workshop from January 17 – 18, 2018 at Pathein, in the Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar. The topics for this 2-day free workshop include hands-on training on: Introduction to ECHO Asia and Seed Saving Research Showcase of the Kahelu Small Farm Resource Center Biology of Seed Saving Processes of Seed Saving, Seed Testing, and Best Practices Technologies for Seed Saving and Showcase of Appropriate Techniques Tested at Kahelu How to Identify and Use Neglected and Underutilized Species Results of Seed Systems Research Conducting Baseline Seed Systems Research and Establishing Community Seed Banks Introduction to Sustainable Intensification Introduction to Vegetable Grafting How to Conduct and Participate in a Seed Swap and more… Training will be conducted in English and Burmese. Here for registration and more information

Lao Uplands Forum: landscape of opportunities November 2017 – March 2018
Context Changing Lao Uplands The uplands of Lao PDR are defined as an area of multi-dimensional marginality, characterised by remoteness, diverse ethnicity, language, and culture, with a comparatively high level of poverty, and livelihoods dominated by pockets of food insecurity (Uplands Development Strategy 2016-2025). Covering about 70 percent of the country territory, the Lao Uplands are characterized by slopes greater than 20 percent, elevation above 200 m.a.s.l., rugged dissected terrain and narrow valleys. Traditionally production has focused on subsistence farming and livestock, with 90 percent of upland households being dependent on agriculture and natural resources for their livelihood. But in the last decades, the Lao Uplands have gone through unprecedented growth. They changed from a remote and economically backward area to a region with increasing access to regional markets, infrastructure and basic services. Upland livelihoods are being transformed from subsistence-based to market-oriented. The main underlying factors are “policy push” from government, aimed at reducing poverty and stabilizing livelihood systems (land allocation, focal area development); and, “market pull” from increased regional demand for Lao agriculture products. Specific Government of Lao PDR (GoL) policies contribute to the intensification of agriculture through the promotion of land-based foreign direct investment (FDI) in upland areas; […]

Regional workshop about e-learning resources in Agroecology, Phnom Penh, 11th October 2017
In the region, several initiatives are taking place around different dimensions and practices of Agroecology with SRI, organic farming, conservation agriculture, IPM, Agroforesterie, permaculture… A diversity of training materials is developed for smallholder farmers, e-learning teaching materials developed for higher education in Cambodia, farmer fields schools, experimental station dedicated to AE practices, university that focuses their teaching and strategy on AE … Few examples of initiatives and stakeholders involved in the design and development of training/educational materials are listed hereafter: Agrisud, GRET and their partners developed handbooks and others resources in AE for smallholder farmers in Lao PDR and Myanmar, respectively. The Lao Uplands Sourcebook, Improving livelihoods in the Uplands of Lao PDR developed by NAFRI, NAFES and NUoL (https://ali-sea.org/online-library/). NAFRI and CIRAD, and their partners, developed a handbook in CA for smallholder farmers in Lao PDR. In Cambodia, a project (IPERCA) funded by the Agropolis Foundation pooled together the Royal University of Agriculture, the University of Battambang, Montpellier SupAgro, the General Directorate of Agriculture and CIRAD to develop e-learning educational materials in the field of AE and CA. Several courses and modules are developed (http://elearning.rua.edu.kh/) and institutionnal relationship was established between RUA and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia […]

Call for Applications: Biocontrol Field Course, 2-9 September 2017
The International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC) and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) will held a “Biocontrol Field Course” on the 2-9 September 2017. Call for application (registration deadline has been extended to 15 May 2017) is enclosed here To apply, email your expression of interest to Dr Kris Wyckhuys ([email protected]) and Ms My Hoang ([email protected]).

36th International Vegetable Training Course – From Seed to Table, World Vegetable Centre East and Southeast Asia/Oceania, Oct-Dec 2017
The 36th International Vegetable Training Course (IVTC) organized by World Vegetable Centre East and Southeast Asia/Oceania will be divided into two modules. The objectives of the training course are to prepare participants to alleviate hunger and poverty through sustainable development of the vegetable sector. All of the participants will be engaged in the entire spectrum of activities in the vegetable value chain from breeding, seed production, production, marketing, post harvest and nutrition. These activities will focus on research and development and include gender, climate change adaptation, communication, monitoring and evaluation. Module I: 9 October – 3 November 2017 Biodiversity, Breeding, Seed systems, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Grafting, Protected Cultivation, Integrated Disease Management (IDM) Seed Health, Seedling Management, IDM Sustainable Production, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Module II: 6 November – 1 December 2017 Post harvest Care Food Safety, Nutrition, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Nutrition, Value Chain and Market Analysis Extension, Scaling, Monitoring and Evaluation Most course lectures will be conducted at the WorldVeg East and Southeast Asia Research and Training Station, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Field trips and hands-on practical sessions will be held throughout Thailand. More information here and here

Great Mekong Subregion at Thaifex 2017, Safe and Environment friendly Agro-based Value Chains
In the framework of Thaifex World of Food Asia 2017, the International Trade Exhibition for Food & Beverages, Food Technology and Retails & Franchise in Asia, a set of activities supported by the Great Mekong Subregion Core Agriculture Support Program (CASP) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will adress especifically Safe and Environment friendly Agro-based Value Chains from 31 May to 4 June 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand. The Greater Mekong Subregion Pavilion on Safe and Environment-Friendly Food Products will host events entitled “Unlocking Markets and Mainstreaming Food Safety Policies in the GMS” and expect to develop networks and create new market channels that expand trade linkages for SMEs and smallholder producers. A Policy Forum on Food Safety will also be held at the event venue on 31 May 2017 (1:00-5:00 PM). This dovetails with the World of Food Safety Conference 2017 (WOFSC 2017), a gathering of senior experts involved in food safety and quality assurance on 1-2 June 2017. The policy forum will aim at agreeing on unified regional approaches and measures that promote harmonized food safety standards and greater market access for safe, environment-friendly, high quality GMS agro-food products. Find here more information about the event and about the […]

Call for applications for Master of Arts in Social Sciences (Development Studies), Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Looking for a career as a sustainability professional, social researcher, development specialist, humanitarian worker or policy maker? Do you also have an interest in land issues? The first step on your career path could well be a Master of Arts in Social Science (Development Studies) from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Chiang Mai University in Thailand. Starting in 2017 with the support of the Mekong Region Land Governance project, the course will include a new specialisation in land issues, connecting students with academic institutions, NGOs and researchers from around the Mekong Region. MRLG is funding up to four scholarships for candidates from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam. For more information on the course, and how to apply for MRLG scholarships, click here and check the brochure of the International Program: MA in Social Science (Development Studies) Specialization in Land Issues

ECHO Asia, Nepal Agriculture and Community Development Workshop, 22-24 May 2017
ECHO Asia, Medical Teams International & Shanti Nepal are organizing an Agriculture and Community Development Workshop from 22nd to 24th May 2017 in Nepal. It will cover 12 topics including: Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) Climate-changed adapted agriculture with a focus on green manure cover crops Seed banking and seed saving The workshop will be presented in both Nepali and English More information and registration here: http://bit.ly/2n8r9R5

E-learning course “Experience capitalization for continuous learning”
Experience capitalization is a systematic, interactive and participatory process through which an experience is analysed and documented leading to creation of knowledge (for example good practices or lessons learned), which can be shared and used to generate change. This e-learning course, co-funded by the Belgian development cooperation, introduces the methodology and process of experience capitalization. Through this experience capitalization approach, experiences and practices can be adapted, improved, adopted by others and scaled up, leading to a greater organizational visibility, credibility and impact. The course is designed for professionals involved in reflecting upon, learning from and sharing the lessons of their work. Therefore team leaders, managers, project and programme technical staff, M&E officers, communication and information professionals and KM & KS professionals. Depending on the learning needs, this course can take up to 10 hours. It is available in English at the moment and will be adapted in French and Spanish. With this course, you will learn: How to facilitate and plan an experience capitalization process How to conduct an experience capitalization process step by step How to adopt, adapt, scale up and mainstream experience capitalization The partner organizations who have contributed to this course are: Spanish Agency for International Development […]

Sustainable Agriculture Solutions Fair, Hanoi, 04 April 2017
On 04th April 2017, from 9:00AM to 04:30PM on the AGI grounds, Pham Van Dong Street, Hanoi, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), in cooperation with the Agricultural Genetics Institute (AGI), will host a SUSTAINABLE FOOD FUTURE FAIR. Themed, “From soil to plate: an agri-market place for eco-efficient ideas, technologies…and foods!” the fair will feature: An exhibition of CIAT and partners’ technologies and innovations; A market place of agricultural produce and food; and Exciting and provocative talks and activities relevant to Asian agriculture

National Workshops Announcement “Mapping and Assessing University-based Farmer Extension Services in ASEAN through an Agro-ecological/Organic Lens”, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar
Co-Organizers: Chulalongkorn University, School of Agricultural Resources (CUSAR), Thailand Agroecology Learning alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA), Regional office, Vientiane, Lao PDR United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Bangkok and Hanoi, Offices Can Tho University, Can Tho City (Southern Viet Nam) Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Yezin Agriculture University, Nay Pyi Taw (Myanmar) Overview of the study Post-secondary institutions are significant knowledge producers, sometimes with research farms, adult training and extension programs. Agriculture represents a significant part of the national economy and a major source of employment for millions of mostly rural people in Southeast Asia. Some 6500 higher education institutions exist in the region. Yet their capacity to serve farmers, rural communities and sustainable agriculture is not clear. Little research has examined what they do, the models of agriculture development they promote, research results they transfer, the scope and types of farmer-academic partnerships that exist, what may be considered best practices, or their long-term impacts on poverty reduction, environments or food security. Governments, agriculture research centers and universities do not yet collect any uniform extension data that can be shared or analyzed. Moreover, postsecondary institution roles in contributing specifically to agro-ecological or organic agriculture teaching, […]

Regional Curriculum Workshop on Agroecology for Farmer Training, Hanoi, December, 13-15, 2016
Over the past two decades, much effort was put toward the development and expansion of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) throughout the world. The IPM program helped farmers to better understand ecosystems, manage crops and pests accordingly, and increase yields and income. The most effective IPM training programs, however, were time consuming and required extensive monetary and human resources for implementation. Thus, many farmer training programs were left with inadequate resources. In response, communities and governments opted for shortened trainings aimed at helping farmers to increase crop production, alternatives to fertilizers and pesticides, market expansion, etc. This workshop is organized by The Field Alliance and Initiatives for Community Empowerment and Rural Development (ICERD). Expected participants will be from FAO, various government organizations, non-governmental organizations, representatives of various international organization (approx. 30 Persons) from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam The objectives are to share experiences on Agroecology training of farmers in the region, to visit and exchange with farmer groups near Hanoi and to draft a revised Agroecology curriculum framework for FFS Expected outputs are 1. Various papers and presentations on Agroecology, 2. Curriculum framework for FFS Agroecology The workshop will be organized at Khach San Muong […]
AsiaGI 2017: Training about Geographical Indications In Asia, Cambodia
Following the successful initial AsiaGI training, held in Bangkok from the 28th of March to the 1st of April 2016 with 28 participants from all parts of Asia, CIRAD and REDD propose to carry out the second edition of ASIAGI in Kampot, Cambodia. Labelling agricultural, food and handicraft products with Geographical Indications (GIs) contributes to regional development, by facilitating the participation of local entrepreneurs and producers in the regional, national or international markets, with their specific skills and know-how. This fact has been increasingly recognised in most Asian countries. As GIs are taking on an increasing importance in the region, there are numerous people who are newly engaging with GIs either in the state/government institutions or directly with the GI value chains, who would benefit from a training on GI concepts, the roles of the various institutions and supply chain actors and on the success factors of GIs. Venue : Kampot, Cambodia Dates : from Monday 20th of February to Friday 24th of February 2017 (5 days) Contact : [email protected] After this training program, participants will have: Fully understood the concepts of Geographical Indications as an Intellectual Property and a market access and protection tool, their potential contribution to local and sustainable development, and […]

Environmental Change, Agricultural Sustainability, and Economic Development in the Lower Mekong Basin conference: Call for papers
The conference will convene at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from March 16th to March 18th, 2017. It will be sponsored by the Department of Natural Resource Management and Development at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Western Washington University, and the Global Research Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This conference will focus on the environmental challenges, especially climate change, to agricultural sustainability in the Lower Mekong Basin of Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, with special attention to Cambodia and Vietnam. The conference will consist of interdisciplinary paper and poster presentations by both scholars and practitioners. Proposals that consider Mekong Basin agriculture in a larger historical and cultural context, in political and environmental dialogue with other countries in the region (e.g., China), or that are comparative are especially encouraged. Emphasis will be on papers that consider the social, cultural, and historical context and implications of agricultural practices and technology in this region, and especially the relationship between climate change and agricultural change and adaptation, and especially in Cambodia and Vietnam. All paper presentations will be in English. The deadline for proposals is November 1, 2016. Proposals should include a 300-word […]

International Symposium on Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in China, 29-31 August 2016
29-31 August 2016, Kunming, Yunnan, China In September 2014 FAO convened a global symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition. This has been followed in 2015 by three regional meetings in Brazil, Senegal and Thailand. These meetings have brought together stakeholders from academia, policy and civil society to better understand the role and potential of agroecology. It confirmed that effective work on Agroecology should be based on regional and local realities as well as economic, social and environmental conditions. In order to continue to develop this regional approach a further Symposium on Agroecology is being jointly organized by The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), FAO, and The People’s Government of Yunnan Province of China, with the support of The Government of France. Objectives and scope The symposium aims at encouraging dialogue around the scientific basis and the experiences of implementing Agroecology in Asia and China, and has the following specific objectives: facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences among participating countries on the contribution of agroecology to sustainable agriculture and food systems; identify and define potential entry points and areas of contribution of agroecology to China’s national strategic plan and implementation of the State Council’s Guidelines for ‘Transforming Agricultural […]

ValueLinks Introductory Training Seminar in Khmer language, November 21-25 2016, Cambodia
ValueLinks Introductory Training Seminar in Khmer language, Siem Reap, Cambodia There is widespread agreement that economic growth is a precondition for reducing poverty. Development policy aims at generating “pro-poor growth”, creating jobs for the poor and providing small-scale enterpreneurs with new opportunities. It is in this context that “value chain promotion” has emerged as a key concept of economic development. The value chain approach helps development programmes to address issues of economic change that are critical for the poor. In the era of globalisation, these are mainly related to the competitiveness of food production, rural industries, tourism and handicrafts that provide livelihoods for a large number of people. In most weak economies, business communities need to get much better organised and become more market-oriented. The investment of government and private enterprises has to be coordinated. Building on these ideas, GIZ has developed an action-oriented methodology called ValueLinks that compiles the most important tools for value chain promotion. It provides the framework for a systematic approach to strengthening national and regional competitiveness and includes know-how for organisations and public agencies active in the field of economic development. Objectives of the seminar The objective is to enhance the skills of participants in […]
Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) Right Livelihood Summer School (CURLS) 2016
Since 1980 the work of outstanding activists, practitioners and visionaries is recognized with the Right Livelihood Award (known as the Alternative Nobel Prize) during an annual ceremony in the Swedish Parliament. Sulak Sivaraksa is a Right Livelihood laureate with his home base in Thailand. He founded the Sathirakoses Nagaparidipa Foundation (SNF) in 1968. It grew into a lively umbrella for independent civil society organisations and social enterprises. Later a pioneering laureate, Anwar Fazal, consumer activist, Malaysia, founded the Right Livelihood College as an international network of universities and learning centres providing a platform for interaction and exchanges with Right Livelihood laureates. In addition, the Right Livelihood Summer School enables laureates annually to multiply their transformative insights through informal personal contact and mutual learning processes. The Right Livelihood Summer School is organized by a partnership of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (where it is based); The Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu; the Right Livelihood College with its secretariat in Bonn and the Sathirakoses Nagapradipa Foundation (SNF), also based in Bangkok, Thailand. Together they shape a Wellbeing Studies Programme. In this framework we celebrate the annual Chulalongkorn University Right Livelihood Summer School, in brief CURLS. CURLS 2016: now in Thailand and Bhutan Participants […]

Training Thailand – Mindful Markets Social Enterprise Course
Mindful Markets are alternative approaches to shaping food systems based on full awareness of interconnected factors and driven by the principle of “Organic Food for All.” Mindful Markets focus on long term relationships between farmers and consumers by creating channels and building networks which provide access to healthy food and promote well being for stakeholders. The Mindful Markets Social Enterprise Course emphasizes hands on experience through practical training in distinct modules. It will assist participants to understand the process of mindful markets and to develop and improve their green business projects. In addition, dialogue will be arranged with experts of each discipline such as active farmers, food processors, social analysts, and entrepreneurs. Group work is a very much core approach with exchange ideas, practices and notions from people with different backgrounds. Furthermore the course provides excursions to successful farms and food-based social enterprises. This will empower the participants in their leading roles developing/ managing social enterprises. Hands-on experience Distinct modules Understanding mindful markets and food systems Self-confidence and empowerment in development and improvement of green business projects and social enterprises Dialogue with experts from various disciplines Real life examples of good practices of various scales Intensive group work Design and […]

Scholarship for courses for professionals in Agricultural Education and Research
The International Centre for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA) is offering two interesting courses on Agricultural Higher Education and Research in Oct-Nov 2016. These courses are highly valued by professionals working in agricultural research, higher education, outreach and agribusiness. Kindly note that the SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE IS APPROACHING (22 March) for the courses: Learning, action research and outreach for inclusive development – Boosting competencies in higher education,10-28 October 2016 You can APPLY HERE or http://www.icra-edu.org/he_oct_2016 Linking research to inclusive development for food security – Facing rural innovation challenges, 14 Nov – 2 Dec 2016 You canAPPLY HERE or http://www.icra-edu.org/link_nov_2016 How to apply More information and the online application form are available on the specific course webpage (see links above). Applicants who arrange their own financial support face less competition and have a bigger chance of getting selected. Our courses in the Netherlands qualify for Nuffic scholarships (NFP/MSP- 60 countries). See this page for information on Scholarships, application deadline for scholarships is 22 March 2016.

International training course ‘PGR and seeds: Community resilience in the face of change’ 07-25 November 2016, Nepal
The Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen UR, has the pleasure of sharing fellowship programme for training course ‘Plant genetic resources and seeds: community resilience in the face of change’, Nepal (07 – 25 November 2016). The deadline for fellowship is 22 March, 2016. This three week course is organised by Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen UR in partnership with Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) and Bioversity International. Loss of plant genetic resources from agriculture production system and impact of climate change has resulted in major concerns about global food and nutrition security. Community Biodiversity Management (CBM) emerged as successful participatory strategy to realize on-farm management of plant genetic resources and strengthening the farmers’ seed systems. CBM distinguishes itself from other strategies because of its focus on the process of enabling farming communities to increase the access, availability and use of genetic resources and quality seed of superior varieties. In addition, CBM has the potential attributes to enhance the resilience of farming communities in responding to change by enhancing social interdependence, collaboration, adaptability and autonomy. Whilst this strategy for managing agrobiodiversity and seed systems is becoming increasingly adopted by NGOs, further mainstreaming within national PGR and seed sector […]
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