Title of document: Agroecology: A response to the Agricultural and Food Challenges of the 21st century
Authors: Laurent Levard (GRET), Frédéric Apollin (AVSF), Pierril Lacroix (AVSF), Fabrice Lhériteau (GRET), Maria del Carmen Solis (CEDIR) and Daniel Vildozo (Agroecol Andes)
Objectives of the document: To replace agroecology in a global context and to mention the conditions required for developing agroecology.
This document is written in two parts: the first one describes agroecology and replaces it in a general context. In this part agroecology is in relation with a lot of themes: food security, wealth, jobs, health, non-renewable resources, biodiversity… The second part presents the conditions required for developing agroecology: policies, access to land, generate and diffuse knowledge…