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Field Exercise Guide on Fruit Flies Integrated Pest Management

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January 25, 2016

Title of document: Field Exercise Guide on Fruit Flies Integrated Pest Management

Authors: Prabhat Kumar, Abubakar, AlmaLinda, Jan Willem Ketelaar, Vijaysegaran Shanmugam

Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand; FAO Asia IPM Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAORAP,Bangkok, Thailand; FAO Consultant, Fruit Fly IPM Expert (formally with University of Griffith, Australia)

Year of publication: 2011

Geographic focus: South and South East Asia

School of agroecology: Integrated Pest Management

A range of technical sessions are carried out in a Farmer‘s Field School /Training of Trainers courses to facilitate enjoyable learning experiences for IPM farmers and trainers. These exercises follow non-formal education methodologies based on adult learning principles as the core of its design and allow a participatory learning process on selected topics. A range of exercise guides have been developed on many pests an, crops and have been very successfully used in implementing FFS and/or TOT in many geographical areas of the world.

This is the first such attempt to develop a range of exercises on key technical aspects on fruit flies. It has been developed through a participatory and collaborative effort during the FAO/AIT Regional Training on IPM for Fruit Flies, held at the Southern Fruit Research Institute (SOFRI), Tien Giang, Vietnam from 07-14TH December 2010. This regional training was held under the auspices of the Asian Fruit Fly IPM Project, involving a group of selected IPM trainers from the Asian region and resource persons.