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A Checklist of Plants in Lao PDR

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12.11 MB
July 6, 2018

Title of document: A Checklist of Plants in Lao PDR

Authors: KNA, NAFRI, NUoL

Journal’s name if any:

Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: KNA, NAFRI, NUoL

Year of publication: 2017

Geographic focus: Lao PDR

Main issues / topics addressed (for example: Introduction Lao in checklist and Appendix

School of agroecology (if any):

Web address to original document (if any): http://www.forest.go.kr/newkfsweb/kfi/kfs/kna/application/publication/detailForm.do?seq=38442&mainCd=210103&searchCnd=&searchWrd=&mn=KFS_15_05_10&orgId=kna&pageIndex=1&pageUnit=10


This checklist is a part of the collaborative project between NAFRI (National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute) and KNA (Korea National Arboretum), consolidating the four previously published checklists and adding the plant names of Laos, all information have been updated and contains information on total of 5,200 species

This publication including 226 families, 1,536 genera and 5,204 species was developed by upgrading the former checklist called “A checklist of the vascular plants of Lao PDR” published in 2007 by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, NAFRI, NUoL and IUCN Lao PDR. In particular, it features the Lao name and Lao index together with scientific name and English index in order to increase the efficient and convenience to local people, students, researchers and professionals who has interested in the field of biodiversity and flora in Lao PDR