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Integrating Agroecology and Participatory Action Research (PAR): Lessons from Central America

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July 2, 2018

Title of document: Integrating Agroecology and Participatory Action Research (PAR): Lessons from Central America

Authors: V. Ernesto Méndez , Martha Caswell, Stephen R. Gliessman and Roseann Cohen

Journal’s name if any: Sustainability

Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: MDPI

Year of publication: 2017

Geographic focus: Central America

Main issues / topics addressed (for example : Characteristics and Principles of PAR; Integrating Agroecology and PA; Case Study; Conclusions: Future Directions for Integrating Agroecology and PAR ……)

School of agroecology (if any):

Web address to original document (if any): http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/5/705/pdf


This article aims to: (1) analyze the key characteristics and principles of two case studies that integrated PAR and agroecology in Central America; and (2) learn from the lessons offered by these case studies, as well as others from the literature,onhowtobetterintegratePARandagroecology.KeyprinciplesidentifiedforeffectivePAR agroecological processes include a shared interest in research by partners, a belief in collective power/action, a commitment to participation, practicing humility and establishing trust and accountability. Important lessons to consider for future work include: (1) research processes that did not start as PAR, can evolve into it; (2) farmer/stakeholder participation in setting the research agenda, from the outset, results in higher engagement and enhanced outcomes; (3) having the right partners for the desired outcomes is key; (4) intentional and explicit reflection is an essential component of PAR processes; and (5) cross-generational collaborations are crucial to long-term benefits. Key challenges that confront PAR processes include the need for time and resources over longer periods; the complexity of multi-actor process facilitation; and institutional barriers within the academy and development organizations, which prevent shifting investment towards integrated PAR agroecological processes.