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Minutes of “Lao Bamboo & Rattan Platform” workshop, 15th and 16th June 2016 Vientiane, Lao PDR

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November 17, 2016

Title of document: Minutes of “Lao Bamboo & Rattan Platform” workshop, 15th and 16th June 2016 Vientiane, Lao PDR

Author: Sara Melki

Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: GRET

Year of publication: 2016

Geographic focus: Laos


A Lao Bamboo & Rattan Platform workshop addressing the development of the bamboo and rattan sector in Lao PDR was held on the 15th and 16th of June 2016 in Vientiane capital, Lao PDR. It was co- organised by DoF/ MAF, GRET, WWF and RECOFTC.

It brought together 38 participants from national and international NGOs, researchers and provincial and national governments agencies, development partners actively working on developing the bamboo and rattan sector in Lao PDR (see participants list in Annex).

It aimed at defining and creating a dynamic Lao Bamboo & Rattan Platform for facilitating experience sharing among projects in the country in order to create a common vision, to act the willingness of a Lao Bamboo & Rattan Platform as well as to start the formulation of an action-plan of the Lao Bamboo & Rattan Platform for initiating a discussion on the national governance of the bamboo & Rattan value chains in Laos.

The workshop was organized into 2 sessions:

-         -  Presentation of the national forestry strategy, related to NTFP and bamboo and a review of main 6 bamboo and rattan projects implemented in Laos (short presentations)

-          - 2 discussions :

-->  Can we scale up the Houaphan experience to National sector development? What are our common vision and objectives on developing the bamboo sector in Lao PDR? Construction of a Lao bamboo sector governance, based on Huaphan Province experience

--> What are main Functions and activities for the Lao Bamboo & Rattan Platform for the next 3 years?