CIRD (Cambodian Institute for Research and Rural Development) is a non-governmental organization founded in July 2009 on the basis of the experience of its founding members who has implemented agriculture-based rural development projects in Cambodia since around 20 years. CIRD was founded with the mission to fighting poverty, to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Cambodia through capacity building, service and organizational management support enabling rural livelihood systems to improve its position from a subsistence system to an income generating agro-food production and agricultural social enterprises system compatible/consistent with Biodiversity and Environmental conservation. CIRD works directly with FO and local communities to provide technical and managerial capacity building and appropriate agricultural technical know-how to ensure that rice farmer can improve their lives and livelihoods in self-determination.
CIRD currently works directly with around 5,000 farmer families and their organizations in more than 100 villages in 10 provinces of Cambodia. Besides, CIRD collaborates with different rice millers and agri-products buyers and linking them with small and medium rural farmers.

URL for organisation leaflet