The current COVID 19 pandemic is affecting the political, economic, social, environmental and food sectors. This multidimensional threat requires an adequate response to protect the most vulnerable and marginalized group.
Hereafter are useful links and articles addressing the relationship between the COVID-19 crisis and the need to transition towards sustainable food systems:
COVID-19 and Agroecology reading list
A blog that has been put together by FAO with a regularly updated list of articles, information, and reports highlighting how “agroecology” can make our food systems more resilient, rebuild healthy ecosystems and perhaps even prevent future outbreaks like COVID 19.
FAO invites us to share with them ( any articles, publications, and reports that showcase ways to overcome the current crisis through local agroecological experiences.
The health of people and the planet are one and indivisible.
Applying the hard lessons of coronavirus to the biodiversity crisis
Agroecology: Farming for a better future
COVID-19 and the crisis in food systems: Symptoms, causes, and potential solutions
Agroecology in times of COVID-19
Share your experience to help other territories ensure their food resilience!
United in solidarity, mutual respect and cooperation, we can overcome the huge challenges in front of us!