Khao Kai Noi Promotion Association in Xiengkhouang (/Huaphan) is recruiting a Geographical Indication Management Officer and is calling for application of suitable and highly motivated candidates for this position, described hereafter.
Description of responsibilities
The “Khao Kai Noi Geographical Indication Management Officer” will have the following roles and responsibilities:
1. Support and assist Khao Kai Noi Promotion association in Xiengkhouang (/Huaphan) in the association overall management, notably:
a. Development of association’s plan of activities and budget;
b. Support logistics and implementation of associations activities such as trainings, conferences, meetings with association’s partners, etc.
c. Prepare association’s activity reports (monthly/ quarterly and annual)
d. Implement bookkeeping and financial management and produce financial reports;
e. Maintain up-dated registers of association members.
f. Support preparation, implementation, and reporting of Board meetings and General Assembly meetings.
g. Manage the system of collection of financial contributions from members.
h. Liaise and facilitate coordination with Khao Kai Noi promotion association in (Xiengkhouang/Huaphan) province.
i. Work closely with association’s partners, notably: Ministry of Science and Technology and its Provincial and District Offices, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and PAFO / DAFO, GI regional project officers, GI Certification Body…
2. Take active part in the information of stakeholders on GI requirements and on the implementation and supervision of internal control system of the Geographical Indication
a. Organize and take part in the implementation of information meetings and training of Khao Kai Noi value chain stakeholders (farmers, traders, millers, packagers…)
b. Train internal control inspectors;
c. Prepare and provide documentation and forms to Khao Kai Noi association stakeholders, such as copies of the Book of Specifications, inspection forms, traceability tools.
d. Take part in the implementation of internal controls of farms, mills, and other stakeholders.
e. Keep and properly archive all documentation of members’ records, internal control, traceability tools, and ensure back-up storage.
f. Manage and compile data on the production of certified Khao Kai Noi rice.
g. Liaise with external control/certification bodies and facilitate its intervention.
3. Take active part in the implementation and supervision of Khao Kai Noi market assessment and market watching and GI protection enforcement.
a. Identify and share relevant market information for Khao Kai Noi rice;
b. Take part in market watching operations;
c. Liaise with relevant public institutions to enforce the protection of Khao Kai Noi GI on the market.
3. Take active part in the promotion and communication activities of Khao Kai Noi association
a. Contribute to the preparation of Khao Kai Noi promotion material;
b. Contribute to the organization of Khao Kai Noi promotion events;
c. Manage association website / FaceBook page…
Reporting The “Khao Kai Noi Geographical Indication Management Officer” position is under the Board of the association.
Working time and duty stations
The “Khao Kai Noi Geographical Indication Management Officer” position is a full time and permanent position. Duty station is the association office in Huaphan/Xiengkhouang provincial capital, with frequent travel to the districts of the same province, and occasional travels to the other province of the GI area (Huaphan/Xiengkhouang) and to Vientiane Capital.
Required qualification and experience
- A University Degree or higher in agriculture or agricultural economics or community development or management or other related field is required;
- A minimum of 2 years of professional experience in management of organizations, preferably in the agriculture or rural development area;
- Knowledge of or experience with the rice production and rice industry and or in support to farmer group are assets;
- Experience of quality management and certification in agriculture value chains is a strong asset;
- Experience in conducting value chain assessments and/or interventions would be desirable;
- Experience in working with community and government.
Common Knowledge and Skills
- Good organizational and coordinating skills;
- Willingness to learn and be pro-active about personal professional development;
- Good interpersonal and facilitation skills;
- Sense of problem-solving;
- Good communication skills in Lao and English (written and verbal);
- Thorough knowledge and ability of MS Office;
- Ability to demonstrate project management and foster a collaborative, team-oriented atmosphere;
- Integrity, honesty, and accountability to the team and the community;
- Basic knowledge of financial management/bookkeeping;
- Ability to ride a motorcycle to remote areas.
Other requirements:
- This position is open to Lao citizens, who live permanently in Huaphan/Xiengkhouang province, or who are willing to relocate there for a long term.
- Women and minority groups are encouraged to apply.
It is understood that the tasks and competencies required for this position are very diverse. Candidates are encouraged to apply even if they do not fulfill all the criteria. The motivation for the job, dynamism, sense of organization, and willingness and ability to learn will be key criteria in the recruitment process.
Application included : (i) CV, (ii) Criminal record (iii) Current Resident letter(iv) Certificate/diploma/training certificate…
Interested applicant should send their CV and a cover letter to:
- Huaphan province : Mr. Somxai Inthavong email :, Mr. Wanna Lassamee, email :
- Xiengkhouang province : Mr. Sayphone Tathavong, email :, Mr. Wanna Lassamee , email :
The deadline for application is 7 September 2020.