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Country Strategy Paper Cambodia – Pesticide Risk Reduction “IPM Component”/Towards a non-toxic environment in South East Asia – Phase I

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January 12, 2016

Title of document: Country Strategy Paper Cambodia - Pesticide Risk Reduction “IPM Component”/Towards a non-toxic environment in South East Asia – Phase I

Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: FAO; FAO IPM; IPM, Cambodia

Year of publication: 2013

Year / period of application: July 2010 - June 2013

Geographic focus: Cambodia

Main issues / topics addressed: Pesticide Risk Reduction “IPM Component”

School of agroecology: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) / Integrated Cropping Management (ICM)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) initiated the pilot phase of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programme from 1993 to 1995 after “The Environment and IPM” workshop which was held at the Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh. At that time Cambodia joined 12 other Asian countries as part of the FAO Inter-Country Programme in Rice IPM in South and Southeast Asia with technical assistance and financial support from FAO (under TCP arrangements), IDRC and IRRI. FAO supported Cambodia in the implementation of a Season-long Training of Trainers Course (TOT), a Farmer Trainer Orientation Course (FTOC) and several Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in 1996 before Cambodia joined the FAO Southeast Asia Regional Vegetable IPM Programme (GCP/RAS/168/AUL) in 1997.