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Exploration of teak agroforestry systems in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR

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January 25, 2016

Title of document: Exploration of teak agroforestry systems in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR

Prepared by: Dr Mark Dieters, The University of Queensland

Co-authors/contributors/collaborators: Mr Somphanh Sakanphet, Upland Research Center; Mr Houmchitsavath Sodarak, Upland Research Center; Mr Sianouvong Savathvong, Souphanouvong University; Dr Outhai Soukkhy, Northern Agric.& Forestry College; Mr Bounkieng Souliyasak, Northern Agric. & Forestry College; Mrs Khonpanh Kanyavong, Agriculture Research Center; Dr Jonathan Newby, The University of Queensland.

Approved by: Mr Tony Bartlett, Research Program Manager for Forestry, ACIAR

Year of publication: 2014

Geographic focus: Laos

School of agroecology: Agro-forestry

The accumulated smallholder teak woodlots in Luang Prabang comprise a significant forest resource, comprising 60% of the approx. 25,000 ha of teak plantation in this region of northern Laos. FST/2004/057 commenced in 2008 to investigate improvements of the silivicultural management of these woodlots, and was granted a one-year extension from 2012-2013. The work conducted under the small research activity described in this report was undertaken over a 15 month period in Luang Prabang province, ending in June 2013, to support the transition between an existing ACIAR project (FST/2004/057) and a new project (FST/2012/041) with a much stronger focus on teak-based agroforestry systems.