Call for Expressions of Interest – National Focal Points and Partners, Mekong Region

Call for Expressions of Interest – National Focal Points and Partners, Mekong Region

“Mapping and Assessing University-based Farmer Extension Services in ASEAN through an Agro-ecological/Organic Lens”

With support from the Chulalongkorn University, UNISEARCH Fund the Chulalongkorn University School of Agricultural Resources (CUSAR) in Bangkok will conduct a small one year study (May 2016-April 2017) to begin better documenting and understanding the role of post-secondary and research institutions in SE Asian farmer extension services and their contribution to ecologically sustainable agriculture and rural development. This survey project will gather basic quantitative and qualitative data then analyze results for practical and policy implications. Final results should help ASEAN governments, universities, agriculture research organizations and others to think more critically about the issues and plan more strategically to improve agriculture education and research together while strengthening farmer extension services.

This project invites collaboration from the eight ASEAN countries with strong agriculture economies (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam). Selected country focal points will host a national workshop, help lead or conduct a survey, and present findings at a regional workshop November 2016 in Bangkok. Modest funding will be provided for travel and research meeting expenses as well as a small honorarium for the focal point to lead a national survey and prepare a summary report. Final selection and number of pilot focus countries as well as scope of the research will depend on available funding and quality of proposals from partners and focal points. Matching grant or in-kind funds are being sought from international agencies, additional donors and other partners to help facilitate regional project coordination, conduct more in-depth national surveys and analysis with additional countries, as well as create synergies with complementary activities while potentially broadening the scope, utility, outputs and impacts of the study.
For more information please write with your initial expression of interest requesting a copy of the Project Planning Document from:
Wayne Nelles, Ph.D. (Visiting Scholar),
Chulalongkorn University School of Agricultural Resources (CUSAR), Bangkok

Call Partners (14Mar2016) ASEAN Cluster