On the 6 – 8 November, over 260 participants from 21 nationalities gathered in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to discuss the futures of Agroecology during an unprecedented Regional Forum. The event was co-organised by the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) of Cambodia, CIRAD and GRET in a joint effort to promote agroecology.
This “Agroecology Futures” Forum was the biggest event on agroecology in the Mekong Region since the Regional Symposium organized by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in November 2015, in Bangkok, Thailand.
The objective of the forum was to support a regional dynamic toward an agroecology transition in the Mekong Region, by networking organizations involved in agroecology, disseminating knowledge and strengthening the effort for R4D.
Over 3 days, the participants could learn, share and network through 74 presentations in plenary and parallel sessions, an innovation and knowledge fair (with over 20 booths), a poster session (25 were presented) and a seed swap where more than 60 different plant species were exchanged.
Agroecology being diverse and multidimensional, a broad range of issues were addressed such as the fundamental role of crop biodiversity, the highly preoccupying status of agrochemical use in the region, the need for appropriate-scale machinery, the importance of innovative & participatory intervention mechanisms, the recognition and integration of Indigenous Knowledge, the capacity building of the new generation, the marketing of agroecological products…
A panel discussion bringing together representatives from AFD, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Livelihood Trust Fund (LIFT), the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the French Embassy highlighted the existing different initiatives for supporting an agroecological transition.
Three main take home messages emerged from all the discussions:
– The importance to invest in Soil Health and Farmer Empowerment,
– The necessity to seek convergence between Land Tenure & Agroecology and co-produce a credible narrative for a smallholder pathway towards agricultural development
– The challenge posed by commodities-based production systems to an agroecological transition.
Lastly, in order to put into practice agroecology, this event was organized in the greener way as possible, choosing an eco-responsible venue, sourcing its coffee and fruits from local organic farms and banning the use of plastic bottles. An assessment of the carbon footprint of the event was carried out and findings can be found here
The biographies of the presenters are available here:
The presentations can be accessed here:
Plenary 1 – Smallholder farming in ASEAN / Mekong Region: what are we talking about? Mr. Sopheap Pan, Farmer and Nature Net (FNN)
Plenary 2 – Regional networking for promoting Agroecology in South East Asia (ACTAE achievement: CANSEA & ALiSEA) Dr Florent Tivet (CIRAD) & Mr Pierre Ferrand (GRET)
Plenary 3 – Agroecology, commodities and agroecosystems transformation Mr Stéphane Boulakia (CIRAD)
Plenary 4: The State of Land in the Mekong Region Dr Jean Christophe Diépart (Mekong Region Land Governance project)
Plenary 5 – ASEAN Farmers: Soil Health Champions in Asia Dr. Jesie S. Binamira
Plenary 6 – Historical drivers of land use changes and their impacts on livelihoods in the uplands of Cambodia Mr. Rada Kong (CASC / GDA)
Plenary 8: Panel discussion of donors on how to address agroecological transition and how regional networks can facilitate their implementation
- FAO’s Work on Agroecology Dr Proyuth Ly (FAO)
- How to address Agroecological transition and how regional networks can facilitate its implementation Ms Naomi Noel (AFD)
- Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT) Mr Kyi Nyein Chan (LIFT)
Parallel sessions 1 – Agroecology, commodities and agroecosystems transformation – discussing the impacts of main crops on agrarian systems: rice, maize and cassava
- Systems analysis and agroecosystems in transition: Research Insights from South Asia with relevance for the South East Dr Timothy Krupnik (CIMMYT)
- Promoting CA in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam through maintaining and out-scaling existing farmers networks and reference sites Thao Hoang (NOMAFSI)
- Re-introduction of Sustainability into Agricultural and Rural Systems Development Dr John Dixon (ACIAR)
- Mobilization of standards and market valorization to trigger adoption of agroecological practices? Illustrations in the rice sector Mr Jean-Marie Brun (IRAM)
- Mulch Mulch Mulch Dr Manny Reyes (Kansas State University)
- Agrobiodiversity and agroecological intensification in Yunnan Dr Sijun Zheng (YAAS) & Dr. ZHU Hongye (YAAS)
Parallel sessions 2 – Innovative intervention mechanisms and tools in support to the agroecological transition
- Are intervention methods and systems used by agroecology advocates pertinent and effective? Lessons drawn from the CALAO Study in West Africa Mr Laurent Levard (GRET)
- Landscape approaches to agroecology: The experience of the EFICAS project in Lao Uplands Dr Pascal Liehard (CIRAD)
- Understanding of cattle mobility and uses of forage resources in DienBien thanks to a landscape analysis and a participative framework Dr Melanie Blanchard (NIAS/CIRAD)
- Multidimensional Assessment of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Kampong Thom, Cambodia Dr Amaury Peeters (Louvain Cooperation)
- Toward Annual Crop Production under Conservation Agriculture Innovative-based Systems Mr Vira Leng (GDA)
Parallel sessions 3 – Status of agrochemical use in ASEAN and challenges for an agroecological transition
- AgriApp: A multi-purpose data driven system for management optimization (not transformation) of smallholder farms Dr Dharani Burra (CIAT)
- FAO: Pesticide Risk Reduction Mr Jan Ketelaar (FAO)
- Opportunities and Constraints for Ecologically-based pest management of rice in Cambodia Dr Buyung Hadi (IRRI)
- OF RIGHTS AND POISONS: Regional Report On Highly Hazardous Pesticides And It’s Impact On Farmers Health (Asia Pacific) Ms Deeppa Ravindra (PAN-AP)
- Pesticides Status and Impacts in SE Asia Mr Marut Jatiket (Field Alliance)
- The application of Trichoderma in Cambodia Dr Kean Sophea (GDA)
Parallel sessions 4 – Crop Biodiversity: A foundational component of agroecological farming systems
- Crop Biodiversity: A Foundational Component of Sustainably Intensified Farming Systems Ms Dang To Kien (CENDI)
- Introducing Biodiversity in Banana Systems: Role of the cover crops in the biological control of pests and diseases for a sustainable banana production Mr Hoá Tran Quoc (CIRAD)
- Local Agroforestry Knowledge in Southern Laos Mr Sayakone Onnaly and Mr Yannick Lamezec (CPC)
- Understanding the potential of mung bean Value-Chains in the Lao PDR Dr. Chitpasong Kousonsavath (NUoL)
- Crop Agro-Biodiversity: A Foundational Component of Agro-ecological Farming systems in Northern Uplands Dr. Chanhsamone Phongoudome (NAFRI)
- Disseminating underutilized species as a foundation of resilient farming systems Mr Son Sovanda (CASC)
Parallel sessions 5 – Appropriate-scale machinery, Agroecology and Sustainable Intensification
- Mechanization a levier for agroecological transition in the Bénin Cotton Belt Mr Stéphane Boulakia (CIRAD)
- PRIVATE SECTOR ENGAGEMENT – A way to sustain fair access to machinery Ms. Piseng Pheng & Mrs. Leandra Mistelli (Swisscontact)
- Engagement Strategies for Appropriate Scale Mechanization Dr. Timothy Rendall (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Appropriate-scale Mechanization Consortium for Sustainable Intensification (ASMC) in Cambodia: Engagement of stakeholders Mr Lytour Lor and Dr. Dyna Theng (RUA-FAE)
- Mechanization for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Agriculture Ms. Camilla Stelitano (CSAM)
- Machinery and Innovative Cropping Systems How steel scrap can contribute to agro-ecological transition? Examples from banana sector in the French West Indies Tran Quoc Hoà (CIRAD)
Parallel sessions 6 – Climate Change & Indigenous Knowledge & Agroecology
- Promotion of indigenous knowledge based climate change resilient and organic farming practices in Vietnam Dr. Hồ Ngọc Sơn (ADC)
- Best Practice: Farmer to Farmer learning for Agroforestry Mr Souvhantong Namvong (DTEAP/MAFLaos)
- Local tree knowledge on coffee agroforestry systems in mountainous areas of Vietnam Dr N. Maiphuong (ICRAF)
- Pha Khao Lao Mr Manoluck Bounsihalath (NAFRI)
- Mondulkiri Indigenous People’s Association for Development (MIPAD) Mr Kat Bunheng (MIPAD)
- Conservation of the floating rice based agroecological farming systems in the Mekong delta Nguyen Van Thai (RCRD / An Giang University)
Parallel sessions 7 – Practical examples for improving soil fertility
- Improving soil fertility by recycling rice plant residues Mr Le Khai Hoan (NOMAFSI)
- Diversifying livestock systems and improving management practices Dr Lyda Hok (RUA/CE SAIN) and Dr David R. Ader (University of Tennessee)
- Alternative to Shifting cultivation Slash and Mulch Northern Chin State- Myanmar Mr Stephane Fayon (consultant)
- Soil: Testing the impact of Organic amendments for the benefit of market gardening farmers Dr Phimmasone Sisouvanh (NUoL)
- Impact of agro ecological management practices on soil microbial communities associated to legumes in Cambodia Dr Didier Lesueur (CIAT/CIRAD)
- Do legume-based intercrops concurrently halt soil erosion and boost soil health in cassava cropping systems in Northern Vietnam? (LEGINCROP) Mr Le Khai Hoan (NOMAFSI)
Parallel sessions 8 – Examples of participatory process to accompany an agroecological transition
- Promoting agro-ecology transition via enhancing farmers’ analytical and decision making capacity through application of simulation games Thuy Thu Doan (CISDOMA)
- Trade-off and synergies of integrating intensive Livestock production with Agroecology in Mountainous regions Dr Mélanie Blanchard (CIRAD)
- Participatory Forest and Agriculture Land Use Planning, Allocation and Management (FALUPAM) Mr Michael Victor (TABI)
- Diversification of rice-based farming systems in Tonle Sap Lake Region, Cambodia Nanntha Oung (AVSF) and Dr Nicolas Faysse (CIRAD)
- Using gaming approach to understand farmer’s decision making on land uses and CA adoption in the north-western uplands of Cambodia Suos Vuthy (DALRM/CASC)
Parallel sessions 9 – Building the new generation of agroecology farmers and promoters (Education, training and Agroecology)
- Pedagogical resources in Agro-ecology & Conservation Agriculture Mr Lay Vichet (RUA)
- Overview of e-Learning at ITC Mr Lay Heng (ITC Cambodia)
- Vocational Training Program to build new generations of Agroecology young farmers Mr Guillaume Jumel (Vivre de sa Terre)
- Media Seeds Mr Germain Priour (Mediaseed)
- Towards the establishment of a Regional Training Center on Agroecological and CA systems Dr Florent Tivet (CASC – CIRAD)
- YFarm – Mekong Youth Farm Network Ms. Hong Suong Truong (Y-Farm Network)
Parallel sessions 10 – Soil management, climate change adaptation and mitigation – Mapping, monitoring, assessing soil ecosystem services and practices to maintain, enhance SOC
- Multi-functional assessment of soil quality under Conservation Agriculture on an Oxisol in Cambodia Dr Pheap Sambo (RUA)
- Cambodia Soil Organic Carbon Mapping Nimol Keo (GDA – DALRM)
- Impact of agro ecological management practices on soil microbial communities associated to legumes in Cambodia Dr Laetitia Hermann
- Enhancing Soil functional diversity of Rice fields Dr. Stéphane Bellafiore (IRD) and Dr. Lionel Moulin (IRD)
- JEAI HEALTHYRICE A project on agroecology practices for rice in Cambodia Dr. Lionel Moulin (IRD)
- Soil ecosystem services assessment under vegetable production Dr Pao Srean (UBB)
- Cambodia: Soil research for sustainable development Dr Vang Seng (CARDI)
Parallel sessions 11 – Bringing agroecological products to the markets – Food safety and quality, certification/recognition of agroecology products, role of consumers
- Bringing Agroecology Products to Market, Example of Ecofarm Group Ms Som Chanchhorvy (GRET)
- saffron coffee Mr Derek Smith (Saffron Coffee)
- Exploring the potential of local market in remunerating water ecosystem services in Cambodia: an application for endogenous attribute non-attendance modelling Dr. Neang Malyne (RUA)
- Bringing Agro-ecological Products to the Markets Ms Sieng Bun (NAV)
- Insights Into Food Consumer Preferences in Myanmar, Vietnam & Laos Dr. Estelle Bienabe (CIRAD)
- PGS as a way to bring safe vegetables to consumers in Vietnam Dr Thai Thi Minh (Rikolto)
Parallel sessions 12 – Closed session for drafting an informal university network addressing Agroecology
- Contexts and rationale for a university network on agroecology in Southeast Asia Dr Wayne Nelles (Chulalongkorn University/APAARI)
- Kasetsart University Assist Prof Dr Buncha Chinnasri, KU
Parallel sessions 13 – Closed session for ALiSEA members to address the future of the network: What priorities to focus on, with which governance modalities?
- ALiSEA: results of the online survey and the taskforce meeting Tan and John (ALiSEA)
- Global Knowledge Product on Agroecology
Parallel sessions 14 – Key topics of R4D for an Agroecological Transition
Additional presentations & Documents
- Agroecology Futures Regional Forum – Satisfactory Survey
- Best Practice Guide – Sarah Rhodes
- Plastic Free Cambodia Sarah Rhodes
- CO2 Footprint – Carbon Impact Report 2018 – Sarah Rhodes
Poster sessions are available here
Proceedings of the forum “Agroecology Futures” is available here
Wrap up presentation of the Forum: