Title of document: PGS Guidelines – How participatory guarantee systems can develop and function Authors: Christopher May Organism: IFOAM Year of parution: 2008 Link to the original website: http://www.ifoam.bio/sites/default/files/page/files/pgs_guidelines_en_web.pdf Objectives of the document: To give the guidelines of Participatory guarantee systems This document made by IFOAM is the guidelines of participatory guarantee systems. It gives all the elements with concern this system: the basics principles of the PGS, how this system operates, the key features… Read More
Title of document: Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS): overview and reflections Authors: Flavia Castro Organism: IFOAM Organics International Year of parution: 2015 Objectives of the document: To present the PGS, its historic, its operation, its strengths and challenges. Geographical region: in part Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) This document brings informations about PGS: definition, history, repartition around the world, how this guarantee system works, his strengths and challenges. After this general presentation about this system, this presentation gives details about PGS in the GMS. Read More
Title of document: Food safety advocacy program for small-scale vegetable production Authors: MA. Nguyen Thi Ha, MA. Ha Dung Minh, Dr. Dao The Anh Organism: Veco Vietnam, Centre for agrarian systems research and development Year of parution: 2013 Objectives of the document: To present the situation of Vietnam concerning Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) Geographical region: Vietnam After giving a general context on the need of this study and details on methodology, this paper present the current situation of Vietnam in relation to PGS. This study allows authors to finish by giving recommendations concerning that system. Read More
Title of document: Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in GMS (Greater Mekong Subregion): Where Are We Authors: Thamana Lekprichakul Organism: Working Group on Agriculture Secretariat - Asian Development Bank Year of parution: 2015 Objectives of the document: To present the actual situation of PGS in GMS Geographical region: Great Mekong Subregion First, this document presents the program Core Agriculture Support Program (CASP) in GMS, the countries involved and the two periods of the program. They present the vision of this program and the implementation structure. Then, this document give informations about PGS and details for each country. Read More
Title of document: CEDAC Supporting on Organic Agriculture Market Authors: Chhoun Monorum Organism: Cambodian Center for study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC) Objectives of the document: To assess the implication of CEDAC in organic agriculture Geographical region: Cambodia This document provides a presentation of CEDAC and a chronological history of CEDAC implication in organic agriculture. It also provides informations on the linkage of farmers to market, on the system of internal control of CEDAC and its system of certification. Read More
Title of document: The scaling up of agroecology: spreading the hope for food sovereignty and resiliency Authors: Miguel A Altieri, Clara Nicholls, Fernando Funes and other members of SOCLA Organism: Sociedad Cientifica LatinoAmericana de Agroecologia (SOCLA) Year of parution: 2012 Link to the original website: http://futureoffood.org/pdfs/SOCLA_2012_Scaling_Up_Agroecology_Rio20.pdf Objectives of the document: To retrace the contribution of SOCLA to discussions at Rio+20 on issues at the interface of hunger, agriculture, environment and social justice (this paper is the paper position of SOCLA for Rio+20). First, this paper gives food for thought about the industrial agriculture (ecological footprint, world hunger). Then, it presents alternatives to this system: agroecological production systems. Examples from Africa, Asia and Latin America are taken. To finish, conditions for scaling up that model are presented. Read More
Title of document: Agroecology: A response to the Agricultural and Food Challenges of the 21st century Authors: Laurent Levard (GRET), Frédéric Apollin (AVSF), Pierril Lacroix (AVSF), Fabrice Lhériteau (GRET), Maria del Carmen Solis (CEDIR) and Daniel Vildozo (Agroecol Andes) Organism: Coordination Sud Year of parution: 2013 Link to the original website: http://www.agter.org/bdf/_docs/levard_2013_c2a_report_agroecology.pdf Objectives of the document: To replace agroecology in a global context and to mention the conditions required for developing agroecology. This document is written in two parts: the first one describes agroecology and replaces it in a general context. In this part agroecology is in relation with a lot of themes: food security, wealth, jobs, health, non-renewable resources, biodiversity… The second part presents the conditions required for developing agroecology: policies, access to land, generate and diffuse knowledge… Read More
Title of document: Scaling Up Agroecology – Toward the realization of the right to food Authors: Shiney Varghese and Karen Hansen-Kuhn Organism: Institute for Agriculture and trade policy (IATP) Year of parution: 2013 Link to the original website: http://www.iatp.org/files/2013_10_09_ScalingUpAgroecology_SV_0.pdf Objectives of the document: Present agroecology and conditions for scaling up. This document of the IATP presents agroecology (definition, principles) and various conditions which will allow scaling up agroecology at national and international level. Read More
Title of document: The New Green Revolution: How Twenty-First-Century Science Can Feed the World Authors: Olivier De Schutter, Gaëtan Vanloqueren Year of parution : 2011 Link to the original website : http://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/node/971 Objectives of the document: To introduce the concept of a new agricultural paradigm This document of the UN special rapporteur on the right to food and his advisor aims at presenting a new agricultural paradigm, agroecology that can be used to feed the world. In that paper, they identify seven obstacles to the expansion of agroecological practices. They also mention the policies that have to be implemented to scale up agroecology. Read More
Title of document: Mainstreaming Agroecology: Implications for Global Food and Farming Systems Authors: Wibbelmann, M., Schmutz, U., Wright, J., Udall, D., Rayns, F., Kneafsey, M., Trenchard, L., Bennett, J. and Lennartsson, M. Organism : Centre for Agroecology and Food Security (CAFS) Year of parution : 2013 Link to the original website: http://futureoffood.org/pdfs/Coventry_University_2013_Maintstreaming_Agroecology.pdf Objectives of the document: Informe CAFS members and other members who work for change in the farming production, research and policy arenas about agroecology. In the first instance, this discussion paper brings a general presentation of agroecology. Then, it presents agroecological principles and practices. One part of the document is attributed to the barriers to mainstreaming agroecology. To finish that document, the priority areas for policy, research and practice are presented. Read More