Title of document: Profiles of participants attending the multi stakeholder workshops on agroecological transition in the Mekong Region Authors: ALiSEA Team Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar & Vietnam Summary: These 4 documents compile short biographies and contact details of most of the participants who have attended the 4 national multi-stakeholder workshops addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region organized between March and June 2016 (Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam Lao PDR). Read More

Title of document: Consolidated account of the 4 national multi stakeholder workshops on agroecological transition in the Mekong Region Authors: Pierre Ferrand Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar & Vietnam Summary: This report presents a short consolidated account of 4 national multi-stakeholder workshops addressing Agroecological Transition in the Mekong Region and bringing together 225 participants that have been organized between March and June 2016 (Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam Lao PDR). Such workshops aimed at sharing knowledge, information and actions between agricultural development stakeholders. Read More

Title of document: Proceeding of the National Workshop on Agroecology Transition in Vietnam Authors: Dr. Htet Kyu and Pierre Ferrand Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: ALiSEA Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Vietnam Url original document: Summary: This report presents the main findings of the discussions held during the 2 days workshop addressing the agroecology transition in Hanoi, Vietnam on the 5th and 6th of May 2016. Read More
Title of document: Agroecological farming innovations: Case studies in Hoa Binh and Lam Dong province, Vietnam Authors: Pham Van Hoi & Ngo The An Ministry/Government Agency/Organization: GRET/CARES Year of publication: 2016 Geographic focus: Vietnam Given the increasing scope and impacts of environmental pollution and food poisonings in Vietnam since its agricultural sector started with further intensification with more chemical inputs used especially pesticides since early 1990s; increasing opportunity for agricultural exports; and more awareness of governments on importance of agricultural sector as well as agricultural exports which has contributed significantly to national economy since early 2010s, numerous important policies have been formulated to boost agricultural development towards more sustainable, notably on efforts of reduction of pesticide uses. This consultancy mission is a small part of the AFD project which aims at increasing the credibility and visibility of agro-ecology practices towards small-holder farmers as well as other relevant stakeholders such as consumers, policy makers, and private actors. Based on the firsthand information gathered from professional network and government websites, Hoa Binh and Lam Dong were selected for field study in which numerous AE innovative farmers were identified and interviewed for their exisiting farming practices and underlying reasons for restructuring their farms towards more ecological orientation. Read More
Case study's fact sheet: Agroforestry for livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Northwest Viet Nam Organizations: ICRAF researchers, 31 households, District extension centres In practice since: 2011 Geographic focus: Vietnam School of agroecology: Agroforestry >>> See on map Read More
Case study's fact sheet: Farmer - Agroforestery Civil society organizations: individual In practice since: 2006 Geographic focus: Vietnam School of agroecology: Agroforestry >>> See on map Read More
Initiative leaflet: Human Ecology Practical Area (HEPA) Supported by: SPERI Geographic focus: Vietnam School of agroecology: Ecological Farming / Organic Agriculture >>> See on map Read More
Title of document: Farmers’ Sustainable Agriculture Perception in the Vietnam Uplands: the Case of Banana Farmers in Quang Tri Province Authors: Nguyen Van Thanh; Patana Sukprasert; Chinawat Yapwattanaphun Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: Department of Horticulture; Department of Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Year of publication: 2015 Geographic focus: Vietnam Main issues / topics addressed: Perception, sustainable agriculture, upland farmers Upland farmers in Vietnam are associated with the lowest income and face serious issues of natural resources degradation and environmental pollution because of poor agricultural practices. To persuade the upland farmers to adopt sustainable practices, it is vital first to assess their perception of sustainable agriculture. This study aimed to measure banana farmers’ perception towards sustainable agriculture and its determinants in the Vietnam uplands based on a case study in Quang Tri province. Stratified sample technique was used to randomly select 300 respondents from 2 upland districts of Quang Tri. The primary data were gathered by using a structured questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.84. The results showed that the majority (84.7%) of the farmers had low to mode rate perceptions of sustainable agriculture. Farmers had positive perceptions towards sustainable agriculture in issues related to protection of agricultural resources, negative effects of agrochemicals on human health and the environment, input application, crop rotation, product consumption and roles of farmer groups; whereas, they had moderate perceptions about issues related to production profits, plant residue use and modern technology application. In addition, the study revealed that agricultural programs on TV, education, ethnic group, economic status and credit use were the factors that affected farmers’ sustainable agriculture perceptions. Read More
Title of document: VAC integrated system with entire Energy chain in Vietnam Author: Mr. Pham Van Thanh, Director of CCRD Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: The Center for Rural Communities R&D (CCRD) Year of publication: 2010 Geographic focus: Vietnam School of agroecology: Integrated Farming (VAC) 1. Brief background of Vietnam economy development 2. The basic elements of VAC integrated System 3. Example of VAC integrated System 4. The entire Energy chain in VAC Integrated System 5. VACVINA’ Biodigester System 6. Strategic Distribution Network 7. User survey & Lesson learnt 8. Barriers for Replication and scaling-up of IFES 9. Suggestions and Recommendations Read More
Title of document: ORGANIC AGRICULTURE AND “SAFE” VEGETABLES IN VIETNAM: IMPLICATIONS FOR AGRO-FOOD SYSTEM SUSTAINABILITY Authors: Luke Simmons; Steffanie Scott Ministry/Government Agency/Organisation: University of Waterloo Geographic focus: Vietnam School of agroecology: Organic Agriculture Organic agriculture is often promoted as a possible route for farmers in the global south to follow in the quest for greater agricultural sustainability. By allowing farmers better access to the global markets for organic food, it is hoped that sustainable livelihoods will develop. But what happens when this approach is viewed through the lens of a low energy future? It is increasingly recognised that world energy supplies in the form of readily available oil and natural gas are very close to peaking and will soon start to decline. This poses a serious challenge to agricultural development activities that rely on these fuels. This challenge is explored in the context of Vietnam, a fast-growing country with heavily taxed natural resources and millions of smallholder farmers seeking to improve their livelihoods. This paper reports on field research and a review of secondary sources to assess the trends and prospects for organic agriculture to address agro-food system sustainability. As certified organic agriculture is only just emerging in Vietnam, the production of safe vegetables for the domestic market is also discussed. It is argued that organic agriculture in Vietnam is not centered on environmental concerns and is instead driven largely by the demand from export markets. There has been very little development of the domestic market for organic products in Vietnam despite the fact that there are strong concerns around food safety and food quality, particularly amongst urban consumers. Read More