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The 2022 call for proposals for the ALiSEA small grant facility was launched on Thursday May 19, 2022, and closed one month later, on Tuesday June 21, 2022. Submissions, including the full application, the concept note, and a detailed budget, were focused on three topics:

  • Topic No1: Assess the impact and effect of public policy supporting agroecology and food systems at multiple levels. 
  • Topic No2: Test and support agroecology innovations (technical, social, economic, organizational and institutional). 
  • Topic No3: Evaluate the performance and impacts of agricultural and food systems of ALiSEA members’ field initiatives. 

An online regional information session took place on Friday 27th May, 2022, involving 35 ALiSEA members with a fruitful discussion with the interaction of clarification on the questions and answers.   

The ALiSEA network will launch two calls as part of the ASSET project, of which this is the first.  It is meant to help mapping initiatives on agroecology and safe food systems transitions within the ALiSEA network.

The intention is to strengthen ALiSEA members and their partners on three major topics in support of the agroecology transition in the Sub-Mekong Region. The goal is to strengthen partnerships between the ALiSEA members and encourage joint actions, reinforce members’ skills through building partnership with non-members, and broaden the network efforts of inclusiveness and representation, incorporating the full range of stakeholders in agriculture and food systems.

Concept Note

As the first step of the Concept Note phase, we received twenty-two (22) Concept Notes in total for the first phase of the evaluation process. Kindly find below the allocation per country:

  • Lao PDR: 9 
  • Vietnam: 7 
  • Cambodia: 6 

The number of proposals per topic is unbalanced:

  • Topic 1 = 1 proposal
  • Topic 2 = 17 proposals
  • Topic 3 = 4 proposals 

The stakeholder’s representation as team leader of the proposal is as follows: 13 National NGOs, along with 3 from Research Institutes, 2 from Academia, 2 from international NGOs, and one each from Social Enterprise and Farmers Organizations.

The selection committee for ALiSEA Small Grant Facility has finished reviewing all the concept notes received. Out of the 22 Concept Note received, only 11 Concept Notes have been selected for the full proposal stage.

Full Proposal

For the second step of the full proposal phase, the selection committee members identified eleven (11) Full Proposals. Kindly find below the allocation per country.

  • Laos: 3
  • Vietnam: 5
  • Cambodia: 3

The number of proposals per topic:

  • Topic 2 = 9 proposals (Laos: 2; Vietnam: 5; Cambodia: 2)
  • Topic 3 = 2 proposals (Laos: 1; Cambodia: 1)

For the third step of the Full Proposal phase, the selection committee members identified seven (7) Full Proposal out of eleven (11). Kindly find below the allocation per country.

The number of Full Proposal per topic:

  • Topic 2 = 5 proposals (Laos: 1; Vietnam:3; Cambodia: 1)
  • Topic 3 = 2 proposals (Laos: 1; Cambodia: 1)

The total cumulative budget granted by ALiSEA is slightly under 140,000 EUR.  In addition, we have a strong collaboration and contribution budget granted by Uni4Coop for ALiSEA members in Cambodia from 2022-2025 in the amount of 72,415 EUR.

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