Consultancies, Myanmar, Chin State, GRET

Consultancies, Myanmar, Chin State, GRET

Since 1995, GRET has been working in Myanmar in the fields of agriculture development, nutrition, microfinance and water & sanitation in Yangon, Chin and Rakhine States, in the Dry zone and in Ayeyarwaddy Delta. A representation office is established in Yangon to supervise actions and work in relationships with donors, authorities and partners.
GRET and its partners are now starting a multi-sectorial project in 3 Townships of Myanmar: Paletwa and Matupi in Southern Chin state and Kyauktaw in Northern Rakhine state, for 4 years (October 2016 – September 2020). The villages of Kyauktaw and Paletwa Townships will be mostly selected in the areas along the Kaladan River, in the Northern part of Kyauktaw and Southern part of Paletwa, to have a coherent sub-project area.

In order to develop the understanding and knowledge of project team about resources management and land tenure issues, especially in sensible and strategic surrounding areas of Kaladan river, preliminary deeper qualitative studies will be conducted in the different intervention areas of the project.

As for the land tenure, a special attention will be paid to the difference and compatibility issues between the national new land law and the traditional land tenure (which remains respected by the local population).
The project will also allow to launch an exhaustive analysis of the local techniques and practices, especially regarding slash and burn cultivation system and management of related resources. This operation will permit to identify sustainable improvement in the existing farming systems, or feasible alternatives to shifting cultivation, through the definition of approaches and selection of appropriate techniques and practices (as agroecology and agroforestry).

The results of the research will be analyzed, shared and validated with the communities and the local authorities to ensure their participation in the definition and implementation of the related activities.

Gret is seeking 2 external consultants to carry out these 2 complementary studies:

Land tenure, natural resource management and agricultural practices, ToR available here

The Kaladan river and its watershed management, ToR available here

The proposal deadline is fixed the 5th May 2017.

The email object must be entitled either “Agriculture and natural resource management survey – Myanmar NRSC” or “Kaladan River and its watershed management survey – Myanmar NRSC” and the proposition be sent at the following email addresses:,