The overall objective of this small grant call is to strengthen ALiSEA members and its partners on three major topics in support to agroecology transition in the Sub-Mekong Region.
Small Grant Topic:
• Topic No1: Assess the impact and effect of public policy supporting agroecology and food systems at multiple levels.
• Topic No2: Test and support agroecology innovations (technical, social, economic, organizational and institutional).
• Topic No3: Evaluate the performances and impacts of agricultural and food systems of ALiSEA members’ field initiatives.
Proposals should address only one out of the three topics.
Besides the three topics that small grants are to address, the specific objectives of this small grant are:
ο to strengthen partnerships between the ALiSEA members and encourage joint actions;
ο to reinforce members’ skills through building partnership with non-members;
ο to broaden the network efforts of inclusiveness, representativeness of the variety of stakeholders in agriculture and food systems.
All documents required to apply are available to download below:
• The ALiSEA Small Grant Guidelines: Download Here
• The Concept note and Full Proposal template: Download Here
• The Detailed Budget template: Download Here
The deadline for submission of the full application (including concept note and detailed budget) is Tuesday 21st June 2022.
To apply for this call the lead applicants need to:
ο To submit the concept note, the full proposal and detailed budget at the same time;
ο To submit online via this link
> In case of technical issues, please contact Mr. Samphanh Lathsakit at this email: [email protected]
All documents must be submitted in English.
Indicative Timeline for the Call
DATE | |
Open the call for small grant | 19/05/2022 |
Online information meeting | 27/05/2022 |
Deadline for submission of applications | 21/06/2022 |
Information to lead applicants (concept note) non-selected for the evaluation step 1 | 15/07/2022 |
Notification of award | 12/09/2022 |
Contract signature with GRET | 15/09/2022 |