Supported by: Aide au Développement Gembloux (ADG); Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CWPD)
Location: Cambodia
Fact sheet: Not available
Sam Reat village is located along Prek Thnot river, Taing Krouch Commune, Samrong Tong District, Kompong Speu province. Mr. Von Jame, 55 years old, living in this village is one of many farmers who has been doing farming for life in his village. In Khmer culture, most of the rural families they normally share their farmland and residential land to their children when they have their own families. After inheriting some parts of land to his married children, Mr. Jame currently owns a total rice fields of 5500 m2. Since 2006 he has used a plot land of 2500m2 to grow rice with SRI techniques and another plot of land his wife still remains practicing conventional rice. One reason behind this is due to fact that the plot is upland rice field which is not suitable with SRI and another reason is that his wife may be skeptical on SRI. He got a better yield and income for SRI as he has reduced a lot of production cost including reducing rice seeds, neither use of synthetic fertilizers nor pesticides use. Rice production from 2500m2 is about 1850Kg (equivalent to 7.4 t/hectare). This yield is twice higher than the national average yield. It should be noticed that Mr. Jame has been sent by PDA Kompong Speu to participate in national SRI competition. Aside of doing SRI farming, he also owns a home garden of 600m2 in which he grows a number of European lettuces, cucumber, bitter gourd, tomato, eggplant, yard long bean, and he could supply year-round to CEDAC’s Natural Agri-Product Shop, Natural Garden with guaranteed and better price. As he loves the organic production, so he only uses compost and botanical pesticides for his vegetables. Mr. Jame raises 3 cows for supplying the compost to his farmland and draft purpose. Moreover, he has promoted and convinced his interested villagers to form saving group with the main aim to help each other for the cash flow, and he is now a leader of a saving group consisting of 8 active members. Due to his hardworking and outstanding farmer in SRI, Mr. Jame has been recognized as a model farmer by private sector, many development actors and PDA. As he has realized that he is getting older and older and weaker and weaker, so he has thought of how to get some incomes within his old ages. He is planning to grow cash crops like asparagus and lime which requires less labors, time and efforts to manage.