National: Vietnam

Title: Eco-weed control: a participatory experiment on PGS organic vegetable farms.

Organization: Center for Agricultural research and Ecological studies, CARES

Link: (Website, facebook, YouTube,….)


To experiment if transplantation of healthy nursery-raised seedlings can be combined with non-till culture (with some crop/weed residues left as soil cover or feed for soil animals and microorganisms), to control weeds effectively, boost crop development, and improve overall soil quality and farmer’s income.

Designing (and constructing) experiments on non-till culture practices in combination with good nursery practices with farmer’s participation on PGS vegetable farms (based on results of assessing local vegetable systems, farmer’s preferences on crops and nursery practices, etc.).

Monitoring experiment performance with farmer’s participation (for weed development and control; crop growth and productivity/quality; labor consumption for nursery practices and transplantation; and possible plant growth/health; soil improvements including soil animals/color and smells…). Synthesizing experiment data to produce a final technical report and videos for public dissemination.

Localization: Hanoi & Hoa Binh provinces

Period: 12 months


1: Assessment of existing local vegetable systems (seasonal weed problems and control; sowing and/or nursery practices soil preparation practices).

2: Experiment design

3: Data collection and analysis

4: Dissemination of experimental results


(will add and update during the implementation)

Budget granted by ALiSEA:   19,805 EUROs

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