Title: Evaluation of Impacts of Integrated Agriculture on Local People’s Livelihood and Environment
Organization: Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI)
Summary: ARMI’s project aims at evaluating the benefits, challenges and impacts of integrated agriculture, one of the six pillars of Agroecology, on the livelihood of local people and environment. It also aims to get farmers’ perception about their practice of integrated agriculture under the form of a filmed Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation (PME).
Localization: Atsaphone district and Thapangthong district in Savannakhet province
- Visit project sites to conduct video recording
- Screening with the selection committee, review lessons learnt and refine PME
- Community screening process, learn and take action
- Presentation of the evaluation movie to the community, partners, and government officials
Budget granted by ALiSEA: 4,500 USD