National: Laos

Title: Promotion of renewable energy into agriculture post-harvesting for smallholders

Organization: Community Development and Environment Association, CDEA

Link: (Website, facebook, YouTube,….)


Food loss and food waste is a global issue, especially in Laos, which has a tropical climate, a large  population, and a lack of post–harvesting techniques and facilities.  This project aims to assist small farmers’ access to the market by improving production practices and adding value through the use of  renewable energy.  In so doing, farmers will reduce harvest loss and increase agro-produce market value, while also better integrating into the market.  The project will introduce local farmer groups to the super – durable polycarbonate-made Solar–dryer dome, an invention of Silpakorn University in Thailand and now widely used in Thailand and other countries.  The project will provide training for farmers in drying agro–produce and in post – harvest processing.  Local farmers’ cooperatives will produce processed fruit and vegetables and connect directly to the market, with part of the profits funneling back to a community fund.

Localization: Vientiane province

Period: 18 months


  1. Launching workshop and closing ceremony
  2. Study tour in the country to Na Phor VTE Capital out skirt and Ban Keun ,Vientiane Province and Champasack Province with attendance of key technical persons
  3. Workshop for knowledge transfer to farmers and end – users from previous solar-drying experiences.
  4. Installation of solar dryer dome and on-the job training for workers.
  5. Training to technical staff: using and maintaining the solar drying domes for key farmers and technical staff.


(will add and update during the implementation)

Budget granted by ALiSEA:   19,800 EUROs

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