National: Vietnam

Title: Supporting the transition towards more diversified farming system by developing experimental cultivation of native medicinal herbs and edible herbs on upland farming areas

Organization: Social Policy Ecology Research Institute, SPERI

Link: (Website, facebook, YouTube,….)


This small grant aims to support the transition towards more diversified and integrated farming system through applied research and experimental cultivation of native medicinal herbs and edible herbs on the upland farming areas of Kon Tum province, where excessive herbicide use has devastated farming. The support to test and integrate native medicinal herbs and edible herbs in pilot farming areas, equipped with capacity development and sites demonstration, will broaden stakeholders’ skills and knowledge. The grant also seeks to raise stakeholders’ awareness of the value of diversifying crop production, providing short-term incentives to farmers and potentially facilitating local policy changes.

Localization: Kon Tum province

Period: 14 months


1:  Conducting field-based ethnobotanical research engaging farmers and stakeholders to determine the list of native herb species and edible herbs for cultivation and development.

2: Establishing inter-families pilot farms for experimental cultivation (including acclimatizing, propagating these valuable herbs). Technical training and farmers ‘ exchanging is integrated during these processes.

3: Organizing inter-stakeholders’ workshops (farmers in villages, inter-communes’ representatives, local officials CPC, DPC, PPC, ALiSEA, SPERI and concerned stakeholders) to share results, lessons learned, and approach.

4: Documentation, communication and dissemination entire project approach, lessons, and results.


(will add and update during the implementation)

Budget granted by ALiSEA:  19,990 EUROs

Address & Contact

Our Address

12C Pham Huy Thong Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi City