Civil society organizations: NGOs (PRO-NET 21)
Location: Laos
Fact sheet: Download
Mr. Lae, SRI Farmer
“I heard about System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in a workshop and a training. It was mentioned that SRI could increase the rice yield, reduce the labor use and the production cost. In the past, with the conventional method, I used to employ 20 to 30 workers for the transplantation and the harvest. I used about 100 kg of chemical fertilizers per year. But now I employed only 10 workers and I reduce the use of the chemical fertilizers by swapping with the animal manure fertilizer.
The program sends us to field trips within and outside the province to exchange about SRI experience and I could see that this method could increase the rice yield. Now I produce 7.2 tons for 1.5 ha (4.8 tons/ha).”
Future perspectives: PRO-NET 21 (Phase III) will focus on 12 villages in 5 districts (Nambark, Nan, Xieng ngern, Ngoy and Viengkham) of Luang Prabang province, which represents 500 households and 600 ha of SRI lands.
In Nane district where the team visited, 491 families already adopted the SRI, which represent 291.43 ha of SRI lands. Currently, the project promotes the use of animal manure (chicken and pig dung) to fertilize the rice field in order to reduce the use of the chemical fertilizer and the production costs as well.