Based on on-going activities in the field of training and higher education implemented by a range of partners within ACTAE project and beyond (see program of the event) a regional workshop was organized in Phnom Penh on October 11 2017 bringing together different partners involved in training, awareness raising and higher education. This workshop was organized on the continuity of a 1st event organized by ALISEA in Vientiane in June 2017. A diversity of participants attend the event with representatives from several universities in the region (Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar), research institutions, representatives from Ministry of Agriculture, departments of Agricultural Land Resources Management, and NGOs.
The first focus of the event was on e-learning as an integrated tool between different actors and beneficiaries. Discussions were conducted prior the event one between ITC, SupAgro, RUA, Queensland University, GDA/DALRM, GRET and CIRAD to identify common expectations for this event and outputs.
The event was organized on two main sessions with in the morning presentations from different partners in the region and in the afternoon working groups on beneficiaries identified. Dr. Bunthan NGO (RUA), Dr. OM Rommy (ITC), Dr. Chan Phaloeun (GDA) and Dr. Philippe Girad (CIRAD) did introductory speeches. During his speech, Dr. OM Rommy emphasized 3 main points with: the quality of the resources that are developed, the maintenance of an e-learning platform that requires high technical support, and to start first through a pilot action.
Presentations of the workshop are accessible hereafter and give an overview of
- On-going activities in the field of e-learning (ITC, Sripatum University, E-Learning RUA),
- MOOC on Agro-ecology by SupAgro Montpellier
- ALISEA dynamic sharing knowledge and promoting awareness raising in Agroecology for a range of stakeholders,
- Role of universities for farmer extension services in Lao PDR
- Establishment of an on-line knowledge sharing platform on agro-biodiversity (NAFRI, Lao PDR)
- Organic dynamic within the Maejo University of Thailand
Three working groups were organized referring to the main beneficiaries with the objective to develop and promote educational resources. Three main questions have been addressed with: (i) defining a common vision, (ii) identifying partners and role of each ones, (iii) identifying means and time.
A summary of the working groups is provided in the proceedings of the workshop available in the online library