On the 24th and 25th of January 2017, Yezin Agriculture University (YAU) has organized a Regional Academic Conference about Agroecology, with a close support from the Agroecology Learning alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) funded by the French Agency for Development.
This Learning and Sharing Event took place in the framework of the ongoing collaboration between YAU and GRET in the Dry Zone (Cartier Charitable Foundation funded project in the Sagaing region), and with the objectives to promote YAU current work/research and to broaden the knowledge of its personals and students about agroecology.
Such event was a unique opportunity to share experiences and knowledge from across the region while showcasing ongoing initiatives from Myanmar.
It brought together 84 participants, including scholars from Cambodia (Battambang University), Lao PDR (National University of Laos), Myanmar (Yezin Agriculture University), Thailand (Chulalongkorn and MaeJo Univerities) and Vietnam (Hanoi University of Agriculture). Here are all speakers’ profile: Speaker Profiles YAU Conference_Jan17
At Myanmar level, it benefited, beyond personals and students from YAU, from the participation of Myanmar Agriculture Extension Services, Myanmar Department of Agriculture Research, representatives from Civil Society Organizations and other valuable stakeholders.
This Learning and Sharing Event contributed to
- Take stock of ongoing academic research in the field of agroecology across the Mekong region and to foster knowledge sharing
- Exchange about how to better include agroecology in academic curriculum
- Create linkages between different universities working on agroecology across the Mekong region, and to pave the way for a future regional academic working group within the framework of ALiSEA
It was organized around a one day conference on agroecology (24th of January) and a one day specific workshop addressing “Mapping and Assessing University-based Farmer Extension Services in ASEAN through an Agro-ecological/Organic Lens” (25th of January).
Each session of the 2 days were supported by presentations that can be downloaded through their weblink below. Videos will be shortly available as well and uploaded to the website.
Opening Speech of Dr Myo Kywe, Rector of the Yezin Agriculture University: Rector’s opening speech edited 13 Feb 2017
24th of January 2017: Academic Conference with different panel discussions
AE, a diversity of concepts, definition and approaches (introduction session)
This introduction session would aim at setting the stage and to provide an overall presentation of the concept of agroecology for all participants to have similar understanding
- Agroecology, a diversity of concepts, definition and practices, Pierre Ferrand, ALiSEA Regional Coordinator & Dr Htet Kyu, Myanmar ALiSEA Coordinator AE concepts & practices_YAU_Jan17
AE & paddy production
Paddy production is the most important commodity produced across the Mekong region. Several AE practices have been developed over the last decades (i.e IPM, SRI) and supported to different extend in each country. This session will highlight the different approaches that have been implemented in Cambodia and Myanmar
- Paddy production in northwest Cambodia: agroecological farming? Dr Pao Sren (University of Battambang, Cambodia) UBB_Cambodia_YAU_Jan17
- Agroecology and Rice Production in Myanmar Dr Thanda Min, (Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar) AGROECOLOGY AND RICE_YAU_Jan17
- Agroecological practices for rice cultivation in the Ayeyarwady delta of Myanmar Ms Justine Scholle (GRET Delta, Myanmar) AE and paddy_Gret Delta_YAU_Jan17
AE & adaptation to climate change / resilience
As mentioned by FAO for the World Food Day 2016, the climate is changing and agriculture needs to adapt. In this regards, agroecology provides a wide range of practices that have been acknowledged for increasing resilience to climate change. Myanmar has been listed as one of the most affected country in the Mekong region by climate change. This session will highlight ongoing initiatives geared towards climate change resilience / adaptation in different parts of the country
- Current Activities on Climate Change Adaptation in Myanmar, Dr Nyo Mar Htwe (Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar) Current Activities on Climate Change Resilience_YAU_Jan17
- Activities towards Agroecology Transition implemented in Dry Zone, U Pe Than (GRET) Activities toward Agroecology transition_Gret Dry Zone_YAU_Jan17
AE products, what are the potential markets, certification options and future opportunities
With the recent promulgation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) lie important opportunities for the development and trade of quality products across the region and beyond. This needs to be supported (for the production) and controlled (certification) adequately. In addition, this answers as well the increasing demand from consumers to access safe products (increasing cases of food safety issues have raised the awareness of many consumers). In this regards, this session will shed light on the different ongoing initiatives or policies that are supporting the development of quality products (organic, safe or agroecological) in Lao PDR and Myanmar.
- Organic PGS Certification System Initiation in Myanmar Dr Than Than Sein (Myanmar Organic Growers and Producers Association, Myanmar, MOGPA) PGS Myanmar_YAU_Jan17
- Challenges of local market development for small holder ecologically friendly products, Dr Theingi Myint (Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar) Challengess of local ecologically friendly market_YAU_Jan17
- Smallholders Inclusive Organic Vegetable Production for Market in Lao PDR, Dr Silinthone Sacklokham (National University of Laos, Lao PDR) Lao PDR_Smallholder Vegies_Value_Chain_YAU_Jan17
AE at university level, examples of current curriculum / actions
It is widely acknowledged that university curricula play a crucial role in supporting the dissemination and upscaling of agroecology practices amongst farmers. In this regards, this session will offer room for sharing ongoing initiatives across the region and introduce a more in depth working session that would take place on the 25thof January.
- AE education and training at Vietnam National University of Agriculture: a view from inside, Dr Pham Van Hoi (CARES, Vietnam) VN AE extension_YAU_Jan17
- Maejo University “Go-Eco” Strategy, Dr Surat Nuglor (Mae Jo University, Thailand) Maejo University Go-Eco Strategy_YAU_Jan17
- Curriculum and Research Activities Related to Agro-ecology of Yezin Agricultural University, Myanmar, Dr Nyein Nyein Htwe (Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar) MMR Curriculum and Research Activites_YAU_Jan17
25th of January 2017: Workshop on “Mapping and Assessing University-based Farmer Extension Services in ASEAN through an Agro-physiologie/Organic Lens”
Historical Background / Rationale for Current Project, Core Partnerships and Myanmar Workshop – Introduction to Global, Regional & National Contexts
- Dr. Wayne Nelles. Visiting Scholar, University School of Agricultural Resources (CUSAR), Bangkok, THAILAND Consultant, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Bangkok and Hanoi, Offices Intro_YAU_Jan17
- Mr. Pierre Ferrand, Regional Coordinator, Agroecology Learning Alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA), Laos
- Dr Htet Kyu, National Coordinator for Myanmar, Agroecology Learning Alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA) QOV of AK Sources of Myanmar Farmers_YAU_Jan17
Setting the basic scene – Discussion on basic issues and questions (What We Know, Don’t Know and Need to Know about farmer extension services and university roles in Myanmar, with implications for agro-ecology and organic practice)
- Mr. Myint Oo, Director, Extension Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MOAI), Nay Pyi Taw MMR Extension services_YAU_Jan17
- Dr. Nyein Nyein Htwe, Associate Professor Department of Agronomy, Yezin Agricultural University (YAU), Myanmar Status of MMR extension services_YAU_Jan17
- Dr. Khin Oo, Retired Professor, Yezin Agricultural University, Myanmar Mapping University-based Farmer ES_YAU_Jan17
- Ohmar Khaing, Country Manager, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
- San Wai, Metta Development Foundation, Yangon Lessons Learn of Metta_YAU_Jan17
- Justine Scholle, Gret Delta, Myanmar Extension process Gret Delta_YAU_Jan17