DCA assists the world’s poorest to lead a life in dignity. Aid is given regardless of race, creed, political or religious affiliation. It is based in Denmark and a member of the ACT Alliance together with 110 other organisations. It is mainly working in Africa, The Middle East and Asia. DCA has been supporting the Cambodian people since 1979, initially providing humanitarian response in the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge and eventually shifting to development initiatives to help rebuild and revive the country and its most vulnerable citizens.
DCA is constantly finding new and innovative ways to work in the context of Cambodia’s rapid development. Today, DCA works with 15 local partners to take on some of the country’s most pressing challenges. We find creative ways to respond to humanitarian disasters and to support and empower people and achieve food security.

  • Kristen Rasmussen, Head of Program DCA krra@dca.dk Mob: +855 12 909 978
  • Celia del Campo Aragones, Advisor - Agriculture and Climate Change cdca@dca.dk Mob: (+855) 011 661 056
  • #48 Street 242 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Banteay Srei Office #57, St. 314 Battambang, Cambodia