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Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI)

The Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement (ARMI) well-known as NORMAI is one of leading development associations in Laos implem... Read More
Keywords Community empowerment, Energy, Food security, Natural Resource Management
Operating Countries Laos
  • Amphone Souvannalath, Director , [email protected] , tel: +856-41-215017, +856-41-260191
Office address & contact
  • Vilay road, 046/05, Sounantha village, Kaysone Phomvihan district, Savannakhet province, Laos

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (+856-41) 252 717

Centre d’Etude et de Développement Agricole Cambodgien (CEDAC)

CEDAC is a not-for-profit NGO specializing in sustainable agriculture and rural development. Our center was established in August 1997, with... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Agroecology, Capacity building, Community empowerment, Ecological farming practices, Family farming, Farmer Organisation, Food sovereignty, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Organic agriculture, Rural livelihood development, System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Operating Countries Cambodia
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Office address & contact
  • No. 91-93, Street B, Krang Angkrong village, Sangkat Krang Thnong, Khan Posenchey,

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: 855-12-447 599


DCA assists the world’s poorest to lead a life in dignity. Aid is given regardless of race, creed, political or religious affiliation. It ... Read More
Keywords Climate Change, Community empowerment, Food security, Right to Food, Sustainable Agriculture
Operating Countries Cambodia
  • Kristen Rasmussen, Head of Program DCA , [email protected] , mob: +855 12 909 978
  • Celia del Campo Aragones, Advisor - Agriculture and Climate Change , [email protected] , mob: (+855) 011 661 056
Office address & contact
  • #48 Street 242 Phnom Penh, Cambodia

  • Banteay Srei Office #57, St. 314 Battambang, Cambodia

Development of Environment and Community Association (DECA)

Legal Status: The Development of Environment and Community Association (DECA) has been established since 3rd July 2012 and operated as a Non... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Community empowerment, Rural livelihood development, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Food Systems, Value Chain Development, Vocational training
Operating Countries Laos
Office address & contact
  • Unit:10, Phonephanoa Village, Saysatha District Vientiane Cap LAO PDR

HEKS/EPER (Swiss Church Aid)

HEKS/EPER is a major Swiss NGO with focus on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation: HEKS/EPER combats t... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Civil Society Engagement, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Community empowerment, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment, Family farming, Food security, Rural livelihood development, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Food Systems, Value Chain Development, Youth
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • No.23, Street 554, Boeung Kok I, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

    Tel: +855 23 381 879

Mondulkiri Indigenous People’s Association for Development (MIPAD)

Mondulkiri Indigenous People’s Association for Development (MIPAD) is a local member based federated assoc... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Agroecology, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Community empowerment, Ecological farming practices, Education, Family farming, Forest conservation, Health, Local knowledge and wisdom in land use, Native seeds, Native species restoration and nursery, Rural livelihood development
Operating Countries Cambodia
  • Mr. Touch Nimith, Executive Director , mob: (+855) 12 664 015
Office address & contact
  • Street 76A, Chombok village, Songkat Spean Mean Chey, Senmonorom town – Mondulkiri – CAMBODIA

    Email: [email protected]

Samatoa lotus Textiles

Samatoa Lotus Textiles has supported the creation of the first eco textile mill in Cambodia to create a unique collection of natural fibers ... Read More
Keywords Business Development, Community empowerment, Green Business, Natural Resource Management, Rural livelihood development
Operating Countries Cambodia
Office address & contact
  • 11 road 63 Kolkran Village POBOX 160, Siem Reap, Cambodia

    Tel: +855 12 285 930

Seed to Table

Seed to Table (STT) is a Japanese non-government organization established in 2009. Currently STT operates activities in Vietnam and Japan. ... Read More
Keywords Agroecology, Community empowerment, Education, Environment, Sustainable Agriculture
Operating Countries Vietnam
  • INO Mayu (Ms)
Office address & contact

Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA)

SAEDA, the Sustainable Agriculture & Environment Development Association (formerly SAF, the Sustainable Agriculture Forum founded in Mar... Read More
Keywords Agriculture, Capacity building, Community empowerment, Environment, Family farming, Farmer Organisation, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), Rural livelihood development, System of Rice Intensification (SRI), Value Chain Development
Operating Countries Laos
Office address & contact
  • House No. 101, Unit 05, Ban Saphanthong Neua, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR P.O. Box: 4881

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: (+856) 21-264290 , Fax: (+856) 21-315981